My father, about 85 years old, is addicted to laxatives. His potassium is low. we have been dealing wth this for the past 1-2 years. He has seen a psychiatrist and is on zolft. He live with my mom who has dementai and cannot remember anything. Dr. said no driving so he has her drive him around to the store and buys prune juice and laxatives. We confiscate them but he keeps buying them. we took away the car so then he would walk (he has a cane) in the middle of the night to go buy the laxatives. we gave them back the keys because we were afraid of them walking in the rain and dark. HE knows he is abusing them, he'll say, "I wish I never started to drink prune juice." but he cannot control himself.
Keeps us posted on how your mom does on the Gerd issues n how u r doing. Try to take care of yourself as much as possible too.
Today Mom had to go to her gastro dr again. She's also had problems with her esophagus due to GERD, and back in 2003 they perforated it during a procedure to get rid of the strictures that prevented her from swallowing. She almost died, and was in the hospital for a month. Well, those strictures have come back and she has trouble eating anything solid again. Some days she can't even get soup down, and she's getting pretty sick of Ensure. So the gastroenterologist has scheduled an upper GI and another endoscopy. The upper GI is on Thursday and the endoscopy, where he will stretch her out, is on March 14th.
She still complains some what about her lower abdomen but then later on it is her butt area or lower back. The hemorrhoid issue is scratch off for it not that issue for mil. However, That is my problem that I have had for yrs n getting surgery for hemorrhoidectomy next wk. I have been losing too much blood after a bm. I was not taking care of myself until I knew she was taking care of first. However, if I get too sickly then, I am no good for her. Thanks for sharing n I will keep that n mind if she still having problems by her next appointment with the gutt/butt physician.
Mil has another follow-up in 2 wks so we will see. He may have to do a colonscopy but her primary physician don't won't her to get it unless it is really necessary. She does seem to be getting a little better n maybe it going to take a little time with the meds. Thank you for sharing about your mom even though it sounds scary, at least I know just in case.
My mil is 81 n her dr had put her on prescription Miralax 'twice' a day to keep her moving regularly. I can sometimes tell when she is getting constipate for I have caught her squatting on toliet bowl with both of her feet on the seat. Which scare the crap out of me that she is going to crack her freaking skull! I have also had the delight to catch her digging back from her butt. She is also on suppositors that I think helps contribute to her constipation for her lower abdomen problem - divertuculits. Yet, it is the only thing that seems to be working for her. Hopefully no more of those suppoistors in a couple of wks for her re-check up. I also change her diet n added fiber foods like whole grain bread instead of white bread n rasins too as a snack. I add juices as well n dilute it with water for she complains it taste too sweet. So far its working. However, the bathroom issue for safety is a concern for me just in case.
Sennekot 'softens' the stuff, I guess, in the lower intestine.
I so don't want to relive those days. Butt (LOL) we do! And there will be more adventures ahead in these Caregiving Days of Our Lives.
Non-poopy good wishes to you!
I'm not sure how rough sennekot-s is on the system, it seems not to be, but I swear by it with my mom. I buy the generic from Walgreen's. The Phillip's Colon Health stuff is real expensive, but there's a Walgreen's equivalent for that too, I believe.
I hear you with our elders having to have a BM daily. My mom is a control freak in that arena. Like you, I tried to explain that our mind cannot control our bodies natural systems. Our bodily functions slow down with the rest of our bodies. She told me she's always been on that time frame and that's that. My words flew over her head like a 747 on takeoff.
Try what I mentioned and I wish you luck. I'm certainly no doctor in this poopy business.
windytown, I looked at the Senokot-S and thought maybe it would work better than the Miralax without being as strong as the ExLax.
Claireky, have you thought about seeing if your father would take a potassium supplement? Do you know what his diet is like? Maybe if a person eats a diet high in fiber throughout their lives, there wouldn't be problems like this. I wish my mother would eat prunes and bran.
Knock wood, but she's been a pretty 'regular' gal for almost a year now.
Many elders get focused on the workings of their stomach and intestines. I can understand, because constipation is uncomfortable. I wonder if there is a way to get movements back to normal after someone has become dependent. I have heard of some young people who abuse laxatives who have to keep doing it the rest of their lives. I don't know enough about it to say. I just know that laxative abuse is a problem for many elders.