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Bedsores need to be looked at by a wound care nurse, at least. They need special care and u can be taught how to it and how to care for them.
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Dear "Irma2020,"

I know my mom had a low air loss mattress that hospice provided which helped tremendously.

You can also go to the upper right hand corner on this page and click on "Care Topics," then click on "B" and look for the information on "Bed Sores" - hopefully you can find something there to help you.

Best wishes!
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Depending on how severe the pressure sore is would depend on the care you should give.
The absolute best is to prevent them.
If the sore is deep, large and getting worse you need to contact the doctor. They can order a Wound specialist that can begin the healing process.
Alternating pressure mattress will help.
Changing the persons position frequently will help prevent sores.
Elevating legs so heels are not constantly taking all the pressure.
As a person declines the circulation gets worse this also makes the possibility of getting pressure sores more likely.
If the person is on Hospice they usually have a specialist that will help, if the person is not oh Hospice it might be worth a call to determine if they are eligible. With Hospice you would get the appropriate equipment, including the right mattress
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