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My parents moved near me 10 years ago. My dad had a heart attack in July 2015. I had already recognized the signs of dementia in my mom. However, when everything happened, I truly saw what was happening. I was fortunate to have a caregiver stay 8-5 Monday-Friday. The first three months I stayed nights and weekends. My dad has been very little help with keeping mom in line. He keeps saying that mom will only listen to me. I truly became VERY depressed. So, I have since added a security system. I fix dinner M-Th and stay until their 8 PM MEDS. I have an agency that stays till 8 pm and days on sat and Sunday. I still have guilt, however, I could tell that I needed to do something. I am an only child. My children constantly try to get me to put my parents in assisted living. I, like you, am trying to wait until it is last resort. I know it is coming. My mom continues to decline. It truly hurts. Please know..,you have to take care of yourself. You will be of no help if you don't.
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Thank you jinx, the $8.50 is doable if I don't use too many hours per month. We both only have social security. I agree with asking my three kids to help when they can. One of my sons will stay with Bob when I go to the support group but that's only 2 hours once a month. They all work 5-6 days a week and I just hate to have them keep their dad on their days off. They do keep asking if there's anything I need or if they can help but I don't push're right, I probably should.

Thanks so much for your comments and suggestions.
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Thank you Jack, yes we must all take care of ourselves or I'm told we won't last! It does get hard when there so much to do and it basically never ends. I'm doing a lot of research for types of help. I'll keep everyone posted.
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Carol75, thank you for taking the time to explain your situation cause it is exactly what my dad has started to do. For maybe an hour each morning. The rest if the time he sits and makes up stories for the parts of his life he can't remember. Last night we found a movie on netflix that held his attention and it was so nice to see him absorbed in something. It was simple and familiar. Liberty Valance. Also look for anything by Ken Burns about the history he's lived through. Or maybe he is past being able to do that. I have volunteered in a ALZ place and there is so little their minds. Are capable of, I think a stranger would be useless and they spent all the time alone in their head. At least at home, they have a little familiarity. Still, once the caregivers burden surpasses that of the patient, it's time for them to live separately. There is so little available less than an hour from where they live in NJ/PA area I'm thinking to move him 3000 miles away where he can live close to me and I could see him daily. But most of the family is east so don't know what we'll do. Do I understand that you are going to step up help at home from the kids and some time in adult day care?
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Yes, I will try to use a bit more time in the Adult Day Care. But I think I have already made up my mind to put him in the AL when she calls with another opening. It makes me wish I could be like some of the other caregivers and say that I will keep him till I can't lift him, can't change a diaper or some other difficult task. Instead, I'm caving in because of memory, suspiciousness, paranoia and absolute confusion. Still...when I say these things, it seems I should be able to care for him until physical changes make it impossible.

But I guess I'm not that strong...the constant confusion is becoming too much. I'm having bowel problems (IBS), I've had shingles 3 times in the past two years ( doc didn't give me the shot because he said I should be immune now) and I just feel sorta down most of the time.

Anyway, you say there is some familiarity at home. Not the case here, my husband never realizes that he is at home. Instead, several times a day he asks when we are going home. In fact, often I walk into the bedroom and he has all his clothes on the bed preparing to "leave this place" because we didn't pay for another night. He thinks it's a hotel!

Thanks for your comments and good luck with your dad and if you decide to move him to be near you.
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Oh wow. See that is exactly my ewaction. It isn't a physical problem, but just as.much bad for you the caregiver as if it were needing constant physical care. I dying to know whether they consider his behavior AL suitable because that's my dad's condition too. .. I outlined all this to a place in am ail, waiting to see what they say
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Yes, I may run into the problem too of any facility not considering that his the level of care is high enough. The one that did agree said that the amount Medicaid will pay is very low so many of them wouldn't want to accept it. Of course they also get the Social Security except for $100 to be used for his personal needs. I also know that here in Idaho a doctor must be willing to write the admit. So I'll be dependent on the doc doing that too.

It makes it so,hard when the only thing wrong is memory. But people don't realize ( including me!) that dealing with mental issues is very taxing and wearing on the caregiver. Physical problems can be seen and better assessed by health care people.

I think if a nurse would sit and talk with my husband he could pull off a decent conversation for awhile anyway. If things are laid out for him, he can take a shower. If food is put I. Front of him, he can feed himself. He can also use the bathroom, heat coffee in the microwave and shovel snow off the driveway!!

It makes it so hard to get help when people don't really see him at sundown or hear all the nonsensical questions all day and night. So the hardest part may lie ahead of me and that's the result of the evaluations. More hurdles....
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Well, folks thought I should come back with an update. First, mynhubbynwas put on a new medication called Remeron. I called the doc and said he was so anxious and unable to rest during evening hours and this is what he ordered. It has made a huge difference! He is calmer, sundowners is better, and he sleeps later in the morning giving me some morning time alone or I can sleep in after a late night. However, he is still very confused and it hasn't stopped the constant questions, paranoia and suspiciousness during his waking hours. There's just less anxiety at night which is a big improvement.

In the meantime, I was called by the AL that there was another opening. I wasnt expecting a call so soon, it has only been a month since the last one! I was so conflicted once again as what to do especially since my brother died and I had bought a ticket to fly to his memorial services next month, in April. Two days ago I called her and once again, turned down the opening...just couldn't do it!

The owner of the AL is so nice, she offered to keep him for respite care the 6 days I will be gone. This way I'll be able to see how he does there, I'll get a much needed break and if she gets another opening close to that time, she'll hold it for him. It was like a ton of weight fell off that day! So that is my next plan of action...

But...when I went yesterday to pick up the paperwork that needs to be done, there were about 9 people lined around the living room (it's just a big old house) doing nothing! Some were asleep, some just slouched there staring at the floor and none spoke to us. Bob sat down in there but even he wasn't his usual self...he didn't say anything either. I don't feel like the place is appropriate at all. Now I'm hating that I'll leave him there for the 6 days but I have no choice now. I mean, he could be playing ping pong, pool or just some decent conversation. I did t realize so many there were beyond that...

At this point I don't know what I'll do when I get home. All I can say is it's next month and I'll check out more places. This owner has been so nice I do t want to do that but how can I leave him where there do t seem to be any activities. Or maybe I went at a slow time...not sure. But I'm still so confused about what to do and when to do it!

By the way, I did call Area Agency on aging and they wouldnt talk to me if he has more than $2000. He does, but it will be spent down on the facility when he goes in. So they were really no help. I might try them again today and just try to get a list of AL's. The reason I found the current AL is because she will take people right in and accept Mediciad. Most ask for at least a year or two of private pay first which amounts to about $150,000. We just don't have it!

Read through all the comments here again today...they are such a blessing to me! I'll keep you all posted....
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