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Buy some frozen bread dough, make sure you give it plenty of time to rise then bake it just before she is due. You will impress her and have a very nice loaf of bread to munch on. It could even be a quick bread, banana but comes packaged in the bake aisle at the grocery store. Many, many choices.
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Clean and open the windows. Most importantly wash the pooches. 8 dogs is a lot.
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Texarkana, I burst out laughing when I read "just rolled in something not even CSI could identify".

Thanks, I needed that :)
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boil water with some cinnamon and apple in it. Or go to Walmart and pick up a $10 wax tart burner and some $2.00 wax scents. I have 5 cats and even though I'm good about cleaning the litter boxes I use these all the time and they smell awesome.
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Eloise used to say "put an onion in the oven." It will smell like supper is cooking.
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Our other friends know how it is at our house. With 8 dogs someone is always throwing up,bringing in the latest thing the cats killed, just rolled in something not even CSI could identify.We keep a large amount of paper towels,spray cleaner, dog shampoo etc. We are dog lovers,I just don't know what this woman's views are on dogs. Some people would freak out if they knew we let them sleep with us. My mother would call the police if I didn't let her dogs sleep with her, they are her babies. Thanks for all the great ideas. I actually found an air freshener that is supposed to smell like cinabons.Let you know how it works out.
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If you have it a stick of cinnamon, a few cloves, few drops of vanilla and maybe an orange or lemon slice or two in a couple of cups of water....bring to boil and let simmer on low for as long as you want. Add water periodically. You can also just sprinkle a few drops of vanilla in corners of room and rub a little bit on light bulbs.

Like that idea of baking chocolate chip A realtor once said she always throws a bag of popcorn in the microwave before clients look at a home. Gives them a munchy as well and most people love the smell (not me)..

Like the idea of declining and offering to visit another day very much!
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You know, men don't worry about things like this. I doubt if there's a man alive who worries about cleaning up his Man Cave before friends come over. Can you imagine a man saying: "Oh, I must clean up this mess of empty beer bottles and dirty paper plates before the guys get here?"

This is a woman thing. But I do understand because I battle it myself.

You could also tell the woman when she brings the pie over that you'd love to invite her in but:

(a) you're in the process of cleaning
(b) the dogs have been sick throwing up all over the place and she wouldn't feel comfortable
(c) you're feeling sick and don't want to spread anything to her
(d) offer to meet her someplace to pick up the pie as your mother needs her rest and visitors wear her down;

(e) you've love to invite her at some other time; now just isn't convenient.

There is no reason that someone who hasn't been over before needs to feel comfortable dropping over uninvited and spend time in the home of someone who's recovering from surgery ( and needs her rest).

And avoid any of those chemical sprays which just stink up the house and release chemicals (some of which are carcinogenic) into the air. Some people are also allergic to those toxic air fresheners.

Cinammon, cloves and vanilla or herbs such as mint are always good standbys. So are chocolate chip cookies, and you get to reward yourself afterwards by eating them.
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I saw a posting on Facebook yesterday that said, "I just sprayed fruited-scented Febreeze in my bathroom. Now it smells like sh*trus." LOL, I thought that was so true! Just boil some cinnamon/cloves on your stove for a short time and enjoy the visit. If she's an animal lover, she'll understand. If she isn't, she isn't worth worrying about in my opinion! Good luck!!
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JessieBelle, OMG that smell in my parents house... and having the indoor temps 80+ doesn't help the issue, either.

I am always politely suggesting to Dad to open a couple of windows and get some fresh air in the house.... my parents are just so use to how the house smells they don't even notice it. When I bring over groceries to my parents, I always leave the door to the garage open to get some new air into the house, but before I know it Mom is closing the door, she doesn't want any flies in the house.... really now, is one fly going to destroy the house?

What is weird is that their car also has the same identical smell... that new car smell is definitely long gone.
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You are doing a great job and don't need to worry about what your visitor may think. Try to visualize her intentions as only the best, and enjoy the pie! You and your mother may develop a new friendship.
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On the other side of the coin, don't clean the house. Then maybe the church lady will want to offer some help to you knowing that both you and your mother aren't physically up for the rigors of house keeping at this point in time.... if she does, take the offer.

Don't forget, even Martha Stewart might have an off day where she doesn't feel like cleaning :)
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BTW, we all know that mature people's houses smell. No matter what you do. The main thing will be to ooh and aah over the pie, maybe sit down to have a piece of it. The church friend is most likely not spying, just letting you know the church is there for you. We have a young lady of the church assigned to look in on us. My mother fights her coming, but I open the door to her, because I know the young woman needs to follow through. I'm glad to know there is the link to the church if we ever have to stop going.
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Vanilla is great. Cinnamon is good. When I was selling the house I put vanilla in the air dispenser. The first person bought the house! Vanilla is a loved smell. If you can find Refresh air spray in the store with a vanilla smell, it is very good. The rose and Thai dragon are also good, but they smell like air fresheners.
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haha this is where you throw an apple or an orange and some cinnamon in the toaster oven and let the smell permeate the room. And let the 8 little dogs yap and sniff her butt so the spy doesn't stay long. LOL
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