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I cannot believe what I read here, I thought at first it was a joke but apparently not. Your MOm dserves to live like ANY of us do. People can still live and have good laughs, hugs, sing, and be loved with alzheimers. YOU cant do it thou, let her go where someone will love her, she deserves to live her life, with love and affection and with someone who will give that to her. What in the world do you mean by taking her life! How would YOU ever live your own life if you did that, you would either be in jail or live with guilt forever, Find your MOm a nice place to live and get back to your own life, let her live hers. Whomever is reading this should report this person before she take her moms life, depressed or not, this is horrible, and I hope its a joke.
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plz report back with us all , we are so worried about you . plzzz
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Do you know anyone else in the same situation in your community? Could you form a group to split care for your family members among each other, or maybe getting together to start a business to care for others? Maybe you could come up with a business plan to start a day care program for elderly. Do you have any contacts from your old job? Do you live in the phillipines? Have you heard of this organization - Dementia Society? What about the Alzheimeers assoc in the phillipines?
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What oqt said.
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Bring her to a hospital ER and just leave her there. Leave a note explaining the situation. People have done it with chronically ill children when they just cannot take care of them any longer. State of federal agencies will step in. (I know you are out of US) Do not let others bully you into taking her back. Your daughter needs a mom at home, not in jail or a mental institution.
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Please, please get some help for yourself and your mom. I don't know what is available for you where you live, but no one should be pushed to the edge the way you are.

There are services. Look for local Alzheimer's services, and also try to get help for what may be serious depression on your part. Don't do anything you'll regret for life. Go to and find contacts there to help you through this. You need to reach out.

Hang on and ask for help - we're with you.
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Please help us all to understand how things work in your country. There are others that do not have anyone to take care of them when they no longer can care for themselves. Where do they go? Are there places for the elderly like the nursing homes here? Is there a church that can help you find assistance? Are there social services that you can go to? Please don't do anything that you will have to be burdened with mentally and physically for the rest of your life......remember you have a daughter that needs you. Keep in contact here........our hearts are with you.
Helpful Answer (2)

Yep, I see what you mean, I'm in the same boat, though I don't have any children. But if it has really come to this point, You would be better off (in every way) just walking away and wishing her well than doing anything to harm her delibrately. abondonment is a bad thing on it's own, but give some serious thought to what your thinking about here. I say again that you have every right to make the choice NOT to care for her, but I don't think you have the right to take her life in your hands for own reasons.
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Read your wall, we sent messages to you. We are thinking of you and your REALLY big problem and we hope we'll be able to help you somehow. Our brains are in motion...
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you have to be the one to leave go to you dr and let them know you ar elosing your mind if you were not around somebody would do some thing BUT DONT OFF YOURSELF
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So what should I do? All those ideas won't work. I tried that already, plus the fact that these services don't come free. Nothing is free in this world. The temporary assistance/neighbors/friends/relatives assistance will last a month or so. After that, they begin complaining, they abandon mom, or pass her back to me! I tried being away for 3 days only for an out-of-town convention that's part of my job last year. My airplane hadn't even landed and soon enough one of my neighbors started texting me with this & that complain and all the dangers posed leaving my mom without me beside her blah blah blah blah blah! It's hypocritical to say these ideas don't cross your minds! I'm not a saint, I don't want to end up an idiot martyr who woke up too late when I am already 50 years old (I'm 40 next year) and tell myself I did so much goodness now I am old myself and who will care for me cuz I don't even have savings since I didn't work for 10 year since I was sacked out of job June 2010?? see what I mean?
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dont do it honey . doing prison time sure is not worth it and who will look after ur daughter ? watch her go thru high school you will miss out alot and feel quilty ,.
go find help , hugs and kisses , xoxox
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I agre that you simply don't have any right to intentionally shorten her life, That being said, you also do not HAVE to put your life on hold for her, that is your choice. Local religious groups or any Social Services that might be availible will do what they can for her if you decide to leave. Just let someone, anyone know that you are going so that they can step in. Please, for your own sake, change this situation so that your mother is safe, and you and your daughter can try to live the life that you want.
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mhmarfil, can you find a Nursing Home in your country to leave your mother there? Social services? Is there a solution? I have read your post and I am worried for you. Please keep us posted
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Murder is not an option.....legally or spiritually. Do you have clergy that you can speak with? Are there agencies for the elderly to assist you? You need some assistance before you completely go off the deep end.........find some help NOW!
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good greif sounds like you need help
here in the us we dont do these kinds of things but you need to talk to your doctor
and you need to have friends or family take your daughter
and you need to take you mother or tell some one you are leaving your mother
dont leave with out tell someone you are leaving
you dont have to tellthem where you are going
but tell them you are leaving her alone
and get your daughter to a safe place dont take her with you
you need help
you are on the verg youself
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