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Current issue. My father is 69 and a drunk with many medical issues living now in The Villiages, Florida. He has lots of money from his company. He after 35 years divorced my mother remarried him. She also had money from a business. Well in May my mother with Lymphoma B-Cell Cancer was going to chemo. I had to take her to doctor in Ohio because my father was always drunk and driving. I am ok to drive but disabled from a Stroke during brain surgery. Well here is the story. I have a sister and her and her husband have money not all legal. They filled my father with booze and told him to leave my mother. Which he did in May. And they took all the money. They did a POA naming my sister, her husband and my daughter who they said in the POA is his nieces which is wrong. We have proof they have the money and they are depleting the money. They moved him from Ohio to the Villiages where he drinks till he passes out sometimes in the driveway. Current I am not speak with my children too because they are in on this. They have new cars, new houses and lots of money. Waiting on the judge in Ohio to make a discussion on the divorce. They have broke into my mothers home stold jewelry. We have proof of my daughter alone spending over $20,000.00 of my parents money. We have depositions and documented proof. But NO one will help. My father is going to kill someone drinking and driving in The Villiages or between there in Ohio. NO state will help. I don't give a crap about money for me I want them all stopped. We have even been told the brother-in-law will try to have us killed. We know he burned down a barn for the insurance money. There is NO HELP in this country. I just want them out of my parents life and my parents to live happy and get the medical attention that they need. I am poor but rich in life with my wonderful husband I met in 2012 after my brain surgery. I have no money to fight this. What can be done? After the divorce is final I want to go after them all make them answer for what they are doing to these to people. My father hates me and wishes I was dead as do my own children. All for money the root of all evil. My father needs help before he kills someone and dies alone. They are all in Ohio he is in Florida alone. Sorry for my writing as I said I have damage from stroke and brain surgery for a brain aneurysms
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Happened to me. My siblings forged and stole and manipulated everything from my grandpa, dad and mon. They took 200k one time. I went to everyone. Lawyers, state, county, elder agencies , more lawyers. Boils down to if they do not admit it and the lawyer cant make any money they are screwed. My dad had $1M dollar inheritance in land and cash. Now he is on medicaid in Long term care. It hurt him so much he never came out of it. Another bottom line as you figure out nothing can be done and you do not want yours or your parent short time left to be all about thid is that evil exists in people and it is greed. state of wi. is as we speak working on over 800 cases of this crap.
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My sisters 2 convincingly talked mom out of her properties and money telling her I could make my own way . Mom left them over 800 thousand and more and left me 1 thousand so I could not contest. Now their doing it to my dad . They have always hated me as I was always working . They never held jobs . Any jobs . Now I’m psysically sick and can’t work .I have no car and my savings are not great . So I’m afraid might end up homeless at 73 . They have ruined my life with jealousy and greed . My mother must have hated me also . Don’t think I will recover from this hurt .
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My brothers is half owner of dad property. My Dad sign me to be power of attorney
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My control freak sister has both medical amd financial POA of our mother. There are five of us children. She is also the Executor of the Will. I have been licensed in the health field for 20 years and ahe know nothing about medicine. she has had my mother on off label medication that is designed for neuropathic pain from diabetes (she doesnt have that) and given for tremors that cause falls as a side effect and has fallen numerous times . Sister has convinced mom that anything she says is gospel and anyone else is not to be trusted. She has extorted permission from mom to ban my brother from setting foot in the house or as she told my mom, "You will not see me again and who would take care of you?" So now, sister actively limits time I can spend with my own mother and denied me seeing her, instead saying she was increasing the time and frequency she is putting in a senior care center (that looks like a homeless shelter). I told her she was overstepping her authority and abusing mom by keeping her away from loved ones under threat of abandonment. sister convinced mom i was "harassing" sis and now wprking to cut me.out of the will by feeding mom a bunch of lies and letting her see texts out of context with me arguing to save mom.(Mom is deteriorating as they won't let her sleep when she wants and makes her stay up (shes 89) . The way mom sees it is if sister is upset, she will crucify anyone to please sister, presumbably oit of fear that sister will abandon her and convinced that she is the only one qualified to help.
Long srory short.....Sister limits her ability to see other children, has questionable financial dealing regarding moms financial accounts , extorts what she wants under threat of abandonment and has made herself untouchable
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Sorry for the typos!!!!!! old eyes and big thumbs!
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