I go to my father's assisted living place and as I get to his apartment an aide passed by who I only have seen occasionally in the last several months. I say hello and they say hello. I go into my father's apartment My father looks good, much better than last week. On his dresser is a magnificent bouquet of flowers that my brother and sister-in-law brought over earlier. I marvel at that and sit down and we start talking, like usual
About 5 minutes later there is a knock on the door. It's the same aide I said hello to. They come in and say "I want to see the flowers!". And so they marvel at them, just like most people would and then we engage in pleasant small talk. This goes on for a few minutes then they leave.
I didn't think anything about this incident until I left when it crossed my mind that the aide knew I had just got there. Why did they interrupt minutes later with something that wasn't at all health related? Typically they only come in to dispense medication, do a treatment or to clean the room. They also do engage in conversation when they do those things.
Could this have been a pretext to see how I was interacting with my father? Do aides watch for this kind of thing?
You said that you marveled at the beautiful flowers too. I have done the same thing when I see an exquisite floral arrangement. I am drawn to the beauty of the flowers and the artistic style.
I hope that your dad is enjoying his beautiful flowers.
I will say though, that since she saw you go into Dads room, she could have waited till u left.