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First, op, stop taking dog bags over there. As seen, they’re just filling them up and leaving them at your doorstep.

Instead of that, just buy some cams. Dogs on your property, there’s a cam for that.
Helpful Answer (2)
Anonymous321 Mar 2023
I did. I left them once. Never again. If you were paying attention, you would know I already have cams…& dogs on video.
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How do I stop comments or delete this question and thread? I’m done.
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2023
You don’t have to do anything, Anon. Just stop viewing the thread. I’m sorry that you are in this situation. It’s beyond frustrating to have crappy neighbors.

Don’t add to your frustration by being annoyed with a website. Totally not worth it!

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Consider using recommendations of whatever you find useful and simply ignore the rest.

Best of luck to you!

I apologize. I’ve just been through the ringer and things were finally letting up…& now this.

I forgot one of my most important rules to live by temporarily: use what I can and toss the rest.

Thank you for reminding me!:)
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2023

I didn’t take any offense at all to any of your comments. I appreciate your kindness but you really don’t owe me an apology.

Oh gosh, I totally understand that you are stressed out. I would be too if I were in your situation.

I wish that I could say that I remain calm, cool and collected when I am stressed.

The truth is that very often I am on edge when things are out of wack in my life. I am working on it! I am better than I was before.

In truth, my husband has always been my calming force when I get upset. He’s my ‘Mr. Chill’ when I have nearly fallen apart.

The best case scenario is that your neighbors will move. I just hope that one way or another this mess will come to an end for you.

Take care.
When you hear them Screaming through the walls.
I would call and have PD do a Welfare check on them.
you can remain anonymous. Identify yourself as a concerned neighbor.
There must be other neighbors that hear this.
Always record when your outside, audio is all the police need.
Be aware of your surroundings.
Ive had horrible neighbors.
Take care.
Helpful Answer (3)
Anonymous321 Mar 2023
The owners on the other side of them are rarely here. This weekend was the first in 2023. I’m on the other side…

No it does not. I just haven’t addressed the rest of the misinformation…yet. If I do at all.
Helpful Answer (1)

I just read ur responses. How frustrating. Does your HOA allow privacy fences? I assume ur parking spaces are next to each other with no barrier distinquishing yours from their's? My GFs is like this. I would ask the police if you can put up a sign saying "anyone using my parking space or blocking it will be towed at their expense"
I agree about cameras and lighting. I think keeping records of what they do. In my township, its a regulation that people need to pick up their dogs waste. Also, that dogs are not allowed to run loose. I would get as much proof as I could to get a restraining order. At that time I would make it known that you understand that alot of this is a couple who need help. One with Dementia the other dying that she is left to care for.

Lets hope that the man passes and at that time they realize Mom needs a facility. She may think your a daughter who has abandoned her. Maybe you can put up a sound proof wall.

Me, I would sell but I realize that may not be an option. Just try and ignore them at this point. Don't talk to anyone associated with the house.

APS, no they are not suppose to say who filed the complaint but I am sure u will get blamed whether u did or not.

How are your patios, is there a roof, can u put up an awning and then buy a blind to hang on the side the neighbors are?
Helpful Answer (1)
Anonymous321 Mar 2023
There are privacy panels on both sides. It has not kept the dementia patient nor the crazy neighbor away. They come around them.

We requested to fence the area in, but were denied that request (we didn’t want to fence it in, but it seems it might be the only way to keep them away…at least the dementia patient). The other would probably bring a ladder and look in…lol.

The parking space between us and the dementia patient has a barrier (our front yard). Crazy is two doors down. We are right next to the neighbor on the other side. No signage allowed.

Regulations here too RE: dog waste and leashes.

Thank you for your suggestions:)

A sound proof wall? Interior?

I would sell, too, but it’s not an option right now…

I’m ignoring all of them…completely.

I am sure we would get blamed whether we did or not.

Patios are side by side with a privacy panel on each side. No awnings allowed.
Fun new argument overheard from dementia patient to son last night? My rear patio Ring camera/motion lights are following her…
Helpful Answer (1)
AlvaDeer Mar 2023
So sorry this is so ongoing. I hope you took advice about keeping that careful diary, and have stayed otherwise completely clear of it all other than recording with your own security camera. I am afraid that given the residents this will be ongoing drama. At some point, with a diary and film, this will be an inhabitability issue with the HOA, and a court case, at worst. Or at best, limited by the limitations of this elderly couple, and hopefully their safe placement a world away from you. Good luck Anon.
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When they first moved in the wife would never leave her husband alone unless someone came to sit with him… Now that he’s pretty much bedridden, she’s wandering out of the house at all hours. Usually in her pjs/robe & slippers, but not always. She wandered around our driveway for two hours today while I was gone… I didn’t see it live, but later.
Helpful Answer (1)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2023
What an incredibly sad situation for everyone.

I wonder how many people end up in similar situations.

Advanced dementia robs a person of their ability to live independently and it can also cause problems for others. It’s a no win situation.

None of this is fun/funny.
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UPDATE: The hospice husband passed overnight. The funeral home just left with him. The family is all gathering/arguing nextdoor… I’m going out and turning the tv up for my pup:(
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2023
It’s a sad situation all around.

What is the condition of his widow? Do you think she is able to live alone without help? How often do the children check on her?

How old is she?

Sometimes, one person dies and the other person dies shortly afterwards. Other times they live a long time as a widow. Is she in poor health?
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It is sad. She’s had three strokes and was diagnosed with dementia after the first one. She is not capable of living alone, IMHO. She shouldn’t be left alone at all. She shouldn’t be driving either… I don’t know how often the children will check on her as opposed to how little they were (just during emergencies). 82? Yes, that’s the way my parents will go. Don’t know about these two though. They’ve been prepping for his death for a long time… She’s been taken by ambulance to the hospital 3x since moving in for falls/strokes:(
Helpful Answer (1)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2023
Wow! She’s still driving. Her children have either given up on the situation or God knows what they are thinking? I suppose that no one knows the history of this family’s situation.

Anyway, I hope that it works out where she gets the care that she needs and that you are able to live your life in peace without any further complications.

Years ago I rented half of a duplex. The other tenants were a woman and her elderly mother. Clearly the mother should not have been left alone while the daughter went to work. I wonder how often this occurs, where an elderly person is left alone and shouldn’t be home alone.

My neighbor was constantly opening the door up to strangers. We lived just off of a busy bus route and occasionally people would knock on our doors asking for help, money, etc. I didn’t open my door to them. The old lady next door would always open her door.

I told her daughter that I was concerned that she would open the door up to someone who was dangerous. The daughter did absolutely nothing about it.

This old woman was very sweet and would get her purse and hand over money to the person at the door who said that they needed help. I moved away and thought about her from time to time, hoping that she was never harmed by anyone who knocked on her door.
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Question: I left thinking I’d get away, eat and return. They are clearly in for a big party tonight (seriously)… If they cross the line tonight, do I give them a pass like I have all day today (all over our property/no regards for boundaries, etc?)? Or do I stand firm on the mutual no trespassing/noise/heckling? I see trouble brewing with the amount of people and alcohol incoming. Whoah…
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Fawnby Mar 2023
Call the police if they create a disturbance, argue, trespass or have a loud party. That should put a stop to it. The police don’t have to tell them who called.

So sorry you went through all of this. I hope the widow gets moved elsewhere and that you get a nice new neighbor. Or none, so you can recover from the trauma.
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You want me to call the same police that listened to the dementia patient and issued a no tresspass order on me? Please explain your rationale?
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So the husband has died? You are guessing that his poor wife is not in good enough condition now to be left alone, and I would bet you are correct. It sounds as though your problems will now be solved, if in a rather sad way.

Wishing you the best.
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