
While I'm caring for mom I do some work at home to keep that extra money coming in. Normally I need to be in front of the computer from around 1 to 4:30 or so. The occasional interruption is to be expected, however over the last couple of months she's been very demanding during those afternoon hours. I try to set her all up and find something to keep her relatively busy during the afternoon but when she's in a mood nothing stops her from calling for me literally every ten minutes, usually about nothing. For example, she'll yell for me at 2:30 and ask me if she's "due for any pills" even though she always takes her meds first thing in the AM and right before bed. It gets pretty maddening sometimes, as it's tough to concentrate on much when your train of thought is being constantly derailed. Anyone have a suggestion or a tip on how to counteract this habit?

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dmanbro, I've been following your postings, it been quite a journey for you.

Would there be any way to keep your Mom busy enough in the morning that after lunch she would nap? If not, maybe make her main meal be at lunch time, enough that it would make her sleepy, thus less likely to bother you. A boring TV show might help.

I can understand trying to concentrate while doing work, my boss is constantly interrupting me with one thing or another, I can't multi-task. Wish I could hold up a sign that says NOT RIGHT NOW, I AM BUSY.
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She's become used to the attention and wants it all the time.

Are there any projects you can give her during the afternoon? Folding laundry? Sorting junk mail from real mail? Drying dishes?

If there's some way you can make her feel needed, and contributing to the household care, she might not be at such loose ends. I think the real key is to occupy her mind in such a way that she feels valued.

Or, does she read? Have any favorite tv programs? Work puzzles?
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FF's post reminded me a boss I had who was like hers. He'd call me sometimes every 5 minutes to ask if a project was done yet, as if the interruption would accelerate completion.
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Is there adult day care in your area? Mom sounds bored.
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I can't remember if your mom has dementia dman, but it kind of sounds like my mom when she gets stuck in a loop, calling and calling and wanting nothing. Your mom sounds bored and lonely and maybe can't remember she just called 10 minutes ago because to her it seems like hours have passed. Can you get a sitter during your work hours?
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I would call it second childhood syndrome not maid, butler. A small child becomes clingy when Mom is otherwise not providing her full attention.

The child wants to be involved in what mom is doing. maybe you can get her her own computer set up beside yours and load it with disks that she may enjoy.

The other suggestions may work better for your Mom but it is worth a try. Another option is to put a headset on so you can't hear her
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Thanks for the replies! We have two kinds of days around here. When she sleeps well she's far less agitated during the day, but she constantly complains about "being tired". When she doesn't sleep well, she's in a better mood and more engaged but constantly calls out for things all day long. It's a challenge. She can be awfully contrary. For example, she asked for some books to read from the library. I stopped there and checked out a few she would ordinarily like, but once brought them home she didn't so much as glance at them. She asked for a radio to fool around with, I got her one, she doesn't touch it. Trying to get her into things is very difficult.
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