
She was in long term care about a month then sent to inpatient geropsych for 2 weeks then back to long term care I then signed her out AMA...when does her 60 days of good health for Medicare start again?  When she was returned home or when she was in long term care? Thank you and love you all

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The clock for in facility rehab care begins when the patient has a minimum 3 days in an acute care hospital. Then up to 100 days in rehab, provided the patient continues to show improvement.

Once discharged from the rehab....the clock only starts again with another acute care hospital stat
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Mom will need a new qualifying hospital stay to be eligible for skilled nursing benefits, especially since you took her out Against Medical Advice.
also from
Skilled nursing facility (SNF) care
How often is it covered?
Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) covers skilled nursing care provided in a skilled nursing facility (SNF) under certain conditions for a limited time.
Medicare-covered services include, but aren't limited to:
Semi-private room (a room you share with other patients)
Skilled nursing care
Physical and occupational therapy*
Speech-language pathology services*
Medical social services
Medical supplies and equipment used in the facility
Ambulance transportation (when other transportation endangers health) to the nearest supplier of needed services that aren’t available at the SNF
Dietary counseling

Who's eligible?
People with Medicare are covered if they meet all of these conditions:
You have Part A and have days left in your benefit period.
You have a qualifying hospital stay.
Your doctor has decided that you need daily skilled care given by, or under the direct supervision of, skilled nursing or therapy staff. If you're in the SNF for skilled rehabilitation services only, your care is considered daily care even if these therapy services are offered just 5 or 6 days a week, as long as you need and get the therapy services each day they're offered.
You get these skilled services in a SNF that's certified by Medicare.
You need these skilled services for a medical condition that was either:
A hospital-related medical condition.
A condition that started while you were getting care in the skilled nursing facility for a hospital-related medical condition.
Your doctor may order observation services to help decide whether you need to be admitted to the hospital as an inpatient or can be discharged. During the time you're getting observation services in the hospital, you're considered an outpatient—you can't count this time towards the 3-day inpatient hospital stay needed for Medicare to cover your SNF stay.

Your costs in Original Medicare: You pay:
Days 1–20: $0 for each benefit period ($0 in 2018).
Days 21–100: $164.50 coinsurance per day of each benefit period ($167.50 in 2018).
Days 101 and beyond: all costs (all costs in 2018).

Note: If you stop getting skilled care in the SNF, or leave the SNF altogether, your SNF coverage may be affected depending on how long your break in SNF care lasts.
If your break in skilled care lasts more than 30 days, you need a new 3-day hospital stay to qualify for additional SNF care. The new hospital stay doesn’t need to be for the same condition that you were treated for during your previous stay.
If your break in skilled care lasts for at least 60 days in a row, this ends your current benefit period and renews your SNF benefits. This means that the maximum coverage available would be up to 100 days of SNF benefits.
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Benefit period

The way that Original Medicare measures your use of hospital and skilled nursing facility (SNF) services. A benefit period begins the day you're admitted as an inpatient in a hospital or SNF. The benefit period ends when you haven't gotten any inpatient hospital care (or skilled care in a SNF) for 60 days in a row. If you go into a hospital or a SNF after one benefit period has ended, a new benefit period begins. You must pay the inpatient hospital deductible for each benefit period. There's no limit to the number of benefit periods.
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To clarify, Medicare will pay for a hospitalization, even if she doesn't have 60 days of good health. What they won't pay for is rehab. That's MY understanding.
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Agree with calling Medicare and asking them. Are you concerned your mom may need hospitalization again?
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It's the "ama" bit that worries me - what were the reasons for medical advice being not to take her home? Because doesn't that kind of imply that she was still requiring medical care then?

Wouldn't it be quickest and most certain to ring your Medicare contact and ask?
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Was Medicare paying for the rehab? The clock restarts once Medicare isn't paying any longer, is my understanding.
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Well it’s kind of a very long story ,,I’m a RN and my dear mama has Alzehemiers and dementia..I had her placed in long term care , they were doing substandard care and I took her out ama ..Medicare requires the patient to have 60days of good health to restart to the 100 Medicare bed days ,,,now my question see I only am a medical nurse I don’t do insurances at all..the question is do the 60 days of good health start when she arrives home or did it start when she is in long term care ,,,if you go back and read my posts you will see my history and understand my situation much better ,,it was traumatic for Mom to be placed in long term care and she was not changed or treated well ,,even me being a RN Clinical Supervisor can’t watch them every moment. ,it was a excellent choice to take her home ,,,I just want to know when the 60days of good health started so her Medicare days of 100days will be covered ,,,thank you for your reply and I hope this explains the situation more
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60 days of good health? Huh? For what?

I have never heard of this.

What is it you are trying to get for your Mom?

Please give the background to this
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