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Oh, shoot. I lived in IL. for 50 years and my husband was deputy governor. But, we have been gone for 11 years and I don't know the state officials any more. it seems possible, that your aunt could become your guardian. You need someone, but I am afraid going the legal way and "reporting yourself," will get you placed by DCFS.

Your mom is going to have to help herself. You cannot do that. It is physically impossible.

You are in the middle of a deep freeze in IL. and I know what area, you are in since you are mentioning St. Louis and casinos and it is very probable that you are in a very small town. Take care of yourself, first. It doesn't matter how angry your mother gets. You need a normal life.

Here's a thought. Call DCFS anonymously and see if they have any advice. I will keep thinking about this and get back to you.
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Thank you very much Chicago and yes I live in a small town.
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Shelby, the homeschooling form was an outright lie, and your mom is guilty of educational neglect as well as exploitation. I watched this happen to a patient of mine, who, like you, was too loyal to admit to DCFS what was happening, and I watched them lose their chance to have an education and become an independent adult. It was awful to be unable to do anything, even though we suspected other kinds of abuse as well, and other siblings at risk. I pray you can find the courage to get the help to put a stop to what is happening is a train wreck for both you and your mom waiting to happen unless someone puts on the brakes, and soon.

The only thing I can think of other than CPS getting involved is for your aunt to start paying bills directly and not giving Mom the gambling money, and/or getting her to come to Illinois and see the situation firsthand....praying there is a light at the end of this tunnel for you all...
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Shelby, we're all rooting for you here. Make a call this morning and get the ball rolling. You need to be back in school, your mom needs to be getting professional care. Set the gears in motion today. Believe it or not, long term, that's what's best for both you and mom.
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Our thought and prayers are with you today Shelby
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Hi Shelby, I really like vstefans idea about having your aunt pay the bills directly. If your aunt does online banking, it's easy to set up to pay new bills as long as you can give her any account numbers and billing addresses from the bills to get started. Then all she would need each month is for you to tell her any amounts that change from month to month. This is how I do my mom's bills. It would really limit your mom's access to the money for gambling.

Thinking of you today.
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I don't know if this is the right advice to give, but my heart says call your aunt and ask if you can live with Her then just leave. Then once your aunt knows what is going on you can both go back and get your mom. You need help for yourself first. You need to get yourself in a better environment immediately with an adult taking care of you not the other way around.
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Patrice, nice idea but Shelby is only 15 and has a learner's driver's licence which requires an adult with full license to be in the vehicle also.

Shelby, make the calls today.
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Just to clarify. Yes, if CPS are called there is the distinct possibility they will remove you from your Moms home for now. You might be placed in another home temporarily but they will contact your family to see if there is someone who can take you in for the time being, they prefer that kids be kept with family. Meanwhile they will do what they can to get your Mom the help she needs. Their ultimate goal will be to get your Mom on her feet and stable so you can return if that is what you want.

There is no perfect solution here and the most hopeful solutions are going to be the hardest to make. You are being asked to make decisions that are totally inappropriate for a teenager, that sucks. You will be in my prayers.
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Shelby, I'm praying for you today! I know it's almost impossible to see from your perspective, but your mom needs more care than you can give. To love her means you have to sacrifice some of your comfort zone, and you *have* been sacrificing your life, education, time... But it has not been enough. She needs more than you can give her. It's time to sacrifice even the comfort you had in that and call in the professionals. When you parent a toddler, you have to do things for them that they don't want, like shots, but which are for their own good. This is one of those times when you love someone enough to make a little pain at the beginning to make everything better in the long run. (((hugs)))
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CPS in IL. is called Department of Children and Family Services, just in case you are looking for phone numbers. But, what I am afraid of, is that you are going to slip through the cracks. I mean your mom is there (physically) and you have a home, that you probably keep clean, and a vehicle. DCFS gets calls 24/7 of beatings and filth and drug use.

That puts us back to "Tell your aunt."
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So Shelby, tell us what the news is today. Did you make any phone calls? How are things going?
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UPDATE: I made the phone call yesterday. I askes for anonymous advice and the lady I talked to said that while she sympathized with my situation, CPS couldnt do much. She said I am old enough and self-sufficient enough (I can cook, I can clean, and I get myself to school) that my life isnt in immideate danger. She said so long as my mom was off drugs, we had a home and food, a car (which as of 5 min ago had been repossesed so how I'll get to school now, i dont know because night school doesnt provide transportation), and I had no physical bruises or evidence of abuse, and the bills were all paid then I was in good shape compared to a lot of kids. She said if I was unhappy then tp move out or discuss it with my mother and told me that she had to leave quickly for more sever cases of actual child abuse. My days have not been going well and now I have no car to take my mother to doctors appointments, get to school, I leave at 9 pm on a school day and its a hour and a half walk that my mom doea not want me making at night, I dont know how I'll be able to pick up the laundry I droppes of about 3 days ago or get groceries. I feel like my life ks falling apart and nobody wants to help.
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Shelby, I am so glad you updated us. You are such a brave girl! I know you love your mother, as you should, but I think it is time to make a call to your aunt about YOU. Ask if she will let you live with her. Then you and your aunt can figure out how to help your mom. I think waiting to figure out how to get you and mom out to your aunt at the same time may have to wait. I am sure others on this site that will give you some ideas. There are wonderful, caring people here .
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Well, with the car gone, it will not be long before the food and the house are gone because you have no money left for this month since it was all spent at the Casino and you have no way to get to Wal-Mart for your aunt to send you money. Anyhow, I don't understand how CPS can say you are self-sufficient when you can't get a full time job at 15. Did you tell CPS about the money going to the Casino and the car was being repossessed? I assume they had warned you about being late on payment? You mom has endangered your and her life financially by gambling the money from your aunt away and now there is no money, no car, no going to the grocery store, and no going to the Casino. Call your aunt. See if she can get you out of there somehow and then see if one of your friends from school will let you stay with them.
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Shelby not of this is your fault, we know you have no control of the finances. All this is happening because of your moms bad choices. Hang in there, I know you are doing the best you can with the cards you have been dealt.
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That should have said
None of this is your fault
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What is your mother saying about the car being repossessed?

Does she have a clue what to do or how bad this whole situation has become without a car?

How much food is in the kitchen?

When is the next utility bill due?

When is rent due again?

How is she going to get to her next doctor's appointment?

How is she going to get much less pay for her medicine?

How long until your smart phone needs to be paid on again?

I think you need to make a list of all the house hold expenses that are due, past due or coming up that cannot be paid because the money was gambled away at the casino and that there will not be anymore coming in since you cannot get to Walmart, read it to your mother and depending on how she reacts leave to a friends house and talk with CPS again. This is all your mother's fault and not your fault, but somehow you must get out of there.
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Shelby, how long ago is it that you dropped out of school?

I'm crossing my fingers, because this is only a rough idea, but if it wasn't more than an academic year ago, say, why not call your school and ask to speak to the Guidance Counsellor or whatever kind of welfare officer they have? The thing is, from reading your description of the conversation you had with CPS, it sounds to me like what you need is an advocate. You are ***entitled*** to help and support; and while it is true that there are other children out there who are in more immediate danger than you, it is not good enough for child protection professionals just to give you the brush off. You should be going back to that school, with support for your own home life and your mother's wellbeing in place. That's the aim.

I also like the idea of contacting your aunt and asking directly for help. When a young person manages as well as you already have done, sometimes people don't see how bad things are getting and it takes a disaster to make anything change. Well, don't wait for that. Be clear about what you want and be clear in your own mind about this: you are too young to have responsibility for your mother foisted on you. That's not an option.
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Shelby all I can do is echo the advice of others and that is to contact your aunt and tell her the whole story and let her take it from there.
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You are 15? and doing this? I am 45 and doing this and I am completely overwhelmed. I don't have much to add to all these terrific responses except what you are doing is impressive, you need to build your own life. Please reach out for help. You are worth it, and so is your mother. Big hug to you.
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Shelby, if your Aunt can't or won't assist you contact your local Legal Aid office , or if there is a university with a law school nearby, find out if they have a legal clinic. Have you ever thought about becoming an Emancipated Minor? "The system" will take care of mom because she's ill; apparently in your state, children not so much.
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Mercyhome, scroll down, there are some phone numbers for youths in crisis
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Mercy Home for Boys & Girls
1140 W. Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, IL , 60607
info@mercyhome.orgIf you are a child in need or to refer a child,
please call toll-free 1-877-24-START

For all other inquiries, please call

Shelby: think the call to your aunt should be first but here is another idea if that doesn't work.
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CPS answer is bull. The fact that other children are getting beaten up or raped and are in more immediate danger does not mean you are not getting abused too. You had the guts to call and they had no business not helping you. POSSIBLY if an adult like you school counselor calls, they will not so bilthely dismiss this. Mercy Home really is a good idea. You can't live decently with a mom like this and no transportation, through a Chicago winter.
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What I meant to say is mroe ike OMG - you agonized over it and finally cried out for help because you need it, and you did not deserve that kind of a repsonse - you deserved HELP.
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Here's whats up kid, one you are absolutely wounderful second you need to contact a social worker at a welfare office your mother can get home health care at least 9-5 you will have to help out when an aide is not there. She should also be able to get a visiting physical therapist and doctor. You can make this work and get your mom healthy but you need help and dont be afraid to seek out help. Your mom might be mad at you at first but she will see that the only reason you got help is to get her better. Dont throw away your education. YOU CAN make it work and a social worker is your best bet. I have faith in you kid, you can do it.
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There's a point in life where you have to make the hard decisions. Have you thought about calling a professional counselor about this? I'm almost afraid to tell you to call Child Protective Services because of their ability to take you out of the home and place you somewhere you may not like.

She may not like what's happening to her, but she needs to bite this bullet so to speak and allow you to get your education and get on with your life. It doesn't mean that you don't love her. It means you are looking at this reasonably and like an adult, someone I don't believe she is.

Is there no one else who can take on this responsibility? Does she have siblings? What about your dad?

It is NOT what she likes. It's what she needs. It's what your future is, not hers. When a person has a child, that child is their responsibility. You need to get her some in home care whether she likes this or not. You are HER responsibility, not the other way around. YOU come first. She comes second in this horrible situation she finds herself in.

Please, look at the suggestions given and get out of that situation you are in.
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Hi Shelby, I've got an idea! Find the name and address of the high school you would attend in FL if living at your Aunt's address. (High school credits used to run in 1/4's, the next one should start in March.) Sit down and pen in hand a short sweet note to the school counselor. Start it out with "Dear Sir or Madam:", state that you needed to leave school to help your Mom when she fell seriously ill, but that you are moving there soon and very much looking forward to getting back to your studies. Ask when the next quarter starts, who you can talk to once enrolled about making up missed credits, etc. Put ATTN: School Counselor, Urgent. See if you can come up with an envelope with colors or print so it stands out, (people like to open their neat looking mail 1st). :-) If you don't hear with in a week, call and follow up.

Now, here is the plan. Once you have the start date, phone your Aunt while Mom is asleep, all excited and tell her that school said you can start on X date. Ask if you can go ahead and come early and get started since your night school arrangement fell apart. Tell her you are worried about getting too far behind and the school is going to work with you to help get you back on track. Add that you can call around and find a temporary visiting nurse type of situation to keep your your Mom on par for the 3 month gap between March and June when you are both "supposed" to be coming. I'd think that would be hard for her to say no too. Then ask for a bus ticket and run!!!!! :-)

That forces everyone's hand without you needing to say anything bad or "rat" anyone out, gets you to safety soon, back to being in the role a teen should be, and gets you back in school. You may be right that your Aunt doesn't know what she's getting into, but that isn't anything you can change. If it doesn't go well once between Mom and Aunt once you are there, at least you'll be on the ground and able to find a close place for Mom to be where you and Aunt can stop in and see her everyday. Heads of households prompt family moves due to start dates all the time, you go girl!
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How were you able to drop out of high school? That process alone should have triggered the proper social services. Were you homeschooled?

It's not too late. Call your school district and meet with a counselor there to explain your situation. That will get the ball rolling.
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