
As some of you know my mother wasn't doing so good. She stop eating for a period of time and I was feeling a dark spirit around, but then she started eating again. Well she is still eating and now she has been moving around more. I am starting to think that this woman will never die! But I do wonder if this is some weird death rally...knowing my luck she'll out live me!

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You have described my mother! She is only 95, and will most likely outlive me.

I have a lot of people in my family who lived to be nearly 100. I really don’t want to live that long. I just can’t imagine myself at that age.

I am already at the age where my doctor looks like a baby to me. She is a beautiful woman who is way younger than me! Makes me feel very old but I really like her as my doctor.

I stopped coloring my hair and it has a lot of silver in it now. I actually love not bothering with coloring it and I like the silver but I do feel older.

Awhile back I was in the ladies room before Mass started with my daughter and I was brushing my hair and told my daughter that I was going to stop coloring my hair.

This lady who was much older than me overheard my conversation and said to me, “Keep coloring your hair because you will feel older with grey hair.” I just smiled but ignored her advice.

Very few people can carry off that look. Most people look fake after a certain age with colored hair, brunettes anyway. Blondes can do it because it’s a light color. Do you ever look at very old people and feel like you want to stop time? I do. Hahaha.


I do wish I could stop time. I use to tell my parents to stop getting older because they were taking me with them and I didn't like it. Lol

I will probably keep coloring my hair until I can't anymore. Having all gray hair would make me feel very old!

Happy that you can pull it off!)


It does make me feel old but I do like the silver color. Look how trendy it is now. These young women are dying their hair gray now! Who would have ever predicted that, huh?

Don’t laugh but I would love to do the blue streaks! I love the way it looks on silver hair. Google it and you can see how cool it can look. Not the whole head but a few streaks here and there.

I told my husband that I was going to do it. He looked at me like I had two heads. Hahaha. My kids said, “Go for it, Mom!” 😊

Shell, thoughts to you & your situation. As they say, this too will end. ((Hugs))

But if you like colour - keep at it! Why not? It's only hair...

So funny about the blue streaks! My daughter talked me into some just last week!! (DH thought I'd gone mad..) but I loved it. Sadly my porous hair dropped most of the colour the next morning in the shower & now I'm too scared to go to my water aerobics class!


You should do the blue streaks with the silver. I think it would look cool. I am a redhead and I don't think whacky colors would look good on me unless I change my hair color to blond or brown. But I do think you should do it.

It is crazy to see young people with gray hair...who would have thought that would be a fad. I would never thought of dying my hair gray when I was a teen. But kids will be kids! Lol!


Thank you for your thoughts. I know some day this will be in my pass, but for right now, it just feels it will never end.

I'm sorry that your blue streaks didn't work out, but don't be scared to go to your class. Who cares what people think or what they will say! People always have something to say good or bad, so you just have to do you and forget about what others will think!!!

Hugs to you both:)😜

Thanks, Shell. Ahhh. red head. We have red heads in our family (Irish). I love red hair! Before mine went silver it was reddish brown. I think I will wait until after my daughter graduates in May. Hahaha, in case I don’t like it.


My cousin belongs to that Red Hat group. Have no idea what that is. It’s for women that are seniors. They get together and socialize. Not sure if they do any type of community service or not. Have you heard of this group? It seems to be an active group.


Tell me the scoop please! Did you do royal blue or turquoise? I like the royal or an indigo. I have blue eyes (Irish/Scottish) on my dad’s side of the family.

Did you do it yourself or have a stylist do it? I don’t think you are supposed to wash your hair the very next day.

I think that I would like it. My husband may not! Hahaha He and I are opposites in certain areas.

It was 'denim blue'. And my hair is brownish (used to be red). Daughter currently sporting a mane of bleached, mint & pink like some sort of fairy was the stylist.

I wasn't the looks I'd get so much as picturing myself in the pool class surrounded by bright blue! Someone told me once if the kids wee in the pool it turns blue so the staff know & come add chemicals - I pictured the voiceover "cleaner required to the hydro therapy Movers aqua class please". No I can't cope....

My mom didn't quit coloring her hair until she was about 84; I'm not going to, either....


Love that shade! Denim is a great blue.

My oldest daughter did purple once and she had to bleach the brown to blonde to do the purple which faded to pink. Well, when it faded, her friend told her, “Your hair looks like a container of strawberry/chocolate/vanilla ice cream! Hahaha. It was funny. We all laughed about it. So, then she switched to blue.

The younger daughter did pink, dark shade of pink which fades to a light pink.

Beatty, tell us if anything happens at the pool! Hahaha

My hair is blonde and for the longest time I was getting the under layers purple. Then I noticed so many others doing the same so I stopped. Someone at a salon told me I should try a dusty rose color. Maybe......😁

Shell, I'm happy your ma is doing well.


Some people never stop. I had a neighbor that never stopped coloring her hair but she was very vain. When her nurse asked her to tell her age she said, “I am not telling you how old I am!” LOL. She had blonde hair in her 90’s!

Ooooh, Gershun I love the purple but dusty rose would be pretty too.

Thank you Gershun:) Dusty Rose would look pretty...I would think! You should try it...Your like me 'if everybody is doing it then it's no fun' that is why I don't care to do crazy colors anymore. I did back in the 80's when I use to have bleach blonde hair & was much younger!


I am Irish; so fair skin and red hair along with the stubbornness & temper!

My mother had friends in the red hat group. They go around to NH and schools along with any where people need to be cheered up and sing and play their instruments. My mother wanted to join them, but like everything else she couldn't get along with them because all she did was complain.

Awesome white white hair!
A neighbor has naturally very white hair, no grey. She is an after retirement age.
Another very pretty blonde, would look good in any color, has let her hair go grey, just after 57 y.o. She got tired of coloring it.
Today, it is white white, no grey at all. Long, straight. Just beautiful.

If I ever could find a bottle to do that color, I would. Guess the upkeep on any darker roots would be a bear to keep up.

My Grandma had that thick awesome white white hair. Hope I get that!

With the pool shut I kept my blue streaks for a while. They faded to greenish so I covered them with 'plum'. DH said it looked like I had a head wound & had blood in my hair ☹️

My Mom had blonde hair originally and then it got darker as she aged. She colored it but the last three years of her life she stopped and her hair became a beautiful gray. It softened her appearance. So when that day arrives maybe I'll just let mine go and see what happens. For now, I'm experimenting always. I get blonde highlites and then accent it with purple sometimes. I am 58 and some may think too old for that but why not, it's fun. I dumped my hairdresser last year cause she was making these "you are too old for this" comments and I was offended. If I go into a hairdresser and ask for a rainbow mohawk they should just do it and shut up. I'm paying for it after all. :P

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