
And I know what I have been told to do. But it's easier said, than done. I guess I was raised differently or something, or the generation, but I still believe her OWN children should step up, do some of filling out of the many forms, fixing some thing for her to eat 100s of times a day, etc. You know, just the general daily crap that needs to be done, but I also know that is just a pipe dream. Sorry, bad day, no question.

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(((Hugs))) to you and a boot in the behind for your husband and his family.

Hugs, Lost. I'm sorry you are having a bad day. I know it all must be really frustrating. We're here for you to vent away. Try to do something nice for yourself today, even if it's just sneaking out for a few to get a favorite treat :)

Lost, have you considerd just leaving the paperwork on the kitchen table?

Nothing seems to work, he has had his hand held for too long. Just to give an example, the car insurance is expired and we did get the renewal. I have been telling him this for several days. So, I took it to him to put in the car. Still sitting where he put it on the bedside table. He used to scream at me if I didn't have this. I kinda wish he would get pulled over and get a ticket.

So sorry. She is his responsibility. I HATE forms. In the process of getting nephew help and hope I never have to fill out another form eventually. Bad that husband doesn't think the car insurance is important.

You are a fixer and a do-er. As long as you are fixing and doing, no one worries that you’ll crash and burn, just that you keep doing it.

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