
Then why is my mom going on 94? Hahaha! My mom is a pessimist and turns 94 in November! What gives? Anyone care to chime in on this? Truth or malarkey? What’s your vote?

When my SIL was diagnosed with breast cancer she said, “Don’t worry about me. I am too mean to die!” She was a very mean person. Hey, at least she owned it! She had stage 4 cancer, chemo, both breasts removed, reconstruction, bone marrow transplant, the works! She beat it! Died afterwards from lung cancer. Heavy smoker...

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Lolhahaha!! You are darn straight!!!Too Funny!I love my little Auntie but she's meaner than a rattle snake!!! No lie Auntie was just 1 hour ago trying to bite me and trying to punch at me because I was trying to give her a whistle wetter (which she also SPIT AT ME!!) anyhow shes 94

I always felt that the positivity factor was helpful to health & longevity. But life is too damn hard to remain positive all the time. And sometimes mean people linger to very old ages. I still try to be positive & encouraging. Just my way.

These studies are silly.
First of all, think about what it says. Optimism leads to better EMOTIONAL health. Of course it does. You feel good and happy. That IS emotional health.
As to the other. There are no studies to say that the optimistic do not die of breast cancer. None whatsoever. To ask someone to stay optimistic is to put yet another burden on someone already a victim of disease. I too have survived cancer, a very aggressive breast cancer with spread to two nodes. That was 32 years ago. Yes, I will tease, too mean to die and no one out there wants me in either heaven OR hell. But the truth is (and I am a nurse), it is just luck in my opinion. I was optimistic on optimistic days, depressed on depressed days. I had good days and bad days and allowed myself to think or do anything I wanted. If I wanted to I planned out the funeral. I had people telling me "You can't even GO there; you have to stay optimistic". You know what, I didn't have to do anything. I just had to move through my days making the best of my life I could on that given day, allowing myself to feel good, bad, or ugly. And here I still am. Go figure. Many optimistic didn't make it. Many pessimistic didn't make it.
I will say this. The optimistic days are more fun.


I feel as you do! Thanks for a wonderfully honest reply. Thanks for expressing genuine feelings about how you dealt with an extremely difficult challenge of facing cancer.


God bless you! Your aunt sounds like like she’s one of a kind! My husband’s grandma was like that.

The woman was so mean that she wrote hate mail from her death bed! Most people want to make peace before dying. Not her! She stirred it up!

We weren’t even surprised by her actions. Actually, if she had been nice, that would have been out of character for her. We all became used to her meanness.

We did say, they broke the mold when it came to her. She could be the Queen of Mean at times! I used to say it was free entertainment! Laugh or cry? I chose to laugh!

I have enough material to do a stand stand up comedy act. I bet you do too. Hey, we should go on tour with our act and get some laughs and make a few bucks! Hahaha. Would be nice to make use out of the meanness!

Look at how many standup comics ended up hosting game shows, television series and staring in movies!


Betty White feels as you do. She’s adorable! I just love her. She has always been an upbeat positive person and it’s working for her.

You and she are a better person than I am. I tend to be like Alva and say how I feel, even if I feel pretty crappy. Know what I mean?

I don’t do well with bottling up my emotions. My therapist told me it is important for us to acknowledge our feelings, then work through it. Rather than bottling it up or denial and then exploding afterwards.

That's kind of u 2reply. Wud you all help me with some optimism this week? CKD fatigue, & now sinus inf, (please pray that I can tolerate the antibiotics without complications). I'm really down about it, esp after reading the horrible literature from the pharmacy. 😱Freaking out I guess. Thanks.....💟 tiger. (P.S. sleeping lots, so I may not be online every day.)

Feel better, Tiger. Sinus issues stink! I go through it too. Feels horrible! I hope it won’t last too long and you start to feel like yourself again soon.

My dH has a sinus infection on a regular basis. Or has had....
Immediately, I push him to use the Oregano essential oil provided to him by his chiropractor. By rubbing a small amount in his hands, placing his hands, cupped, over his nose and mouth, several times a day, he is cured within a day or two. Any infection does not have a chance to take hold. I also nag him to stay out of the Santa Ana winds, or to wear a mask. Really, I am so positive that this helps him, that I am optimistic it could help you too.

I used to be really tired of missing a happier Thanksgiving and Christmas as he lay there in his jammies on the couch.

He no longer needs the antibiotic treatment, although I would take him for that if he got very sick again. Can you tell that I am for traditional western medicine, and if that does not work, will try some Eastern medicines proven to work?

Rest up, and have some tea.

Thanks Send, NHWM, all who prayed 4me. Still fatigued, but thank God the med I have to take is ok so far...(5 more days). I get anxious when I miss exercize class, but can't do right now. (Will try the oil of oregano!) 💝

(That's funny, how sometimes miserable people live long!) Still, I need optimism 2 feel good, & it takes effort. Is optimism connected to a sense of purpose? At his point I have to hunt for meaning, but I guess that comes with aging. Optimism has always helped my quality of life, so I'll work on it, (& thanks 4 the reminder) NHWM!

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