
He is 82, with Alzheimer's Disease...I have to feed him most of the time. I just bought a Ninja blender to prepare pureed foods. This is all new to me and do not know how to prepare the foods. I have been giving him sweet potatoes, scrambled eggs, mashed vegetables, pasta, etc. How much does a manhis age need to eat to remain healthy?He does notlike to drink water and his skin is very dry. I worry about dehydration. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. A year ago he was 25 lbs heavier. His current weight is just a little underweight and don't want him to lose any more.

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I am sorry that you have to go through this with your husband. This is a common issue among elders.

Here is an article on Ten Reasons Why Your Aging Parent May Not Be Eating Properly:

This might give you some insight to why your grandparent isn't eating and what to do about it.

Also, I do not recommend Ensure as a meal supplement. Read here what our experts found out:
Think Twice About Giving Elders Nutritional Drinks or Shakes

Best of Luck,
Karie H. Team

Soulmate, My mom is having similar problems. Mom doesn't like hot cereal so I make french toast for breakfast. I don't know if this is to much for your husband. I would think that pancakes would be soft enough. For lunch and dinner I make sandwiches with egg salad, tuna salad, chicken (canned) salad. and thin sliced meats (ham is her favorite). I give her a half of avocado and put a dolup of mayo on it, something dad always used to do. I also make milkshakes from ensure/boost and add either frozen fruit or icecream to it to make a milkshake. She really loves that. I also get frozen deserts, icecream and frozen pies. I mix chocolate boost with icecream and vanilla I mix with the fruit. Another thing she eats sometimes is stuffed bell peppers. She doesn't always eat it but I try it once in a while.
As far as pureeing, some friends have experienced family liking pureed food and others not so much. You need to try it and not give up if it doesn't work.
Another thing that my mom's nurse suggested from experience working in a SNF was to put sugar in food. The last sense of taste to go is commonly the taste for sweets. I am talking about putting sugar/brown sugar in or on anything including the stuffed bell pepper or lasagna. Another thing my dad used to do is make gravy and cut up the thinly sliced sandwich meat in it and put it on mashed potatoes. I look through the grocery store frozen section for ideas some times. But remember if he doesn't eat anything else it's okay to give desert. I make sure mom has the opportunity to eat nutritious foods but if she doesn't want them and she does want sweets I give them to her. She's not a child that needs to be forced to eat what I want her to eat, I'm sure you agree with this. I don't believe in forcing an adult with dementia or not, to eat anything. But I don't discuss dessert until she's decided not to eat the meal.
I hope this helps. Let me know how your husband does with this.

Soulmate. In addition, You can't force him to drink either but you can flavor his water so he will enjoy it more. I use the flavor packets for my mom and she drinks more than if I give her just water. But there will be a time that he won't eat well or drink and that is to be expected. This is how it works. But you need to realize that it isn't painful. It is a choice not to eat. Be aware of he tells you know or if he just forgets that it's there.
I don't know how big your husband weighs but if he isn't active he needs even less than when he was active.
Take care of yourself and remember to come back here for support.

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