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I hope the attorneys who got you into this problem we're not certified eldercare attorney. Once you discover the right way that you want to go, you could return to the attorneys and give them the opportunity to prepare the proper documents which they should do for no additional charge. If they are not cooperative, you can report them to the Bar Association and they may even be liable for malpractice, if they sent you down the wrong path and it caused you damages. That's why they carry malpractice insurance. Attorneys make mistakes too, but they should make things right no further injury to you.

Be very cautious about changing the title on the house in anyway or recording a quit claim deed at this stage. At the age your mom is, and not knowing what's going to happen in the next few years, should she need to go on Medicaid within the next 5 years, you may have a snafu with the five-year look back.
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I would keep your mother in her own home. With your sister, she sounds like she is all about the money and what she can get. Please know, with a person like this, there's no talking to them and she will only see her side of things. Please don't let this stress you out. Let things in GOD's hands. Let your mom in her house and keep doing things the way you have been. I can tell by your story that you are a good person with a kind soul. GOD will be the judge of your sister and GOD knows what you are doing for your mother as well as what you have done for your father. You are doing the right thing by taking care of your mom. Families will often see what they want to see and not what reality is. My family has done the same thing with me. Keep consulting with your pastor and keep turning to GOD, GOD will show you the way. GOD has done this for me thru praying to HIM and also consulting with my pastor. When you're not sure what to do, then don't do anything for the time being. GOD will show you the way. Trust HIM. Let HIM direct your paths. Keep talking to you pastor and also get into the WORD of GOD (The BIBLE). This helps me tremenously! GOD will give you peace and the grace to go on and to do what is needed. Just do all things in love. When your sister sees this, this could change her attitude and GOD is the only one who can change hearts and HE is the only one that can open your sister's eyes. Hoping all turns out well for you and your family. GOD bless you and your mother and your whole family!
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How about asking the police to help work out the disputes??
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I lived with my ill parents for 20 years,dad passed away in 2000 mom passed away in 2012.all the time they lived with me they were getting old age pension and disability pension mom and dad use to pay me 500 dollars a month without me asking,I am business owner and well to do man,I never wanted to put my parents in nursing brother and sister never want to take care of them.I have been accused that I kept my parents away from them and I kept my parents with me for their pension money,Now both parents are passed away I have to deal with lots of blaming that I eat my parents pension money,although when my father passed away my brother helped with funeral cost but a week later he asked money back from my mother and she had to pay both my brother and sister never came to mom funeral.I received phone call from police two day later from police that I am not giving my sister a death certificate so she can get paid for three days she took off from work.i have been receiving these bullying email on and on,please help me out how to deal with this how to stop them I blocked all the phone calls but they still send me messages from different phone.
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you run all about the room telling any and everyone that fist face is coming. eventually someone will confront you and demand to know who fistface is. thats when you piledrive em in the nose with a speeding right hook. some people dont understand words, you have to act it out for them. its like theatre with more malice.
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Dan, you can't stop them but you can deflect them.

I assume that first your father and then your mother left valid wills, which you, as their executor, saw to properly, yes? I'm assuming that because, as a competent business owner, no doubt you will have seen to it.

Your brother and sister can blame you and accuse you as much as they like. You know the truth of the matter. You can demonstrate the truth to anyone who cares to know it. Let them say what they like, it doesn't make any difference to reality.

I am surprised that the police chose to get involved, but the solution to that particular problem is to send your sister a copy of the death certificate. Granted, she should be perfectly capable of obtaining one herself, it takes very little initiative or cash to do so, but since she asks - why not? If it's because you suspect she will use it to submit a fraudulent claim, put your suspicions to one side: that isn't your business or your problem. Should anyone ask you to confirm her presence at the funeral, you will then have your opportunity to explain that she did not in fact attend - but don't anticipate this happening.

Emails: scan them when they arrive for any details you might actually want to know. If they're offensive, delete them. Treat them, in other words, as you treat all emails: we all get spam and junk that we'd rather not see, but it's easily dealt with.

Don't block the phone calls. Always answer the phone, or let it ring through to voicemail, as it suits you, as you normally would. If the caller becomes a nuisance or offensive, hang up. If the message is abusive, delete it.

If the harassment becomes serious or escalates, injunctions are an option. I assume, from what you say, that you would have no difficulty with the legal cost. If you do think it might come to that, make a record and then start keeping a complete, accurate and factual log of your siblings' behaviour: this will make it much easier for any court to understand what protection you require, and why.

The reason I feel confident that - if you stand your ground and continue to brush them aside - they will eventually get bored and go away is that they have had more than a year to get legally serious about any issues they perceive to exist, but they haven't done it. The sort of people who claim to have been kept away from their parents for TWENTY YEARS but did nothing about it are usually also the sort of people who mutter, grumble and rhubarb forever, to no effect. It's hot air. Open the window and ignore them.
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Please help!
My Dad, sister and brother took turns of taking care of my ailing single aunt for 10 years until she died just recently. My aunt entrusted all her money to mt father while she was still strong and healthy. And she gave her piece of land they gift to my sister who took care of her. Now other siblings if my aunt with the rest of cousins are running after the money and the land. Do they have rights to ask for their share?
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You may be better off to start your own thread. This one is four years old.

People can sue for anything, that does not mean they will win.

Hopefully, the gift of land is well documented that it was payment for caregiving.
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