
  • Beating Chronic Pain in the Elderly

    Pain is one of the most complex symptoms to treat. Sufferers aren’t always able to pinpoint exactly where they hurt, making the diagnosis and treatment tricky. But pain shouldn't keep your elderly loved one from enjoying activities they enjoy.

  • 4 Tips for Building Relationships with Nurses

    Use these tips to connect with the nurses caring for your loved one and show your appreciation and respect for their hard work.

  • Caregiving and Menopause: How To Handle The Double-Whammy

    Since menopause typically begins somewhere between the ages of 45 and 55, many women are finding themselves thrust into the role of caregiver right around the time they begin experiencing the first symptoms of menopause.

  • Caught in the “Fix-It Trap” While Caregiving? You May Be Headed for Burnout

    When family caregivers enter a downward spiral of trying to fix everything that’s wrong with their ailing loved ones, it leads to hopelessness, frustration and exhaustion. That’s when burnout strikes.

  • 6 Reasons Caregivers Need More Sleep

    Finding time to sleep is one of the hardest things for a caregiver to do, but these six reasons demonstrate why caregiver respite should be a priority in any elder care plan.

  • Participating in a Caregiver Support Group May Make You Happier

    By participating in a support group and interacting with one’s peers, caregivers can combat loneliness, stress and caregiver burnout while improving their mood and receiving personalized advice and encouragement.

  • Overcoming Negative Emotions While Caregiving

    How does a caregiver break the cycle of negative thinking? Learn to manage feelings of resentment, anger and guilt brought about by caring for an elderly loved one.

  • Tired of Living: What to Do When an Elderly Person Wants to Die

    It’s shocking for a caregiver to hear a loved one state they would rather be dead. When an elder speaks about wanting to die, it may be a sign of depression, or it could indicate that they just want to talk about the physical and emotional toll of aging.

  • Questions a Caregiver Should Ask about Parkinson's Disease

    A Parkinson's diagnosis brings many questions about treatment, progression, alternative therapies, and medications. Becoming an informed caregiver is the best method of preparation to make confident decisions while caring for a loved one with Parkinson's.

  • Signs of Caregiver Burnout

    Learn how to recognize the subtle signs of increasing stress, understand your limits and maintain honest self-awareness throughout the caregiving journey to stop burnout in its tracks.

  • Answers to Tax Questions Caregivers Ask Most

    Answers to tax questions caregivers ask most: Can I claim my parent as a dependent? Can I claim medical expenses? Do I pay taxes on money my parents give to offset expenses?

  • The Lighter Side of Caregiving: Appreciate the Humor

    Elderly people do funny things sometimes. Instead of feeling guilty about laughing, keep in mind that a good chuckle can bring you and your loved one closer and add some levity to caregiving.

  • Reconciling Grief & Relief When the Loved One You Cared for Dies

    What happens when the person you care for dies and caregiving ends? For a family caregiver, relief after the death of a care recipient is a common yet conflicting occurrence.

  • The Financial Costs of Caregiving

    Caregivers should think twice before quitting a job. When caregivers cut their hours or quit their jobs to take care of elderly parents, their own pension benefits, Social Security contributions and retirement savings are impacted.

  • Are Caregivers at Higher Risk for Fibromyalgia?

    Caregivers are under a tremendous amount of physical strain and stress. Does caregiving lead to fibromyalgia, a painful condition that causes long-term, body-wide pain?

  • New Caregivers: Tips on Caring for Elderly Parents

    Whether caregiving has slowly crept into your daily life or you’re suddenly facing difficult decisions following a serious health scare, use these pointers as a guide for caring for an elderly parent.

  • Go Ahead, Have a Good Cry: 5 Reasons Why It's Good for You

    While it is often seen as a sign of weakness, crying relieves stress that, if left unchecked, can negatively affect one’s physical and mental health.

  • Funny Caregiver Stories

    Countless family caregivers rely on optimism and a sense of humor to power through the most challenging aspects of caring for an aging loved one. Lighten up your day by reading funny and uplifting stories from real caregivers like you.

  • 10 Common Caregiver Confessions

    Negative thoughts are a normal reaction to stressful situations. Instead of feeling guilty, caregivers must acknowledge these difficult feelings and seek out solutions to achieve a better care experience for themselves and their loved ones.

  • 10 Ways to Prevent Caregiver Depression

    Family caregivers report much higher levels of stress and depression compared to non-caregivers, but caregiving and depression don’t have to be a package deal. Use these tools to combat low mood and find treatment options that are right for you.

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