
In sickness or health this is one I need to remember!!!

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"Do unto others as you want done onto you"
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"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be. But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." - Bob Marley
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"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making plans." - John Lennon
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That's a good one Yaya!
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I like my dad's --' that went over like a lead fart" ---I think he meant to say "that went over like a lead balloon OR "that went over like a fart in church" but combined them. Now my husband and I say it 'his way" haha

There is also his "I know you like a glove" -said to my Mom during a heated argument years ago. (I know you like the back of my hand + fits like a glove)

We are not sure if he is doing this on purpose or just gets confused.

For my girl we often say (OFTEN!!!)--"It's different ---but that's OK." when we are doing something that is not in her normal routine. And , when we are going to run errands I say we are going on a "slow adventure" which means we do not need to rush or worry just relax and take it easy (she has anxiety) Not really quotes, per se but we say them soften that they have become kinda oour mantra. Those and --'It's in God's Hands" --for when she is worrying (OFTEN) about things we cannot control.

Fun thread, jujubean! Gets the brain thinking! :0)
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Feel the fear and do it anyway.
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The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step!
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hmmm...somewhere here someone rewrote my question...that is interesting, that is not the way I wrote it?? very close but It has been changed! interesting, very interesting..Hmmm.... so there is AC police in the computer???
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You Can't Always Get What You Want". Rolling Stones
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Jujubean-I have had my posts changed-usually for typos. Or links. Funny about the typos . Once a post of mine was all rearranged--but I had put a link in but they didn't just take the link out they kinda made my post more efficient. --whatever. It is their site, I guess. :0)

Another quote I like---
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"-Gandhi
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Thanks, good one...
One of my personal favorites "who doesn't love bacon"!
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courage is going from one defeat to the next and never losing your enthusiasm.
wait, that sounds like sheer idiocy to me. stfu churchill !!
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correction; s ( sober ) tfu churchill !!
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Best advice was "All those people that make you angry, because they never offer to help, you may as well get used to it, because they're never going to change, they're never going to help, because it's just who they are!!!'
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Best quote is "There's nothing to fear but fear it'self."
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"Your chickens will come home to roost", I believe this is from Chaucer. Meaning all your deeds will come back to you, both good and bad.

Also, my Irish husband has one I like. "No good deed goes unpunished". Don't know if that is Irish or not but funny anyway.

And one of my favorites, "When someone tells you who they really are believe them the first time." Maya Angelou (I think I spelled that right). Anyway that one is one to live by.
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Good ones all!!!

Just saw this one minute ago....I totally identify with right now!

Im not crazy, my reality is just different than yours!!
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Jujubean - in a similar vein, from Adam Savage of Mythbusters fame: "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"

I also like the one from Forest Gump: "Life is like a box of never know what you're gonna get."
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Similar and an old favorite (Cuz coming form my pseudo husband, lol, Jon Bon Jovi)
"courage is getting knocked out 9 times and getting up for the 10th"
or something like that
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"sometimes it is just better to smile and agree"
Especially taking care of a elder!!!!
love to everyone, may your challenges be small today!!!
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The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.

--- Holden Caufield, Catcher In the Rye.
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-“We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find
someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them
and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.” Dr Suess
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Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
Mark Twain
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The worst battle you have to fight is what you know and what you feel
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"Take a day at a time", and "I cannot be mad at someone for whom I have no respect for".
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Check out quotes by Oscar Wilde. Great ones. And I love P. J. O'Rouke as well. Funny stuff.
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"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln
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My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style.

Maya Angelou
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I love one I saw today, I have two new motto's now..
1. You cant stop the waves but you can learn how to surf
2. Sarcasm. because beating the shit out of someone is illegal!!! (my dry wit loves this)
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Never meet trouble halfway. Let it travel the full distance. Something usually happens to it before it arrives.
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