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My Dr. recommended Floragen. They keep it in the fridge in the pharmacy. Very active cultures.
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Reply to Novotnykm

Generally, get a probiotic that has the most different types of bacteria in them. I also am a fan of yogurt.
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Reply to Taarna

ac2468mc: A good friend touts the products made by Plexus for gut health.
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Reply to Llamalover47

I have been taking Renadyl for about 18 months. It has been specifically developed for people with Chronic Kidney Disease. It is expensive but it works. My kidney numbers(GFR) have improved significantly!
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Reply to Debmiller

My gastroenterologist told me to take Align
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Reply to Jada824

Would fermenting your own food be an option for you? My husband was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis a few years back and naturopath suggested probiotics. We used to purchase pills from the local health store (sorry can't remember the brand) but found it to become pretty pricey. As a result I have been making my own kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut for a few years now. At first it was a bit daunting, but honestly it is very easy to do. There are lots of good resources out there. The fermented foods have helped him and he now has very few flare ups.
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Reply to MaggieS

I have been having gall bladder problems, no stones, just some problems. I used to take probiotics but stopped. I had an intestinal problem and thought I would take a probiotic and it tore me up. Never again.
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Reply to JoAnn29
NeedHelpWithMom Jun 19, 2024

I hope your gallbladder issues subside soon.

My oldest daughter and my father had to have their gallbladders removed.

Unfortunately, my daughter has Crohn’s disease and other health issues. My daughter does take probiotics and follows a diet to suit her needs.

Dad’s surgery was more invasive. An incision was made to remove his gallbladder.

Nowadays, the surgery is much easier.

My daughter’s surgery was quick. She was able to have a laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Yes to kefir! I love it. Now Costco carries it where I live.

My PCP said that there's not much clinical evidence that probiotics work.

Kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut and kambucha are all fermented foods and support good gut health, according to my doc.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Geaton777

We'd been relying on Activia for years but our primary care physician told us that Activia is basically just a laxative and doesn't add much other nutritional or gut value.

She recommended Kefir instead, which we switched to and love. Kefir has made a remarkable difference in normalizing my husband's gut and it's made caregiving for him soo much easier.

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Reply to LostinPlace

Kombucha drink .
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Reply to KNance72

Culturelle. It's expensive.
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Reply to Rbuser1

I was going to say Activia yogurt, I think is the best. And taste good too.
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Reply to Anxietynacy

My GF was told to eat Yogurt.
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Reply to JoAnn29
AlvaDeer Jun 18, 2024
Yogurt and Keifer. EXCELLENT
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Reply to lealonnie1

They say that none of them really work.
Some here are believers.
The best way to build your gut genome is to eat at least 15 to 20 different fruits and veggies (REAL ONES) over the course of 5 days. Also use kimchi, sauerkraut and other fermented foods. There is an EXCELLENT program currently on I think it is Netflix called Hack Your Health, the Secrets of the Gut. About the gut, its genome and how to build healthy bacteria that can handle anything. I highly recommend.

Hopefully RealyReal is around; she's a believer in supplements, and if anyone knows best supplements I would follow her advice.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to AlvaDeer
AlvaDeer Jun 18, 2024
And JoAnn is correct. Good yogurt with live culture and Keifer, which is delicious. Can add berries and building the gut genome right there. You can also ask your pharmacist. Mine said important to get the ones with bifiobacterium, and over 1,000 whatever. Anyway, they are up on the best brands at the best price. With many, such as align, you are simply paying for their ads which are everywhere.
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