Alzheimer's & Dementia Care

  • The Plain Truth About "Ending Alzheimer's"

    Wearing purple, using hashtags and changing your profile picture on social media won't end Alz, but there are other significant ways that you can have a beneficial impact on patients and families who are dealing with dementia.

  • Dementia Progresses and Life Goes On

    An initial diagnosis is devastating, but as the disease progresses and one's abilities fall by the wayside, the reality of one's situation becomes strikingly clear. Coping with these new limitations and holding onto hope is all we can do, and we must continue to do so.

  • 8 Things People Living With Alzheimer’s Need You to Know

    Understanding a dementia patient’s unique perspective can help ensure you are doing all you can to address their needs. These eight simple requests are what I want my family, friends and the public to know about me and other people living with dementia.

  • The Hard Truth: You Can't Fix Dementia

    While caregivers and their loved ones affected by dementia should not give up hope of leading rewarding and enjoyable lives, it is important to be realistic about an Alzheimer's or dementia diagnosis.

  • Dementia Patients May Suffer from a Fear of Sleep

    Sleep disorders are extremely common for Alzheimer's and dementia patients as their condition worsens. A patient provides an inside perspective on why fellow sufferers may avoid sleep, end up wandering or act out at night.

  • Denial in the Face of Dementia

    Denial is a natural response for someone faced with a serious illness, but it is crucial for dementia patients and caregivers to be realistic and open about their diagnosis and feelings.

  • Find Care & Housing
  • Dementia and Customer Service

    As the population ages and dementia becomes more prevalent, it is crucial for businesses to train their staff in dementia awareness and make small adaptations to their spaces.

  • The Importance of Visual Cues for Dementia Patients

    Visual cues help us all throughout our lives, whether we realize it or not. Utilizing these cues both inside and outside the home can improve a dementia patient’s quality of life and ability to function safely and independently.

  • Communicating with a Dementia Patient: What Helps?

    As a loved one's dementia progresses, it can be extremely difficult for them to communicate with their caregiver and other family members. There are a few simple tips to keep in mind that can help conversations go more smoothly.

  • New Gadget May Provide Answers for Dementia Patients

    Amazon's latest interactive electronic device may help dementia patients with some of their confusion and keep them engaged. This gadget may also help caregivers manage repetitive dementia behaviors and stay organized.

  • Comfort Items for Dementia Patients

    Even though Mum’s childhood toy, Edward Bear, had been stored away for years, it turns out he is still able to provide her with the security and comfort she needs in difficult times.

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  • Who Was Your Loved One Before Dementia?

    Caregivers and professionals may brush over the past due to a loved one's dementia diagnosis. However, even if they can't remember much, the past can also be a helpful tool for meaningful communication.

  • Should You Share a Loved One's Dementia Diagnosis?

    Those affected by cognitive impairment don't always recognize that they have a problem. This poses a number of problems for the caregiver including whether or not to share this new and significant change with friends and family.

  • Harnessing Hilarity for Charity

    Actress and screenwriter Lauren Miller Rogen discusses how her experiences with Alzheimer's inspired her to help create a one of a kind initiative to support families and young people affected by this disease.

  • I Am So Sick of Dementia

    A dementia patient shares his struggles with maintaining a positive attitude and identifies with caregivers who witness this devastating effects of this disease.

  • Dementia Training Should Be Mandatory

    Each caregiver knows that not all long-term care facilities are created equal. However, seeking placement becomes even more challenging for a loved one with Alzheimer's or dementia. Ensuring the staff is properly trained is key.

  • Dementia Care Settings Can Enrich Patients' Lives

    Although family members are hesitant and even resistant to placing their loved one with dementia in adult day care or an assisted living facility, these settings offer plenty of engaging and useful activities that can enhance their quality of life.

  • Preserving a Dementia Patient’s Sense of Self

    How do you protect a dementia patient’s identity when they struggle to remember their own family members, likes, dislikes, and milestones in life? Use these tips to help you better understand and support a loved one who is coping with memory loss.

  • Learning to Savor Mum's Stories

    The repetition of Mum’s stories could make me crazy, but on good days I find ways to cope. The trick is to keep the conversation fresh. I amuse myself and make Mum happy.

  • Introducing Eleanor and Me

    Sarah Jane writes about the special weekly visits that she shares with her mother who suffers from dementia. Her goal is to connect individuals affected by dementia and provide information and support for improving a loved one's quality of life.

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