
OMG taking LO home from rehab following a fall. She's been physically ready to go back to her apartment for at least a week and has been getting around really well. Took her for a long walk around the facility a few days ago without any issues. Care meeting yesterday and they agreed that it was time to send her home. Showed up to get her. She always gets in the car unassisted. She seemed at least equal to her baseline before rehab so I saw no reason to not believe she could get in the car as usual.

Boy was I wrong! She was halfway in the car so I turned around to put her walker in the trunk and boom. Down she went. Luckily I was close enough to catch her head on my shin and kept her from hitting her head again (like her last fall in her kitchen). But she was screaming about her ankle. I got help from the facility (by screaming like a banshee - so embarrassing!) and they loaded her into my car to take her to the ER.

5 hours later - she's taken by ambulance BACK to the facility I just got her out of!

Long, stressful, lousy day.

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I also wondered if her ankle broke from the stress of standing on it while putting her left foot into the car, as one of you kind responders wrote. She said something like that leg gave out, but you can't believe half of what she says as the story tends to change if asked the same question again. But it certainly is possible.

You bet I was wiped out from the adrenaline. And the boredom of being in the ER all bloody day. Stupid covid rules only allows one visitor with them - so hubby could not come relieve me after work since I was her one visitor. I couldn't leave without making sure that she was all set. Decision making and hearing are not her strong suits so to leave her alone is not the best plan. If I HAD to go, sure, she would have been "OK" but just not optimal.

Hubby and I are pretty sure that she's going to do too much and fall again. Guess it's just the way things are going to be.

Hubby is meeting her at the podiatrist tomorrow to see what's next. She has a splint they did in the ED. I wonder if he'll replace it or go to a cast or if they'll suggest surgery (which I read is very common for this type of an ankle break). That'll be a tough choice. At almost 95, surgery is not at the top of our list of things for her. BUT if she will be mobility challenged and in pain for the rest of her life, then maybe surgery is worth the risk? She is VERY healthy for her age! In better shape and health than people 20 or 30 years younger than her.

Or is it a nursing home placement and medicaid, etc.? Ugh. I really don't look forward to dealing with that freakin paperwork.

I guess we all have to kind of get over the "don't fall on my watch" worry. They fall in nursing homes all.the.time. So, how are we supposed to prevent it? I mean, as long as we're not being negligent, it's really not our fault, right? I am refusing to feel guilty about this fall. I have learned lessons for going forward that I WILL remain close to her to ensure that she doesn't fall getting into my car again but there are so many other ways that they can fall.

She has fallen MANY times in her apartment and it has amazed us that she has not seriously injured herself before now. It's a crazy life!

Fingers crossed for at least a decent outcome with her followup appt with podiatry.

Oh I am so sorry. This was most definitely a long stressful day for you.

Oh biggest worry as I take mother to one day of Bingo a week. She can barely walk...she shuffles and leans so heavily on the walker it's scary. She can get in and out of my car, but it's a lesson in patience to have her do this. I am worried sick each week that she will take a fall in my 'care'---b/c she's break something for sure.

I've been told over and over to NOT try to catch or break her if she falls--but it's human nature to try, isn't it?

I'm sorry for you and for your LO. That is a sucky day, for both of you.

Ugh, sorry this happened. My dad had a couple of falls while I was literally right beside him. It was a hard reality accepting that nothing was going to prevent the falls. Sorry your merry go round continues…

Oh my, how very scary. Take care of you, I am sure that you are completely wiped out from the adrenaline rush of it all.

Did the hospital do a bone density test? I am curious if she had a spontaneous break and fell vs she fell and broke her ankle. That would give you valuable information for how to proceed.

Great big warm hug!

I’m so sorry.

This brought tears to my eyes.

It’s all so exhausting.

Beyond words. Or beyond repeatable words, anyway!

I'm so sorry this happened, wish you a good night's sleep.

OMG - I can't imagine the stress. You deserve a real break (R&R, not ankle) just to restore your sanity.

On the plus side, you saved her head + there were people close by to help.

But that sure sucks 😥

My goodness! A fall leaving rehab! So very sorry. Hope all goes as well as it possibly can.

((((Hugs)))))). So sorry.

UGH. It's like a cruel joke I think sometimes. I got a call yesterday; my mother fell at the MC for the 34th time in 24 months, and this time hit her head; no injuries for the 34th time, either. How can such a thing be, speaking of cruel jokes??? She's fallen a total of 74x since she went into Assisted Living in 2014 and has never been to the ER even once as a result!

I hope your LO makes a full recovery I guess.........if that's the goal. One has to wonder after a while what the true goal is with these elders? To live to 100+? To keep going back & forth to the hospital and rehab to recover? Where is the quality of life? I have no idea myself, only that my mother has advanced dementia, is wheelchair bound with chronic pain, and does nothing but fall and fall and FALL anymore. God help them all, and us too.

Wishing you good luck coping with all that's on your plate.

Thank you for your kind and understanding words. Made me laugh a little, reminding me of The War of the Roses where I'm pretty sure she says regarding her estranged husband "What fresh hell is this??".

You're right about not being able to make this stuff up. She was half way into the car when I turned my back! I guess I'll hover more in the future but geez!

A nurse told me she had almost the same thing happen. A patient was discharged to a nursing home. Promptly broke her hip and was back in the hospital 12 hours later! Hey, at least my LO waited 3 weeks!

I'm so sorry for this fresh hell. You can't make this stuff up. May she have a speedy and full recovery and you receive rest and a peace about all of it.

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