82-year-old dad doesn’t like to wear clothes anymore. He won’t wear depends, underwear, pants, nothing. He has accidents and has to have his housekeeper clean his carpets. He won’t do even the slightest house work or chores. He won’t put dishes in the dishwasher or walk down the hall to take his trash out. He does not have dementia. He says that clothes chafe him. At wits end. I dread going to visit him. Today I brought dinner over and he was sound asleep at the scheduled time. He came to the door nude and holding a towel in front of him. I dropped the food off and left immediately. He begged me to stay but it was too depressing to me. I just don’t understand it and not prepared to see him naked.
My heart goes out to the housekeeper! Can't really imagine how long she might stay with Dad.
so I'm thinking his skin may be bothered by certain material. me, I only have 100% cotton.
so maybe if the daughter in this post considered this ie getting him 100% cotton, comfortable pyjamas, this may help.
also, who knows, maybe he was always nude around the house his whole life, and a bit of dementia is setting in.
anyways, I wish all the very best, and I hope there'll be some sort of resolution 😊💕