
My Grandma is getting worse, and tonight is by far the hardest. She keeps getting mad because she thinks that her Mom and Grandma (Died 45 and 58 years ago) abandoned her to go back home to Elgin, that her Dad (Died 63 years ago) is sick in the hospital, and is yelling at me to get her husband (My Grandpa died 5 years ago) on the phone so she can find out what's going on. Then yelling at my Dad for being out all night. She is screaming, yelling, crying, and had physically hit ant bit me out of fright. She's finally worn herself out, but stuff like this has been happening more and more often. Is there a way I can calm her down the next time she gets like this? So far this has been going on for around 11 hours.

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Kay, I hope you've been able to get grandma tested for a uti and gotten a referral for a geriatric psychiatrist.

If she becomes agitated and physically abusive, I think calling 911 and having her taken to the hospital is the compassionate thing to do.

I can't imagine having a loved one in that much psychic pain and not taking action to stop it. To be clear, I'm not faulting you for not doing that this time, I think this is uncharted territory for most of us the first time it happens. But just know that calling 911 is an acceptable response.
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Please? Anyone? This is now going into 15 hours, and she is trying to run away to go see her Dad in the hospital.
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Have you discussed this with her Primary Doctor? Has she been tested for UTI or other type of infection or illness? IF that's ruled out, then, I'd explore medication for her. Some Primaries will prescribe medication for anxiety. Considering your mom's agitation, I might ask for a geriatric psychiatrist referral. My LO was extremely anxious and medication really helped her a lot. She takes it daily and it doesn't make her drowsy at all.

There are also techniques for calming someone with dementia found on You Tube. You can use key works like Teepa Snow calming dementia patient. She has some great demonstrations, however, for the degree of anxiety that your mom seems to have, I'd definitely have her evaluated by a doctor.
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Yes...Teepa Snow!
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I think that a lot of the techniques, measures, creative ideas of calming an agitated person are great, but, depending on the severity and duration, a medical approach may be required. If she is in that much mental anguish, I'd treat it as an emergency and express that to her doctor.
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KayKay, have you tried giving your grandma a doll (not a Barbie but an infant type doll) and asking her to take care of the baby? I saw this used in memory care and it did calm the woman down. But this is in addition to the other suggestions here about urinary track infections , etc
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