
We have been in the process of getting afternoon care for my mom. I've had to have temporary help the first Thursdays this month as well as today. But the temp caregiver is allergic to cats. I do not want all our cats to be stuck in the bedroom all day, so I have asked her to put a quarter cup food in their bowls and shut the door before she leaves... something that will literally take two minutes max. I told her this we would be the last day the caretaker would be here this month,, and requested that she remove the blankets, lightly vacuum the couch with the cordless vacuum, and lightly spray it with a dander eliminator spray we have. The only other thing I asked is if she could fill up my big blue bedtime water bottle because our filter wasn't done filtering before I had to leave, I don't typically have 14-15 hour days, but I did today because I didn't know if I would have time when I got home to refill both that and my work bottles.

Evidently today she was very snotty about the couch with my mom and she took the blankets off but she said it wasn't her job to vaccume or spray the couch because she wasn't paid to care for other people... in my perspective tough, yes this guy is allergic to cats, but I am asking you to do this so he, too, can provide care for my mom. It would be different if I was asking someone to do this so I can have a get together with a friend. But this person coming is for my mom, not for me.

With the cats, from my understanding she wasn't upset about this. But even if she was, I have asked her only 4-5 times total in the past year to feed my cats. I leave their bowls out, and have the dry food on the table, and all I ask is that she put a scoop of dry food in each bowl and then shut the door. Even though this task has nothing to do with my mom, I really don't think a task that is going to take less then five minutes is asking much. If I was asking her to give wet food and clean litter boxes, I would 100% pay extra. If she really wants I will glay give her a whole $2.50 as normally I would pay someone $10 to provide cats with 20-30 minutes of care. I used to be a caregiver for a girl, and I would also help the brothers with homework and get them off to school and did not get paid extra for that. To be mad over something like this is ridiculous to me.

Granted, she does go above and beyond in terms of house cleaning, so maybe that is why she felt that way. She often cleans up my own dishes after I eat, but she also chooses to do this. She knows she doesn't have to, but if I don't wash my own dishes immediately after I eat, she washes them. However, I shouldn't be obligated to wash my own dishes on the spot at home.

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I have not read through all the comments and replies, but I have read through several.

OP you are being very nitpicky. You have calculated down to the cents how much you value her time to deal with YOUR cats. She is not there to look after your cats. And I cannot imagine how disrespected she is feeling to be told feeding your cats is worth less than $2 to you.

Get a food hopper for the cats and a water fountain. Problem solved.

Why on earth has a person who is allergic to cats been hired to provide care in a home with cats? That is insane, there is no way washing blankets and vacuuming the sofa is going to deal with all the dander, especially if they have been roaming around all day.

Dishes, I am guessing there is no dishwasher in the kitchen? So if you are leaving your breakfast dishes in the sink, how is she going to wash up Mum's after her meals? If you leave them on the counter, is there space for the care giver to prepare Mum's lunch and snacks? If you cook a hot breakfast are you leaving a frying pan all greasy or a pot with oatmeal in it?

When other people are in your mother's home, routines have to change. You sound very entitled.

"I asked is if she could fill up my big blue bedtime water bottle because our filter wasn't done filtering before I had to leave, I don't typically have 14-15 hour days, but I did today because I didn't know if I would have time when I got home to refill both that and my work bottles."

Why is it her responsibility to make sure you have a bottle of water at bedtime?

"...I shouldn't be obligated to wash my own dishes on the spot at home"
Helpful Answer (5)
Havefaith0621 Dec 2021

He was stepping in as a temp because it was my mom's my moms option till another lady could officially start. He was literally my mom's only option. So what else is she supposed to do? Go with out dinner and soil herself? We did not ask her to wash the. Lankets, simply remove them. And I didn't force her to vaccume when she said she didn't want to... so the couch situation easily turned into a thirty minute job.

Food hoppers are not good for cats because they overeat. And this does take up less then five minutes.if it doesn't then whoever is putting food I. The bowls is doing so at a snails pace.

And are kitchen is plenty big enough and two sides of the sink. So one can easily be washed. My schedule does not allow for my routine to change, when I'm usually up by 6:30 have no down time till 8 pm and even after that I still need to hp my mom at 10:00 pm right before I go to sleep. I have fought my own share or mental health and eating disorder problems in the past and I fight everyday to stay healthy. I have worked in houses with similar environments kitchen wise and IT IS NOT a household members job to recolve their cleaning schedule around a workers life. You telling me this is making me sound like I don't do anything in my house. And GUESS WHAT!? I DO. ALL THE TIME. Often to the extent that life feels like nothing more than a chore. And if it wasn't for cats who I take care of without asking anyone 99.9% of the time and my job, my whole life really would be a chore. I often give up my free time and time spent with friends to help my mom because I feel like I have to, not because I want to, and I am doing the best I can while still keeping my sanity.

The water bottle may not be her responsibility but asking her of a favor ONE TIME is NOT taking advantage of someone. And neither is asking someone to place food in pet bowls three times over the course of the year. If I was a worker, the only way I would be upset about this is if it was a weekly or monthly situation. THAT is taking advantage of someone.
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Havefaith, you are being petty. Sorry. Saying you will give her a couple of dollars for doing items that have NOTHING to do with her job as it is only 2 or 3 minutes, blah, blah, blah. Have you ever offered her anything from you, not mom, because she gets paid to help mom. You forget that you asked her to remove blankets, vacuum the couch, spray something on the couch and feed the cats, not a 2 or 3 minute job and I guarantee not part of her job to clean up after your cats. You keep contradicting yourself, your original post says 4 or 5 times have you asked. You will shame yourself if you are petty enough to offer her a couple of bucks.

The cats and the mess they make, should be dealt with by you and one day locked up won't kill them.

Your mom should pay for her gas and offer to feed her when she uses her vehicle to haul your mom around. I guarantee that your mom doesn't feed her unless mom wants to stop and eat out.

So how would you feel if she left all of the dishes she dirtied to feed your mom, so you can do them after dinner? Would that be more acceptable to you?

I can't personally work in a dirty kitchen, so I would deal with them but, that is my choice for my comfort, not an invitation to you to put me to work.

You should be thankful that you have someone that does so much. Many complaints about the aid just sitting around on their phone.

Have enough respect for the job she does for your mom and all the extras she willingly does to ask her if she would be willing and pass her a ten.
Helpful Answer (4)
Becky04473 Dec 2021
You said everything I’ve been thinking. I hate dirty dishes in the kitchen.
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They are YOUR cats, OP. Just like it's YOUR water bottle. However, you're sitting here saying that the extra labor is nothing or should be worth at max what, a couple of bucks literally.

The FACT that you've gotten someone that Mom can at least get along with, who does do what she does for Mom, is the important thing. God knows those CGs are hard to find.

Offer her $30 to deal with the cats and/or your personal water bottle every time you don't want to. If that or even $20 is too much, cats stay in the room until you come home with a six-pack of Smart Water. A lot better than blowing up a stable CG arrangement.
Helpful Answer (4)
Havefaith0621 Dec 2021
Haha! $20 or $30 for five minutes of her time? Thats over an hour of what I am paid at work. She isn't being asked to give wet food, water or clean litter boxes but just one scoop dry food per bowl. Not hard and definitely not worth $20. Even $20 is ridiculous what I am asking. At the most, $5 would be reasonable for both of those things.

And how to you know my mom gets along with her? My mom tolerates and likes her work ethic, her but does not like her at all as a person, because she contradicts almost everything my mom says. Perfect example. My mom's clothes are often damp when she takes them from the dryer. My mom requests that she drys them longer, and she insists that they are dry and will not time the dryer longer. Why can't she respect my mom over some like that and just dry the clothes longer? And I know they are damp because she has taken my clothes out of the dryer insisting they are dry too, but they aren't. She has left bleach water in the laundry room sink saying "the cats won't get up there..." why even take a chance? my mom has requested she use a different cleaning solution but she cannot listen to that request. She tries talking my mom into taking that my mom into taking numerous supplements that times she has no interest in and once asked of she could get her doctors name so she could "tell the doctor something." The nurse was livid when she heard about the supplements as she tried offering my mom some supplement that would have screwed up her other medications. I'm my mom's POA, but not because I want to be, but not her guardian so I do think I can get after her about that one.
Okay, I want this ladies contact information, because she can obviously, do nothing right in your opinion and I want to hire her.

OMG, now you say she has done your laundry but, you don't ever ask her for favors. It doesn't sound like you need to. She's basically doing your chores or is it that she has to because you left your clothes in the wash and she has no choice but to finish them so she can do your moms?

I'll tell you, people can perceive if you think this poorly of them. Why would you keep her on if this is how you feel?

You don't even know what you have with her and you don't know how to manage people, so she won't put up with always being wrong for long. Nobody will.

Like I said in my 1st response, have a sit down talk with her. Employees deserve that respect and not all of this backbiting about how EVERYTHING she does doesn't measure up.

Spend 10-15 bucks on some wool dryer balls and your laundry will get dry faster. I would appreciate someone not cooking my clothes to death. If they are being hung up, they will dry, if folded and getting funky, have the courtesy to acknowledge that she is doing a great job but, can you smell why we would like for you to add time to drying?

No matter who is working in your home, they deserve, at a minimum, communication, guidance (written job description), training and appreciation for their efforts. If they are deadbeats you fire them but, they deserve the above from you and your mom. If you don't do this, you will always have problems. You are dealing with human beings and we all make mistakes, learn to work with them, be gracious when training them, take responsibility for your faults, listen to their ideas and stick to the job description and you will create a great environment for all of you.

She is probably on her way out the door because of the acrimony you and mom both have towards her, so the odds of being able to get her to change are slim but, you should at least give her the respect to try.
Helpful Answer (4)
Havefaith0621 Dec 2021
The written description it's something we will be doing. And beleive it or not I did t even know you were supposed to give PAs a written description till you posted this. In my years of nannying and when I was a PA for someone, I never had a written description, but I also see how one could minimize problems.

I also did not say I asked her to do my laundry, but it's inevitable that sometimes my clothes will be drying sometimes while a PA is there... I used to do the laundry for a little girl I cared for, and there were plenty of times I had to toss someone else's clothes in the dryer or something, so could get hers done and as long as I wasn't having to put her brothers or parents clothes away, that wasn't a big deal.

When she first started though, if my laundry was in the dryer, she would get it out and fold it while I wasn't home. After about two months of telling her every single time to just leave it in there, and in my event she did she needed dryer and my clothes were actually done drying,, throw it in the basket when the timer goes off and I will take care of it, she she finally listened. I have NEVER told or wanted her to fold my own clothes.

The only reason why I say my clothes are damp, in addition to my mom, is because when either of our clothes is drying (according to my mom) she doesn't let it dry the whole 70 minutes, and she will continually check on them till she thinks they feel dry enough. She tries to say they don't need it longer. Honestly it isn't a big deal let clothes dry the whole 70 minutes, especially my mom's clothes. My mom has tried to tell her she likes her othes dried the whole 70 minutes, and there is also a reason why I set mine for 70 minutes and it isn't so someone can stop it half way through because they think it's dry.
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Is this person through an agency, or a direct hire?   Either way, I would assume that you discussed tasks before hiring, and if you both agreed, then you should stick to those tasks w/o adding more.  Personally, I would think that if you want housekeeping work done, it's more appropriate to hire someone to do it.   It's not appropriate to change a work scope though, and asking someone to accept mid-course corrections that include housework could quality as that.
Helpful Answer (3)
Havefaith0621 Dec 2021
She's a personal assistant. We chose her but the state pays her. We have always had light house keeping for caregivers since it's my mom's house, but nothing that will take up alot of time. Most choose to do extra because they will be sitting 50% of the time but we very rarely ask them to do extra. My perspective was (taking the couch request out of the picture) the other things I asked that she are worth $1.7 of her time considering if I would normally pay someone $10 per thirty minutes to do those things... and thise requests were under five minutes of her time. Only the third time since July I've asked that if her, but I would gladly pay her that $1.7 if she really wants it for those five minutes.

The couch my mom could pay extra for. But what I don't get is she has willingly tried to insist on dong things like cleaning our windows, mowing the lawn for scrubbing the bathtub and we've had to insist she not do those things as I will do them when I get the chance.... but the couch , even removing the blankets and spraying it was too much to ask (she refused to vaccume it). She's been arguing with my mom on alot of things lately though.
I agree with Garden Artist. She may feel that she is being taken advantage of.
Helpful Answer (3)

Ah, I see. In this case, I'd say that whatever she chooses to volunteer for is on her, unless you disagree of course.

However, anything you ask her to do extra should be compensated for, since she is not volunteering.
Helpful Answer (2)

I wonder if she may think you are trying out a new CG to replace her, since she is noticibly agueing with your mom more?
Helpful Answer (2)

Get a new caregiver and make the agreement to include doing your dishes, care for cats, doing the sofa stuff.
Helpful Answer (2)

So you have taken advantage of people's time to serve your own purpose, based on deception and lies.

You are as low as it gets. Do you feel proud being such a slime ball?

I hope you get writers block and can not get your book published.

People like you damage others faith in their fellow human beings, you should be ashamed of your actions.
Helpful Answer (2)
Becky04473 Dec 2021
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