
My parents never had a kind word for each other, they argued continuously for as far back as I remember. They are under stress as they are close to outliving their money. They are each in rapid physical and mental decline. I recently became aware that my mother (who has always been a very difficult person) now slaps my father when they argue. She was physically abusive when we were children, so it is how she reacts when she is angry. My father is able to defend himself, and that worries us, that he will strike back at some point. In fact, we think she may be doing it so that he will react and she can be the victim.

My mother would be considered legally competent, as would my father. There doesn't seem to be a source for advice for problems like these. Especially since my father won't admit it's happening. It must be humiliating. He isn't kind to her either, but it's hard to say who is worse in the verbal abuse department.

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There is a solution! 1) Try keeping him in rehab longer. 2) Involve the administration and/or discharge planning by telling them the truth. Let them offer solutions and take charge of this. Would be illegal to discharge a patient into a known dangerous to your health situation. 3) Keep them apart for while, so you can figure this out. That should not be too hard since one requires more care than the other, and can be discharged into a nursing home, covered by insurance.
4) If it can work out, arrange an assisted living facility with separate rooms. Mother will improve with less stress, maybe. 5) I have lost count, but want to include being very supportive of you in this difficult situation,.. You need time.
Stand strong. Do not take sides. You can do this if you apply yourself to these issues early on. 6) Ask them, individually, in a conversation, to be kind to each other and treat each other with respect. Be as firm as necessary, say you can report this behavior and then their options will be very limited. If you see it happening, that is when you make the report to Adult Protective Services, it is senior abuse, it is a crime. So sorry you had to live with this, with help, you can be an instrument for change, love them both anyway. Then, plan on detaching with love.
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I forgot to add that putting dad back at home with an abusive spouse is just as much domestic abuse as if they were both 30 years old. It simply can't be allowed to happen, and the facility where dad is now should help you avoid putting a battered spouse back with the abuser. Even if they are verbally abusive to each other, it doesn't cancel out the physical domination your mother is able to have and the risk there is to safety.

If not, and they end his stay, he can't go home. If he is well enough, maybe he can get a one bedroom apartment in a 55+ building for a while to buy some time to figure this out.

To be really plain, their time living together is probably over and the medical problems are the catalyst.

Another sad but plain thing is that were they to divorce, they could probably both end up getting more assistance for care than if they stayed married but separate.
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In addition to all of the above, have you talked to mom's doctor about this? You might find that her temperment is improved by antidepressants.
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Have they asked for your help?
Contacting an elder law attorney might help with financial planning to allow one to stay in the home with help, and the other to receive care in a nursing home or assisted living. We have neighbors in this situation for more than two years, without much change except poor medical and money management that an attorney could have prevented with a relatively appropriate investment. Now their money has dwindled, he is not getting the care he needs, but he has stayed in
c o n t r o l !!! Ask your mother what she wants first, and try that. (Yes, without taking sides).
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They are who they are no matter how ugly. You can not change them. They have made their bed. They have a life long mean disrespectful relationship.....frankly, disfunctional as it is if you interfered they would miss it.
Let it go.
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Medicare usually covers 20 days of rehab, but it can depend on what the hospital stay was. Then they go home or become a resident of a facility where rent is due, just like any other rented home or apartment. Medicare does not pay rent for anybody. Medicaid is a whole other deal.

Talk to the social worker where your dad is at and find out what options are. The state can assign a guardian/conservator to manage their affairs. It can be a family member or not. I would not volunteer. If they didn't provide a way for you kids to provide care to them, then this is the bed they have made.

Your mother needs a cognitive assessment by a geriatric specialist. One sign of dementia is loss of emotional regulation and inhibitions. My mother was also verbally & physically abusive before dementia. After dementia it got worse. Her anger would ignite in an instant. She is combative and aggressive. She doesn't know what all her pills are for and thinks they are vitamins. One of them is an antipsychotic to reduce her agitation, paranoia, and combativeness. Without it, she thinks everyone is trying to kill her

$2500/month for rent is pretty darn good. My mom's memory care rent is over $7,000 a month and yes, we are spending every red cent she has to her name on care. Mom's prescriptions are on top of that, as is her medigap policy.
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I guess, you really need to talk about this together to understand the situation of the family. You are the daughter/son, you have the rights to know what is happening in their relationship. Anyway, try to seek some medical help if you think your mother need it.
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The best suited sibling in town is working to get the POA, but each parent is reluctant, so it hasn't happened. Although they have released HIPAA.

Each of my parents are in need of psychiatric evaluation for dementia. Things are deteriorating so rapidly it makes my head spin. Before my father's fall he was a danger on the road. He'd totaled two cars and had several fender benders in the two years prior (how he still had insurance is a mystery to me also). There was absolutely no reasoning with him about the issue, he simply said his driving ability was as good as ever and become very angry at the suggestion he had lost the ability.

Although I don't have HIPAA rights, I called his doctor's office to tell them that they should evaluate him and persuade him to give up driving (they couldn't talk to me, I left a message). That wasn't long before he broke his hip, so presumably nothing came of it. My parent's care is fragmented. Although they do have a PCP, either by design or accident, he does not coordinate the specialists.

Also, they can fake it for short periods, or could until recently. So if their doctor is worried about decline, but they refuse assessment, there isn't a red flag that would cause him to insist. As I said, each is in a rapid downward spiral, particularly my mother, so it may be clear to anyone that something is amiss even if she is on good behavior.

They fought throughout their marriage, but I never witnessed physical abuse between them. I can say to a certainty, my father never physically abused my mother. Now I don't know what went on with her treatment of him after I left home 35+ years ago.

I don't know why they didn't divorce. They are Catholic, the Church would not recognize a civil divorce, but if they didn't remarry etc. they could remain in good standing.

It is impossible to talk to my mother about almost anything. She doesn't think she is wrong because she told a family member she did it, and even slapped him in front of another.

I will explore what I can. Many valuable suggestions would work if these were reasonable people. Then, if they were reasonable, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Thanks everyone for your input. Any new advice is also welcome.
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captain.....go have a drink on me or go for a walk. Whatever you choose, we are here for you dude. Please don't kill or maim any small animals. We are all under stress. Just Breathe..... :))
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I just thought of another possible solution but doubt it would happen in your particular situation. IF they would let you be the trustee on a trust you could do that. A trust will still be their money but you will be in control of Paying bills, food, rent etc. This is a great way to see what they are spending or help control the spending but won't help with the anger/hitting.
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