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You can't really expect anymore than you get right now. If this guy is really taking care of an elderly paretn 24/7, even if he sits down to do a text or email - trust me - he will be interrupted 20 times before he can hit the send button. And more often than not, he'll forget he was about to do the text and think about it later in the day.

There is no scheduled time to allow for a text or even a phone call. When you get a minute, and remember what you're doing, you do it.

It's interesting that you say you don't want to be number one, you have a pretty good understanding of what he does all day, yet you want advice on how to have a meaningful, complete conversation. Sorry, but I don't see that happening. His dad is the priority and his life is on hold for now. If what you get is not enough, this is not the guy who can give you more right now.
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Please realize that some seniors can be long-lived. My grandmother died just short of 99 years old, and she had heart trouble. Will you be happy with the treatment you are receiving for 10 years? Yes, dad needs to be cared for, but your boyfriend obviously has needs top. It appears that he needs a little more of his "own life" separate from his dad.
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NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020
My husband’s great grandmother lived just shy of 102!

Hope that you don’t feel harassed. Glad that you are taking it slow and truly hope it works out for you. If not with this guy, then another person.

Might not be a bad idea to consider other options too. I can appreciate that you feel a connection with him.

My only intention was for you not to be harmed. You haven’t agreed to meet him so I do believe that you are taking it slow and assessing the situation carefully. You have done background checks.

Best of luck in finding new friends or promising romances.
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