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So which is the good day? Showers/gets dressed or stays in nightgown/sleeps? She's 93. She doesn't have to drive to work or go shopping or wash the floors. Let her do whatever she wants. Relax on the sleeping-in days.
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Good day or bad day he*l! hour to hour, sometimes minute to minute. you'll get used to it.
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Wow! 93 & sounds like she's doing great!
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I agree with so many of the responses here. When my Mom was still alive and I would visit her in the Nursing home she could be in a horrible mood when I first got there and then 10 minutes later she would be talking and laughing with me. Most of the time she was pretty even-keeled though.

I, on the other hand, get into funks that can last days, weeks even. I agree with Send about not scheduling things for a Monday or too early in the morning or more than one appt in one day. When I get a job now I usually just do on-call casual or part-time. Luckily I am able to do that.

As for ironing, I enjoy that too for some reason. I find it relaxing in a weird sort of way. My younger brother used to always be running late. His friends would show up and he would be scrambling to get ready. He would beg me to iron his shirt for him. I'd pretend to be mad but actually kind of enjoyed it.
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My good days and bad days consist of mood swings with my 87 year old dementia grandma. Honestly it's more like hours and sometimes even minutes. She can wake up happy and eager to please. She can happily eat her food, take her pills and answer questions happily. Then within 20 minutes she can be in a terrible mood, throwing her food, refusing pills, trying to hit those around her. It's gotten worse since she went into rehab with a broken leg and just returned home. I just take it as it is. Try to be happy when she's happy. Try even harder to be happy when she's not. I wait 20 minutes sometimes for her to 'reset' as we like to call it so that she might come around and be happy again within the 20 minutes hit. Sometimes if you take away the food, not mention the showering or dressing, remove the pills, then try again in 20 minutes, she sometimes just happily does what needs to get done without second guessing. It's a guess what she will be like at any given moment. Since she lives with me I see the good and the bad. I see the wonderful and the ugly. I just enjoy what I can and feel blessed I get to enjoy the time she does have left and live for those wonderful moments she knows who I am or at least greets me with a smile recognizing my face.
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"I wait 20 minutes sometimes for her to 'reset' as we like to call it"Haha, Misskitty!
My mom is mostly mentally absent, I can prattle away about the weather or what she would like for dinner etc and get absolutely no reaction, but every once in a while she will be perfectly lucid and the old mom will peak out. I can understand why people once believed in being possessed, because it's like there are two of her and real mom is being overwhelmed by the zombie mom. This morning I got no reaction as I was feeding her breakfast so I asked if she was in there today, she said no. Real mom has a dry sense of humour ;)
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