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X, we right there with you today. Remember that and be strong. If someone tries to guilt you into taking him home, keep up the mantra, "I can't keep him safe and I can't keep ME safe. Please help me! "
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X, I hope all goes well for you today. One thing to ask yourself is would your hubby want YOU to be living in fear of him? My guess would be ABSOLUTELY NOT! His disease has taken the man you married very far away. And thenstate taking guardianship will take the emotion out of the decision which will be in his and your best interest. He doesn't like feeling the anger he feels towards you either. The facility where he is placed will work very hard with him to get him stabilized and comfortable. This will take time and you will need to be patient.

A friend recently placed his wife and it was an excruciating decision for him. His wife had become combative and aggressive and was wandering. It was hard for him to comes to grips with he was not able to keep her safe any longer and that his wife would not want the constant care of her the sole responsibility to fall to him.
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X, just checking in, hope that you're still okay. Have you been able to arrange for meds and transportation for tomorrow?
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xhausted, I remember back in late October you wrote that your hubby was being violent with you. You are doing the right thing to save YOUR LIFE. Otherwise, your hubby could live many more years, and your family would be without you.

I can understand your heart is breaking, he's not the same person you had married, and it's not his fault, it's that darn disease. Once he is in a nursing home, you can take a long deep breathe and be able to sleep at night.... then as ba8alou had said above, you can visit him and advocate for him to get the best of care.
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Xhausted, let the state take over! You then get to visit, advocate without being the bad guy!
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Having the state take over Guardianship would take a huge burden off your shoulders, I wish you had opted for that. Why would you not let them take over and see to his care?
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