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Wish I could they won't let me.

The lawyer just called me back. All I can do is wait until they get the POA, DC. Call them back, try again to cancel it and fight any new changes.

Word of advice... NEVER disconnect your deceased loved ones phone until you get everything straightened out.
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to Kwiemer
DrBenshir May 30, 2024
Don't pay the bills. What can they do - ruin Mom's credit?
Until you get to the bottom of this, can’t you freeze the account?

Report this as fraud.

I would also freeze all three credit bureaus. You can always temporarily unfreeze them if you need access to them.

If someone is using this card and they decide to take a loan out in your mom’s name with one of these overnight fly by night ‘online overnight’ loan companies, they won’t verify anything.

How do I know this? It happened to me. Someone hacked my gmail account, took out a loan out from one of these lenders and it showed up on my credit report.

I had to file a police report, contact all three credit bureaus and freeze them. It took a while before I was able to resolve the issue.

The detective that handled my case told me that he had a room full of police officers handling fraudulent cases all day long.

Criminals make fraud into a full time career.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to NeedHelpWithMom
Kwiemer May 24, 2024
Yes, this is what I'm afraid of. I begged them to put a temporary hold on the card. I don't trust that they did. They kept saying " it's not that we don't believe you" grrrrr.
All I can do now is hold my breath and pray
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You don't need an attorney to help you close a credit card for your Mom.

Did you just mail the Executor paperwork and death certificate? Or did you talk to a specific department before you sent it off? If you didn't do this, you should have. If you did, then you will just need to wait for the process to work.

Last resort: You can report it as fraud and then they will shut down the account that second. That's what CapitolOne does to me every time there's a mystery charge. Shut down immediately. Usually they will then send out a new card in the mail right away. You can ask for it to be expedited. They might send it to where your Dad lives, so make sure to clarify where the physical card should go.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Geaton777
Kwiemer May 24, 2024
I sent it a couple days ago... yeah I know I gotta wait. But the person whom I think is using this card will easily say my mom told him he could use it
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Some confusion now also regarding what you are and how you can act for them. Mom is dead. You cannot now act as her POA. You can be her executor if she had a will or her Trustee if she had a Trust or the administrator of her estate if she had neither.

First stop in any of this is always an attorney office.
You need to know what letters testamentary you have to get to act now in Mom's behalf because the POA died with her. You can't use it for anything.
If this card is in Dad's and her name then with her death certificate to certify she is gone your father can CANCEL THIS CARD in the office of B of A with an appointment with bank officer. I would take that 4 hour trip. Make it a fun outing in which you chat, eat good food and etc.

It is horribly frustrating. I know. I once was on the phone in different areas of our country and overseas with Spectrum Phone company from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and thought I would go mad with it.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Kwiemer May 24, 2024
Sorry, I'm the POA for dad and executor of the will. Mom didn't have POA. Paperwork was signed on Tuesday.
I was hoping I didn't have to drive to B of A , 4 hr drive both ways. I'm hoping with mom's death certificate and dad's POA in the mail they will allow me to cancel this. It has to be canceled because we know mom isn't using it anymore and dad doesn't get out.
Im going to call again next week and see if I can cancel this
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Do a chargeback on any charge that was not legitimate.

If you have online access to the card, log in and look for those charges. There should be a clickable link on the charge so you can dispute it.

I simply do not understand how accounts cannot be closed when the death certificate is provided. Be polite but assertive and ask for the supervisor/manager.

I would not close the card until all those charges that shouldn't have been made are credited back to the card.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Sha1911
Kwiemer May 24, 2024
My parents didn't do anything online. But I will follow your advice and keep at it. Thank you
WikiHow has a ton of stuff on canceling credit cards as well.
In general the online stuff is quite overwhelming. Hope you find something to help. If you do please let us know.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Kwiemer May 24, 2024
I sure will let everyone know. It feels like everything is stacked against us right now.
This will probably take awhile to work out.
Thank you for the information
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No, it's dad's too
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Reply to Kwiemer
AlvaDeer May 24, 2024
OK, you are going to need to get Dad to cancel this Credit card with you if a supervisor cannot help.
Ask the supervisor to tell you exactly what your father needs to do to cancel this credit card.
Let them know this charge is coming on monthly and that this is nothing that your father uses. If they cannot get rid of this monthly automatic charge you will have to cancel the credit card automatically.
If this credit card is issued by a bank, say Citibank or some such you may need to take Dad in for an appointment with a bank officer and go from there.
Good luck. Keep us posted.
Is this ONLY your Mom's card? Your Dad isn't on it?
Because if so you are in luck. Charges can't be paid by dead people and you return their bills with death certificate saying DECEASED.
You need to notify Experian, Equifax and Transunion of your mother's death so that no credit can be opened in her name.

BarbBrooklyn loves Bogleheads Forum for advice like this. I think that is, but not sure.

I'd call the charge card and ask for details on this company making automatic withdrawal on deceased person's account, but problem here is IF your Dad also on this card. You may need to make the call, have Dad at the phone, and get them to cancel this card completely.

The site below has some suggestions, too and there is much online about how to proceed. I think the worst of it is you may have two people listed on this card and one living. If it is only Mom on it it is simple enough to cancel with her death certificate. POA doesn't work for the dead, only executor or administrator works then. But POA if you have it for Dad can cancel this card if you get him and you on the phone with them, and report wife deceased. They will tell you how to go about cancelling the credit card which is what I would do.

If you cannot cancel this card, or they refuse to, you need to ask them how to cancel the credit card of your dead mother. They have to discuss this with you.

How To Cancel Credit Cards After A Death | Bankrate
If the deceased used their credit card to make recurring payments on any other accounts, such as utility bills or other subscriptions, you will need to cancel those. Canceling the credit card is not enough to stop these payments from being processed. Check any statements your loved one left behind for … See more

You can also ask them for the paperwork on how to file for credit card fraud on this account. You are going to have to ask now to speak with supervisor and say you are getting refusals on canceling credit card. Ask them the procedure for their card. Let them know you are in communication with an AgingCare Forum and you are going to start to give out details about their particular Visa Card and why no one should use it on that Forum.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Kwiemer May 24, 2024
I was on the phone for hours with visa, sat with dad as he read the questions from his closed caption phone. The first person actually hung up on us because he wasn't answering quick enough. The second person said we had to go to the nearest bank of America, 4 hrs round trip or do a video call. I went to the AL office for help... we started to get somewhere until visa wanted to send the confirmation code.. mom's cell was disconnected.
I guess I just have to wait until they get the POA for dad? And then dispute the charges.
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Is there a balance, if so they may not close it but can freeze it. I would call and ask for a supervisor. Tell them someone is using the card and its not Mom since you have proved she has passed. Tell them they need to freeze the acct. That Moms estate will not be responsible for any transactions on or after the date of her death. You would also appreciate information on those amounts withdrawn.

You say Dads statement. Is Dad alive? Was Mom an authorized user? If Dad is primary, then u cannot cancel the card. You have to prove Dads death. This maybe your problem.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JoAnn29
olddude May 30, 2024
Perfect answer. Cut the card in half and mail it to the credit card company along with a copy of the death certificate. I would also tell them that no more payments will be sent. Who cares if mom's credit gets blown to smithereens.
I am in charge of everything.. not that I want the responsibility, but I'm all there is
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Reply to Kwiemer

I believe it’s personal representative or executor of her estate.
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Reply to MidwestOT

Who is the PR of the estate?
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to MeDolly
Kwiemer May 24, 2024
PR? I'm power of attorney if that's what you're asking
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