
I’m disabled, relatively recently widowed (Feb 2019) and with no family, friends are miles away or self isolating.

Due to health issues I'm on my 3rd week of total self isolation and as such not only not `seeing' anyone but also getting zero physical contact from other human beings. I'm so very grateful to my beloved cats, without whom I’d have cracked up by now, I’m aware of others in my situation. Also Grandparents/Gchildren isolated from each other, elderly parents ect.

I’ve recently been sharing with friends, something my friend in NY (I’m in UK) and I have been doing since early 90’s.

It’s `hugging at a distance’ my friends have relabelled it “A Lucy Hug” as it sounds friendlier :-)

I thought that it might be an idea to share it here, if this could be spread and counter the virus's ability to leave us isolated and alone. Even if it is in cyber space or down a phone line it would be great. Okay here’s how it goes

"A Lucy Hug"

If using a phone both do this at same time (if using Social Media, talk through how to and watch each other do it, or in a Care Home, at Home as Social Media )

1) Tuck phone between ear and shoulder (need both hands free)

2) Wrap left arm diagonally across body so that fingers at waist

3) Wrap right arm diagonally across left, fingers at waist

4) Close eyes and think of/visualise other person

5) Squeeze fingers gently against waist

6) You’ve just shared “A LUCY HUG”

I do hope you’ll be able to pass this along to anyone you know, and if you don't know them but they look in need of a hug, this is less intrusive than flinging your arms around them :-)

thank you for your patience in reading this and in anticipation of more people hugged.

Lucy, Rochester ~ Kent England

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Even before this pandemic I think there have been a lot of people don't get any physical contact, often because they are single or because their family and social culture just doesn't include much hugging - thanks for sharing.

Your right cwillie, I don't usually have physical contact for many reasons. Now I can't I'm appreciative off the fact it was there when I could accept it.
I hope this kind of hugging may last for the situations you mentioned and more.
Thanks for your comment. Lucy

Awwww, Lucy

You’re a doll! Sending a bazillion hugs your way. Continue to hug your kitties.

So sorry about the loss of your husband. He is with you in spirit.

Take care 💗.

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