
Also, has anyone had any feelings or premonitions about any future outcome or possible outcome?

Some people believe that dreams are messages. Some say, it’s merely our subconscious at work while we sleep.

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My sleep patterns are definitely a bit wacky. Everything is operating on different or limited hours.

We are all doing our best to adapt. Especially for those of us who reside in cities that normally have ‘round the clock’ activities.

It’s odd having restricted hours. It is totally understandable because of the circumstances. It’s completely necessary because of ‘stay at home’ regulations. Just feels like a twilight zone episode or a sci-fi novel or movie.

I think while most people have accepted that this is real and not going away anytime soon, we still want it to go away and distract ourselves when we need to.

I have started sewing masks. They’re easy to do. My husband wanted one for doing our shopping. I’m not going out due to being at a higher risk with my asthma.

I am going to make extra masks and leave on my neighbors porches with a note, asking if they need more.

In case anyone wants to make any, I got the pattern off of CNN health website. This mask has step by step instructions based on guidance from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center. I found a few other simple patterns too. I’ll let everyone know which ones I like the best.

So, if you can’t sleep, whip up a few masks!

Ironic isn’t it? We are used to masking here for Mardi Gras! Costume parties and parades! Celebrations! Not this. It makes me sad.

I have had a few dreams about what is going on. It’s hard to feel completely rested. Anyone feel this way?
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Who feels like they are trapped in a dream and we are going to go to bed and wake up and all of this crap will be over? Like it was all a bad dream.

It’s the uncertainty that is getting to me. Not knowing when the end is in sight. Also, the fear of it coming back. Will it be as bed?

I am not an introvert by any means. I have never felt any discomfort in crowds. I have always been, ‘the more the merrier’ kind of gal. Have to say though, I have had a few dreams where I am in a big crowd and not happy about it.

It’s outdoors. Not sure where I am. Maybe, it’s our annual Jazz Fest that is held in the spring. Anyway... I am very uneasy in my dream. There are people as far as I can see. I am wedged in and can’t get out and I am panicked.

It’s a strange dream. I suppose my subconscious is telling me that I am not ready to head back out into a crowd. I have been in crowds since I was a small child for our Mardi Gras parades. Never have I had an issue.

Some people hate crowds. I never gave them a second thought until now. I hope that this is a passing phobia related only to this COVID-19 and it will eventually subside.

Also, I am not going to be hugging and kissing people for awhile. This has changed how I feel about physical contact with each other.
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Riverdale Apr 2020
Every morning feels as though life is beyond a bad dream. I can't even fathom the number of deaths. My husband heard that alot of deaths are occurring in home environments. Its hard to imagine what a more normal world will feel like. Doesn't seem as though it will ever remotely be as it once was.
That is so sweet, what you are doing for your neighbours :)

Feeling completely rested is a distant memory, for me too.
And yes, in a way, it is really like you say, being trapped in a bad dream.
I'm extremely tired, mentally and also phisically for all the constant prep +cleaning+ thinking about all details + huge decision making. But when it's evening I just can't let my guard down.

"It’s the uncertainty that is getting to me. Not knowing when the end is in sight."

It's this ^.

I'm sure we will feel "normal" again, one day. It's in our DNA, we won't forget completely what it feels like trusting each other or feel relaxed among people. But the road to get there well that's still unknown, at least it feels like this.
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I keep busy and stay informed but not looking at news all the time. I am also making masks - medical grade as I am able to the materials. I am trying to get outside, some. I had a premonition that something like a disaster was going to happen back last summer. My mom wanted to know why I was buying extra groceries and I just told her that I was being prepared. I'm an introvert so not being in a crowd does not bother me, but the idea of this going on and on is depressing.
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I haven't had any dreams that might relate to or predict when this whole thing will end, but I am finding I wake up already fully aware that it's going on. There's no moment of peace or just absence of struggle or problems that you might have before you wake up a bit more and realize, oh, THAT happened, or THIS is still going on, that you might have during other sorts of crises (like death in the family, severe work or interpersonal conflicts, etc.). For me at least some level of my consciousness is aware of the virus 24/7.

If I have a dream that it's finally over and if it contains any clues about when this will occur, I'll definitely let you know! ;)
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Anyone wake up and for a split second think this reality is just a dream? Sometimes, it just doesn’t seem real. I suppose that it’s because I don’t want it to be real.
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Beatty Apr 2020
Yes I did that about 2-3 weeks ago! Woke up & thought that was really odd, all that stuff... then I paused as the reality sank back in - down to the pit of my stomach where it still resides.
Cannot sleep at all from 3 a.m. to 7-8 a.m. It has me almost swinging from the rafters.

It is a nightmare just to get enough bananas (not too ripe)
to prevent potassium depletion.
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I have gone through that a bit. I fall asleep fine but if I wake up then I am not always falling back asleep easily. Before, when I got up to use the bathroom or get a drink of water I went back to sleep within minutes.
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Sendhelp Apr 2020
The present is so very busy, requiring extra effort now, that there is hardly any time left to think about future possible outcomes. Living in the present, preparing my taxes, paying our bills, and just getting groceries in (takes a long time with great focused effort).
Getting a bit more sleep will help us all, imo. The possibilities in the future will be sneaking out in our dreams.

The world has had pandemics, hurricanes, floods, crisis. and slowly recovering, still. It will take some time. You must share that there is hardly time to recover before the next big crisis hits. It is Easter Sunday, a difficult time to be estranged from your Mom. But, you see how all this has been allowed to happen, maybe by God, who in His great wisdom, has us all sharing your sorrow in missing someone. Not even allowed to visit! 🌹
A friend's church was closing, and today, none of us are allowed to go to church, sharing in her sadness.⛪️.

So, while we are alone, some more than others, we are all in this together.

Christ has Risen, and He lives!

God Bless you NHWM!
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NeedHelp, apparently you are not alone....!
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Sendhelp Apr 2020
Read that. Thanks for that link!
Practicing 'sleep hygiene' and a sleep ritual helps.
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I'm anxious by nature and take medication for it. However, I only have x number of pills per month and my doc WILL NOT EVER give me more. So I have the stress of having a couple of really BAD days, taking and extra pill and then reminding myself that I can't DO that all the time.

Bad dreams--yep, every night for my whole life. I no longer sleep with my hubby b/c he HAS to fall asleep to the TV every night and I had to wait for him to go to sleep before I could, then I turn off the TV and hide the remotes--not worth it. I NEED 10 hours of sleep, but it comes in chunks and pieces--not truly restful at all!

I've made a ton of masks and taken them to all my neighbors. The last batch will be done this week and will probably go to a hospital or Urgent Care facility--wherever they're needed.

I feel like I am on high alert everyday, all day.

I CANNOT watch the news or read more than 5 minutes of anything. I try to bake everyday take goodies around to neighbors and chat with them through my mask---this whole thing is surreal.

Were it not for my SIL who is a doc at VCU, I would be worse. He has basically NO patient load, so he's been home a lot. I asked him a week ago where his stress level is and he said, "Oh, about a 2/10. It's going to be fine." (Not meaning that it's over by any means, but just being a calm voice of reason.)

Oh, and to top it all off, I came down with Shingles last Sunday. It's been a rough week, folks.
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Sendhelp Apr 2020
Sorry you have shingles Mid, after all you have been through.
Hoping you can sneak some real sleep in there, somewhere.
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When I was growing up and bad stuff happened, my dad would say "Who can say something good about this?" Before you go to sleep, try it.'s what's good about coronavirus:

We can stay safe simply by staying in and washing with soap. No fancy cleaners required!
Traffic accidents are way down.
We are in touch with people we had lost touch with through social media and Zoom.
Neighbors are taking care of each other (at least in my area!)
We finally really appreciate people who are not well paid--like nursing home assistants and grocery stock clerks.

Try to set up a "worry time". 15 minutes when you mull over all the people you love who you can't hug and the sad deaths and the money problems. Then, if it crops up again during the day- stuff those feelings down until 'worry time'. Listen to "Turn it Off" from Book of Mormon. haha
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There is a LOT of information out there these days about the virus. Lots and lots of conspiracy theories and ideas that 5G is causing the virus. Everything from the ridiculous to the sublime, it seems to me. Plus, I have a whole bunch of friends who feel inclined to send me YouTube video links, articles and various publications discussing these various theories, which are ALL anxiety producing, at least for me. While I am the type of person to keep an open mind, I can't really DO that these days, otherwise, I may never sleep again!!!

So. I pick and choose what I want to hear and/or listen to. I have pushed aside the conspiracy theories and choose to listen to ONLY certain news sources which I feel are trustworthy. Fake news abounds right now especially, and the 'if it bleeds it leads' stories are EVERYWHERE too, making it even harder to avoid the anxiety.

I've had some bad dreams lately, for sure, but none that I believe are 'premonitions' of any kind. Just dreams produced from an anxious mind and one that's constantly in motion. I've also ordered a book by Neale Donald Walsch because I love his works, and it's a book that takes a spiritual approach to what's happening now instead of a hysterical, conspiracy-laden and bleak one. That's what I personally need in my life right now to find peace in my soul.

That's the key, I think, for each of us: find what brings us peace and read it, do it, practice it, etc. Don't allow the fear and anxiety to take over our lives or chaos will reign instead of peace.
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NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
Yes, I don’t watch or read everything either.
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