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This is just a bit too much. You need sleep. I assume she is wearing night time depends? I bought twin bed sized washable pads for my moms bed for when she has accidents. She is now in AL. I would hire someone to take the night shift or put mom in the appropriate setting for her issues.

Best of luck.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to againx100

They've got something out there called the "purewick"(?) system,Hospitals use these, too. It slips between the legs and it sucks up into a container. I kinda looked into it, seems a bit spendy. I guess you have to add up the cost for everything you're currently spending to see if it works for you. Other than that, just regulating fluids before bedtime,just like the little ones.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JuliaH

Your Mom is only 83.
She likely has a good 10 years of life left and you tell us in your profile that you are 63.
You're my daughter's age, and your mom is about my age (82 this year).
It would absolutely SLAY me to think that she would sacrifice her own life on the burning funeral pyre when this is the most free she has ever been with her son raised and through college and out on his own. She and her hubby, 70, now can travel, enjoy their paid off home, do all the things they always longed to do. How horrible to think that she would sacrifice her own life for me when I have HAD MY LIFE.

I encourage you to have open discussions now with your husband about a future for the two of you. Yes, this will mean placement. You didn't cause this and you can't fix it, and this is going to get worse and worse until it kills you off. You will no longer be a daughter but a caregiver, and that is the one who bears the brunt of all our anger over our normal losses with aging.

We now live too long. I am convinced of that. We are taking our children down with us.
Sorry to be so blunt, but I encourage you to come to some of the tough decisions for your own life now. At least open the discussion and begin to think of options.
Helpful Answer (22)
Reply to AlvaDeer
graygrammie Jun 1, 2024
This is exactly why I plan to move to a CCRC. I will not put the burden on my children that was put on me. My biggest problem is figuring out where I want to live the rest of my life. I want my kids to have the retirement years that I have yet to have.
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Change mom before bed and once again around 4am, that's it. Or get a used Purewick system on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to lealonnie1

I get you want your Mom to stay fresh & dry overnight but your sleep is very important too.

Is Mom waking you or would she sleep through the night?

Obtain the thickest Depends you can for overnight use. Place a waterproof mattress pad under as well. Do a trial. See if it is enough to manage ok until the morning ie for you both to sleep & Mom to not be drenched.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Beatty
cwillie May 28, 2024
This is the way. Tena overnights or premium brands like Prevail, Tranquility, Abena and others are much more absorbent than any Depends I've ever tried.
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This is the time that you have to face facts - you are no longer able to be your mother's caregiver.

You have a duty of care for your mum, but you also have a duty of care to yourself. You can't do both in your home, so it's time to outsource one.

There will never be a perfect solution, so you have to choose the one that gives the best quality of life to you because you're the one who is completely aware.

Be an advocate for your mum (that can be exhausting enough), but don't risk your own health and wellbeing by being the hands on caregiver any more. Start looking at care facilities and choose the best affordable one (not affordable for you - you have your own old age to think about - affordable for your mum).

Best wishes for you and your mum.
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to MiaMoor

There are medications for incontinence such as Gemtesa which prevents / minimizes leakage. This is very very common.
Something to think about discussing with her pcp or urologist.
Hope this helps and wishing you the best of luck.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Mek2466

Classic scenario as to why home care doesn't work. Mom needs to be in an AL facility. They have people working there 24/7/365 that can help your mom anytime day or night. Your killing your REM sleep and eventually you will be nothing but a zombie who isn't good for anybody.
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to olddude

You need 8 hours of quality uninterrupted sleep in order to be able to be a caregiver.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Southernwaver

I can do anything and take on anything if I have had good sleep.

When I've had to be FT CG for my DH who has had several really severe health issues--I have not slept well. Each time, after a few weeks with him being demanding and a terrible patient, I would wind up with a days-long migraine--when all I needed was to SLEEP.

Your mom is wearing depends at night so you DON'T HAVE TO GET UP. You're essentially letting her ruin your sleep b/c, why? Is she upset about being in depends at this stage of the game? Or are you more bothered by it?

Not trying to be judgy, just hoping you can figure out a way to get your sleep and still give mom the care you want to give her.

I guess you could hire someone for those weird hours. A college student in nursing? She comes at about 11, takes care of mom and then takes care of her at 3 and goes home or wherever. It's going to cost a bit--being an overnight kind of thing--but I have heard of weirder CG schedules.

However, if mom has no problem using the depends, then let her sleep and hope for the best. Using a lot of pads on the bed and some extra ones in the depends might give you the coverage you need.

For me (and I think a LOT of other people)--when my LO becomes incontinent and they are not able to handle the diaper routine--that's the signal that an ALF must come into play.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to Midkid58

I feel you! I used to have to get up at night periodically to reposition my paralyzed father, and the interrupted sleep was KILLING me. And I alternated nights with my sister!

This is not any way to live, long term. The mental health issues alone …

Thinking of you.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to SnoopyLove

This doesn't work after a while. I took care of my sister who was incontinent, and I would be awakened out of a deep sleep from the smell of bowel incontinency. It was horrible, and it happened more times than I care to talk about. She would be covered in crap from head to toe, the bed, the floor, and the walls. This would happen around two in the morning. Now after a bath, laundry in the middle of the night, it would be at least four am before I was able to get back to sleep only having to get up two hours later for work and then for classes at the university. Sometimes I would make it home to feed my daughter dinner and then off to class until nine and home by ten. It was hellish.

I couldn't take it any longer. I eventually got her placed but it was through the government. We all know how long that process can take. To top it off, my father acted like a jerk the entire time including getting married and didn't bother about telling me. He was enjoying a new marriage while I'm left struggling with his disabled daughter.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to Scampie1
NeedHelpWithMom May 29, 2024
So very true! It reminds me of when I would change daughter’s diapers and as soon as I did, that’s when she would go to the bathroom.

It’s involuntary! Babies can’t control their bladder and neither can older people!
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I think you have the answer from many replies here. Apparently one of the main reasons the elderly move into a proper care facility is due to incontinence and the extreme difficulty and negative impact it has on other family members, especially those having to do the caring and cleaning up. I speak from experience: my mother’s night time incontinence got to the stage where I was having to go over to hers every morning, change her sheets and her soiled clothing, clean the room, clean the bathroom and chair, look out for soiled stuff she had hidden in wardrobes and drawers, take everything home, wash and dry it all then take it all back the next day for it all to start again. A routine like this is never ending and takes its toll on your health too - and there is no opportunity to have a life of your own. Now my mother is in a care home and it’s someone else’s job to do all this, not mine.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Chriscat83

hi SharShar,

It took me several years to figure this out through trial and error - but it works for us:

-EgoSan pullup briefs (available on Amazon). They're pricier than Depends but you need to change them much less often plus they rarely leak (even with bowel incontinence). (Depends are useless IMO.)
-For extra protection we also add to his Egosan brief a Tena Overnight extra coverage pad every time we change him. (available on Amazon). This really helps!
-Washable large waterproof bed pads. Saves your mattress and bedding. (amazon).

Your loved one should be able to sleep comfortably through the entire night with this combination. Give it a try and get a good night's sleep. Your loved one's bedding will usually be 100% dry in the mornings, with a few minor exceptions.

Hopes this combo works for you.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to LostinPlace

Do not get up in the middle of the night to change. It will wear on you / your sleep patterns - and you will not be able to function at your best. We NEED our sleep.

Instead, put a full size WASHABLE pads (or two) right under the sheet.
You can wash this as needed (daily) and get 2-3 so you can change them as needed and not run out.

From my point of view ...
There is absolutely NO need to wake her up - or yourself - for this need.

Unless I am missing part of the situation / concern. If she doesn't try / get up at night ... why not let her sleep? Why do you feel a need to change them 'immediately' ?

I presume most people (certainly facilities / nursing homes) wait until the morning to manage hygiene needs.

If you are concerned about chapping, read this:


Preventing chafing is relatively simple, though it takes time and requires frequent attention. 

It may be difficult to prevent completely if you regularly participate in activities that cause chafing. But there are still steps you can take to reduce its severity and keep it from getting worse. The following are some methods you can use to help prevent chafing.


Apply a thin layer of deodorant to the area before beginning the activity.
For example, if you often experience chafing along your inner thighs when wearing a skirt, apply a thin layer of deodorant to your thighs before leaving the house. 


Creams, oils, and powders can provide a layer of protection and reduce friction. You’re less likely to chafe if the skin can glide smoothly. Powder may be less effective than lotion. That’s because it can clump and make chafing worse. 

Moisture-wicking clothing

Materials like cotton retain sweat and moisture and keep your skin damp. This dampness increases your risk of friction and chafing. 

Wear clothes that “breathe” and let the sweat evaporate off your skin, especially while exercising. Running tights and other sport-specific clothing can protect skin when you’re active. You can also wear bike shorts underneath a skirt to prevent thigh skin from rubbing together.

Properly fitting clothes

Clothes that are too big can move a lot and chafe skin by continually rubbing.

The best treatment for chafing is prevention. Even with the best prevention methods in place, however, it’s still possible to experience chafing. In those cases, dry off the area, stop the activity that led to chafing as quickly as possible, and apply lotion or petroleum jelly to help soothe and protect the affected skin. Chafing should heal within a couple days.

If the area seems overly irritated or is showing signs of infection, see your doctor.

Gena / Touch Matter
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to TouchMatters

Get a PureWick system; she will never have to get up at night again. We started using this with my 94-year-old mother-in-law at night two years ago since she got up hourly and was exhausted. The problem was solved, and now she doesn't get up. It is pricey, though.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to audree1

I put my mother in the Always Discreet Incontinence underwear with a TENA overnight pad inside of it. That will hold any amount of urine that she can produce during the night.

If only I could count on not being awakened every night ....sigh.....the LAST thing that I would do is set an alarm to put my mother on the toilet.

Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to southiebella

Use adult briefs with tabs. Takes a minute of practice but much easier than using the pull ups at night. Can use the other ones during the day. Just a thought.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Difelt

Me too. I’m here most of the days of the week. Feeding her washing her clothes & waiting to change her. It’s a lot. Can’t get hoe health because she hasn’t can’t go to doctor. She has declined at home, can no longer walk! Hospice says she doesn’t qualify 😩. She bedridden Incontinent and has some dementia. Medicare Aetna Tricare for life. Unless she has to go to hospital or I can find an available Bed at a nursing home, I’m stuck.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Di1961
Ihatecaregiving Jun 8, 2024
Me too. I'm sorry you are having to go through this. I never hear this, and you probably don't either. You are earning your Angel wings!
Oh good gracious! I'll bet you're tired. And probably close to burn out!
First, stop getting up every few hours to change the depends.
If the pull-ups are not absorbent enough, try using diapers for overnight.
And, whatever she wears, you will almost inevitably have leakage. Buy disposable underpads - you can find at any drug store, walmart and walgreens store brands are both good. There are also washable underpads, which will help protect the bed, so you are not stripping and washing bedding every day, or worry about pee-soaked mattress.

If you have not diapered an adult before, you want to start with her laying down, gently turn her away from you, on her side, place the diaper under her bum, and try to push it a little bit under her to the other side, then gently roll her to facing you so you can pull up the far side of the diaper, then with her laying on her back, fasten the diaper tabs - I like the ones with "stretch wings" to get the best fit and coverage.
Do this when she goes to bed, and see if she can sleep comfortably through the night, then remove the soaked diaper in the morning. Most diapers are designed to pull the liquid away from the skin, and they can hold quite a bit.

Also, if you can limit her fluid intake after, say, 7 pm, that will help.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to CaringWifeAZ

Either use thick pads (used for your periods) inside her Depends/diapers/pullups OR, you can try what is called, "Pure Wick" during the You can use the thick, menstrual pade all the time to line her Depends. I would just add more during the night! On a man, I also take these pads and wrap them around the penis. And then add more under the penis to catch whatever the others don't catch. This is much cheaper than buying those depends all the time and having to change them. Much easier to change these pads.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to DonnaF777
BurntCaregiver Jun 2, 2024

Never use period pads for urine. They are not designed for this and a thick bulky pad is uncomfortable. A trimmed-down baby diaper as a liner is how to keep it dry. Those things are remarkable too. Nearly as thin as a sheet of paper, yet no matter how full they get the surface stays dry.
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Hi SharShar, leave the depends on with a liner inside them. Put disposable bed pads under Mom and maybe a washable one under them just in case to keep the bed dry. Use desitin zinc ointment if you see beginnings of a rash starting. I would not and do not get up at night to change my Mom. She does not have any skin breakdown and we both get good sleep. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to lmh1973
Bestrong Jun 1, 2024
Well said!
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Cooter Canoe. I don’t know the real name but it a canoe shaped, sort of like a tampon that is great!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Micheletow
BurntCaregiver Jun 2, 2024
OMG! LOL "Cooter Canoe". I think you mean a Purewick system LOL.
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Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Micheletow

Take a deep breath nd go take care of your mother. I know you don’t remember but she did it for you, more than
twice a day. Loved you then ad still does 💐
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Haggus
NeedHelpWithMom Jun 1, 2024
I know that you mean well but taking care of an adult is totally different than caring for a child.
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When Mom’s Amazon brand pullups were no longer absorbant enough I googled around for reviews on best adult incontinace products. The overnights by Dry Direct are a big hit. One used for day and second change for night. So far so good.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Mythmara

SharShar: Perhaps you could try the Purewick system.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Llamalover47

How about a Purewick? I know they're expensive but it'd be worth it so you could get some rest .

Ask her dr. about it
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Ddd850

Get family members, friends involved. This work can be overwhelming. Take some time away if you can.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Encourager
BurntCaregiver Jun 2, 2024

It's unreasonable to ask a family member or friend to come out in the middle of the night to change a diaper. That's a bit much.
At night you can line her diaper with a trimmed-down baby diaper so you won't have to get up and change her because it will stay dry. Baby diapers are made differently than adult diapers. The surface stays dry even if they are saturated with urine. This is one option.

You can hire a private-duty, private-pay CNA to work the hours of 11-3. You'll be able to find someone on a site like and there are many aides out there who work second shift and wouldn't mind picking up a part-time job for those hours. It will cost you though. That's another possibility.

Ddd850 suggests a Purewick system. That could very well be the easy solution to your problem right there.

As for asking family and friends to help out. I think it would be unreasonable to ask a relative or friend to come over in the middle of the night and change a diaper.

Try the other suggestions. There has to be one that can work for you. If there's not then you can always consider placement in a care facility.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to BurntCaregiver

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