
In short, Father-in-Law has been having issues lately where he doesn't want to get cleaned up after soiling himself and the bed. He doesn't want anyone messing with him, trying to get him up out of bed; he just wants to be left alone, all day, in soiled clothing. Wants to sit at the table and eat that way, and sit in his cloth recliner that way. Should we just give him his dinner in bed and ignore things? We have tried explaining that we are just trying to keep him healthy and get him cleaned up, showered, fed, and meds taken. Now he is taking to not wanting to take his meds. I'm not sure what to do at this point. He has early/moderate Alzhimer's.

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So sorry wondermomma. Yes it is time. My friend kept her husband home until the combative phase. After several 911 calls, she had to place him.
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Pamstegman, he won't let anyone touch him, he starts fighting and swinging. I have called our provider (we have MD2U for homebound), to see if she possibly can provide some assistance, or get a urine sample. He was treated for a UTI last week (without a urine sample) because he was doing the same thing several days in a row, and he was also put on seroquel for night time because he was sleeping all day and up most of the night. Thank you for your reply, as I do see things possibly escalating even further..sometimes you just need to hear things from someone else. Sometimes he is sweet as pie for a few days, then the will all start again for several days.
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Do not ignore filth. His behavior is more like moderate to late Alzheimers. I would be asking the MD what the options are for care. Once the hallucinations start he will need 24/7 memory facility care.
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