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Look up "TV ears". The headset is very light. The TV can be kept at a nice volume or very low but she can turn it up on the headset for herself.

Is she using bluetooth headphones? And I mean, the HIGHEST QUALITY ones you can find.

DH is pretty deaf and has to have the TV on 24/7 and since all he watches is FoxNews and war movies, wow, it gets old. He bought some super high quality BT headphones and wears them all day and night. I can't hear ANYTHING from them and my hearing is super sharp.

I personally like having Alexa with calm music in the background. He can't sleep when it's quiet...I attribute this to MANY years of traveling and having a quiet, lonely hotel room. He simply HAS to have the TV on. He's not watching it, he's just listening to whatever is on.

Seriously, those bluetooth headphones are amazing.

I don't think the having to leave the tv on while sleeping is necessarily and elderly thing. I know people my age who have to sleep with a tv on.

Can I ask... Why?
Lonely? Anxious? As a distraction?

Is this new? Or a permanent thing?

I have a duplicate remote control, and at night - after she's fallen asleep - will quietly step into the living room where she sleeps and turn it down to a more tolerable level. : )

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