
As POA I have provided a "Income and Expense" sheet to my siblings drawn from the Quicken ledger that I maintain for Mom. Some hanky panky, for lack of a less incriminating term, went on in the past and that's why I ended up managing the books and as POA for Mom.

Now the hostile sibling, the one who had her POA taken away by Mom, wants the actual bank statements for the past five years. Most of those accounts have been restructured and closed but the bank(s) could, likely at a cost to Mom, provide them piecemeal up to three months at a time and only on paper by mail as I have confirmed that possible.

Am I legally obligated to find and get actual Bank statements for my siblings when I am providing the mirror of that instance through the Quicken ledgers? It seems a "make work" project aimed maliciously at me and I really don't see any relevant necessity.

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Thank you for your encouragement and support. With your positive influence I have been inspired to discover the following;






(ss. 709.2101-709.2402)

709.2114 Agent’s duties.
(1) thru (5) not shown here,

"(6) Except as otherwise provided in the power of attorney, an agent is not required to disclose receipts, disbursements, transactions conducted on behalf of the principal, or safe-deposit box inventories, unless ordered by a court or requested by the principal, a court-appointed guardian, another fiduciary acting for the principal, a governmental agency having authority to protect the welfare of the principal, or, upon the death of the principal, by the personal representative or successor in interest of the principal’s estate. If requested, the agent must comply with the request within 60 days or provide a writing or other record substantiating why additional time is needed and comply with the request within an additional 60 days."

Thanks all for motivating me to seek further foundation. I can now with confidence refuse my siblings hostile and malicious inquiries.
Helpful Answer (5)

No. As POA it is your responsibility to keep her information private.
Helpful Answer (4)
PowerOf3 Oct 2019
That is my understanding as well. It’s even illegal to share her financial information as you are in charge and unless petitioned... you are not to expose this sensitive information. I would check your state laws before said disgruntled sibling puts your hiney in a sling for doing it.
Tacy, you can have transactions imported to Quicken directly from bank and credit card companies. You can reconcile balances within Quicken without the statement.
Helpful Answer (3)

No you aren’t required to do that and shouldn’t be giving any of your siblings any information without your moms consent. You aren’t even required to give them an income and expense sheet. They aren’t entitled to know your moms financial information.
Helpful Answer (2)

I am currently going through the same thing. I am the oldest in my family. I have a brother with advanced Alzheimer's Disease, and another brother battling 3 different kinds of cancer and just went through a hip replacement, and a sister (who worked in the healthcare industry). All are retired. I managed my mothers finances ever since dad passed away 9 years ago. My sister would take her to doctor and dental appointments and the bills came to me. As mom declined, her toxic personality only increased to the point that my sister could no longer handle taking any part in our mother's care. Now all of them lived within 7 miles of each other in PA. I have lived in Florida for the last 47 years. I went to PA and basically had an intervention and mom relented and went into assisted living in PA, again only a few miles from each of the siblings. Visits became less and less by them. Then mom declined to the point that assisted living could no longer care for her. Off to a nursing home, again only 7 miles from the siblings and lack of visits continued. My husband and I were visiting twice a year as she declined. I got a call from my mother (sorry, very long story but I'm about to make my point). I called my sister, who didn't answer her phone, then called my two brothers and advised them that mom's situation is to the point that I am coming to get her and bring her to Florida so I could keep a better eye on her. Not only am I the oldest but also DPOA and executor of her will. Anyway, I finally was able to get my sister to answer her phone and I told her that we were on our way up to get mom. She hung up on me. We went to her house, gathered up a few things that we would need that she held for mom, then picked up mom, and brought her to Florida and got her settled in assisted living 4 miles from me. Two days after arriving in Florida, my sister calls and blasts me for just "taking her mother" from PA and moving her without consulting her. I was accused of lying and several other things that I won't go into at this point. Only that my sister's own husband told her I had that right and she should be glad that I was taking on full responsibility. Anyway, my sister no longer speaks to me, AT ALL, about anything. Now, I have decided that I would like to do a birthday party for mom's 90th birthday in December. I've decided to send out invitations with RSVP's so I have a head count. This is coming out of my pocket. Should my sister come and decide to ask me for an accounting of the money, I will tell her that she already had an accounting and a projection of the money and knows that there is no more money and that I have gone back to work to support keeping my mother in assisted living. I have no intention of sharing anything financial as to income vs spending. As far as I am concerned, the 3 of them can get themselves an attorney to request this spreadsheet and then I will provide the update of money in and what I solely have spent. I want nothing from the 3 of them as they have yet to ask me if mom needs anything. As far as I am concerned, my husband, our 2 daughters and their spouses are the ones doing the care of my mother/their grandmother. So that's what I am doing. If it is wrong, they are all welcomed to come down, take the bills, and take their mother back to PA and they deal with her there. Mom will be dead in no time if that happens. But that's where I am. I make no apologies for the way I feel and if she passes here in Florida, I will take her body back to PA for funeral and burial beside my dad, and that will be the last time I will see them. Call me cruel, call me hateful. None of them even tried to walk in my shoes through all of this, so they have no rights of anything financial or healthcare information.
Helpful Answer (2)
PowerOf3 Oct 2019
Sounds as if you’ve done a stellar job, everything planned and in place. Bravo for handling it all and I’m sorry you and your siblings fell out as it happens more often than not. And then death brings out even worse in people. It’s sad but your mom is lucky to have you and I assurme she knew that you were the most fit to handle things anyways. Greed sure is ugly😢
You aren't legally obligated to but, for the sake of family harmony, I was totally above board with my siblings. I sent them quarterly statements showing how mom's money was being spent. When she died, I sent them a sheet with the final numbers. That way they couldn't ever say I wasn't spending mom's money right and they didn't.
Helpful Answer (2)

Unless your POA document requires you to provide an accounting to someone else, you are not legally required to provide any accounting as POA. In fact, providing any accounting could be considered a violation of your mother's privacy.

You may need actual bank statements later if your mother needs to qualify for Medicaid, so I would encourage you to start maintaining them. I download my mother's bank statements each month and store them on an encrypted jump drive and backed up to a secure online repository.

I have a hostile sibling and a supportive sibling who is also a co-POA. As a practical matter, I provide my supportive sibling with an annual summary. If he wants to see actual bank statements, he has access to the online backup. As per my mother's direction from years ago, I provide none of her personal information to my hostile sibling other than basic health updates.
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Not required unless a court requires you to. But do keep meticulous records of every single step, receipt, check, payment. My winebox file for my bro is getting full, and not of wine. Just have it, because as we know, some of these folks just LIVE to cause problems. It's what they love; it's what they DO. Good luck. It is a bigger job than I ever thought, and that on a small trust.
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Like said, you are not obligated to give any financial info out. Just keep good records. I used Moms small ($200) pension for her personal stuff. Not good with the computer stuff so I kept all receipts in an envelope by month showing the beginning and ending totals. Everything else was done by check so that was my record. If asked if Mom was doing well financially, I would tell those asking "ok so far" and "I will call if there is a problem".

To answer your question, no you are not entitled to give sibling any statements. You are the POA the one Mom trusted to handle her affairs. You are her representative and responsible to carry out her wishes. I would say that since she revolked this siblings POA, she would not want this sibling knowing her finances. The sibling can ask for an accounting thru a lawyer, maybe. Not sure if that can be done before her passing. Sibling may be able to do it when Moms estate is divided. The Executor will have to show what bills were paid and then maybe at that time a beneficiary can ask for an accting of the POA. I was lucky Mom really had nothing and the boys never questioned what I did. If they or the government does, I have it all in a box for now which I will keep for another 3 yrs, then trash it. Moms been gone 2, the boys signed off saying the accting was correct, probate done. Medicaid paid. Nothing from the IRS. They can't do anything after 5 yrs.
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