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taking care of 2 people in one house, and you n hubby(patient #2) in a small bedroom... your cousin will be looking to try to place both you n hubby soon, or another caretaker who can take on 3 patients - you being #3...

no... cousins hubby laid out the plans... let them figure out how to take care of mom... you will burn out sooner than you think...

does free room n board give you privilege to kitchen, laundry, bath, and yard? Or will you be considered Cinderella?

or agree for a short period and keep looking for a place to rent.
Helpful Answer (2)

A hard "NO!" NO! NO!

I predict you'll seriously regret going through with this. Your husband has dementia--he will only get worse. Your aunt has dementia and she will only get worse. You, you get to stay in a bedroom ... for free. That's it in exchange for you giving up your life for what may be for years.

I lived with my mom for 13 months with her dementia before she died. The isolation you'll experience because she couldn't be left alone--ONE PERSON--I cannot imagine if you're basically trapped with TWO. My sisters' (imagine this being your cousin) narcissistic behavior destroyed my health for years.

Your cousin has already changed the terms of payment--a MASSIVE red flag. Your cousin has manipulated you into giving up your home over this. I'm sorry, but you're better off moving into a new place and simply tell your cousin NO.
Helpful Answer (8)
MountainMoose Jul 2023
I don't see your username, but thank you for the notice. The formatting for this forum seems really off, no usernames or dates. I've never seen it like this before, even with refreshing. Thank you again.
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When you said your cousin is controlling, thats when I said "NO, don't do this. Its not good. If you have no money, you could place DH in a facility on Medicaid till u sort ur life out. I also wonder what you were renting for $3800 a month.

Related or not, there are Labor Laws concerning live-ins. I think you better check out what they are. You are an employee and deserve to be paid. Its not a 24/7 job, you get time off. In hindsight, you could have stored your belongings.

If you think this is a good deal for now, be up front and honest. That you will gladly stay with Mom for a free room but when you can afford a place of your own, you will be moving out. Because in the long run, you can't care for two sick people indefinitely. But I would not even do this unless you are able to stick up for yourself with cousin.
Helpful Answer (2)

Your name must have "magical" in it because you're susceptible to magical thinking. Why isn't your cousin prsenting your other aunt with this option, as she shares more DNA with the aunt that needs caregiving more than you do? Why doesn't she move her mother in with HER?

She indeed trapped you by making you think you would get $2K/month and now has yanked any monetary compensation from the deal. (For the record, I don't think $2K/month for doing you don't know what a reasonable offer, either.)

Do you really want anything to do with this conniving cousin? Don't you see what is going to end up happening?

How old are you? How old is your H? How old is this aunt? Did you quit a job to care for your H? Are you collecting SS? Is your H? A pension? Just trying to get an idea of your overall financial situation to understand why you would be so desperate to consider such slavery.
Helpful Answer (5)

No way.
It all sounds way too casual. Being hired as a caregiver or moving in as a homeless, helpful niece? Do you then quit your job or vacate the premises? Too vague.
I’d be afraid that the use of a bedroom in exchange for caregiving would soon turn into a 24/7 responsibility. Trapping you.
IF you are seriously considering it: I suspect she needs you more than you need the free room. I might be inclined to say no to see if your cousin dramatically sweetens the deal. Seems ridiculous that supposed billionaires would need you to sacrifice on their behalf.
So many red flags.
Helpful Answer (5)
ventingisback Jul 2023
If one is a billionaire, it’s probably difficult to find someone to live there, who doesn’t want to steal. Hence they trust OP to live there.

But OP, you should get paid for helping. Free rent isn’t enough. If you end up helping a lot, for free (in my case, and in many people’s cases, for years for free; A LOT of helping), you’ll end up angry and exploited like me.
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"wants someone to be there majority of the day." 🚩

"the pay issue" ⚠️

"will not hear anything I have to say" ☠️

Hmm. So I read what cousin wants, a changing deal to suit cousin & what cousin says & no listening.

Where is Asking how much supervision/assistance you realistically give? You need to have a life too, leave the house at times etc. Where is Discussing a fair price/arrangement with you? Where is Listening to you for what will suit your end of this?

Set up an honest two-way conversation. If this is still a monologue - being talked AT, it's a non-starter.
Helpful Answer (4)

So, would you be the 24/7 caregiver for 2 people with dementia? Because that's what's expected of a live-in caregiver.

The very fact that you are considering this means you should perhaps talk to a therapist who will help you identify and defend healthy boundaries. You should also read posts under the topic Burnout on this forum, since that's where you'll be destined.
Helpful Answer (5)
ventingisback Jul 2023
OP’s thinking it might be worth it since rent will be free for 6 months.
I am curious as to how much it would cost to rent a little bedroom in a roommate situation in your area and pay for your own board. You wouldn’t really be saving what you’d have to pay for your own place since you would not have your own place.

You might find this explanation of the rules for applying room and board to the minimum wage interesting.

Think about whether this is a job you’d do for minimum wage and that you’d expect to take less than 7.5 hours a WEEK to accomplish? If your husband was in day care or in the hospital you’d have no obligation to be in the house other than your hours, right?

Why would you want to work for someone who has already shown their willingness to drop your compensation and unwillingness to negotiate. They have shown you who they are. Believe them.
Helpful Answer (7)

Your husband has dementia and you say that’s no big deal. You are wrong.

His condition will deteriorate and so will your cousin’s. He will need more help than you can imagine.

Don’t go near this situation. Once you’re in it, you’ll have a hard time getting out. They don’t need your help! If they’re billionaires, they can hire a whole staff to take care of cousin.
Helpful Answer (8)

I know... but also before she told me she couldn't pay me, she said when I do move in that I cannot bring anything of my belonging to the house only our clothes and daily necessities. So I ended up selling most of my stuff thinking I was moving in under the first proposal. Now I would have to re-purchase my furniture again. OMG!!! I'm so stressed over this. I was thinking that I go ahead a move in and milk every penny I would save from not paying rent, which right now I'm paying $3800.00 a month for rent. I would save that money and plan on me moving out as soon as my pocket is full. I'm thinking like 6 months. And not let her know my intensions. Meantime, I look for another place and slowly move out. I hate to do this to my aunt, Sha is a sweet lady, Its her daughter who's controlling everything. Oh did I mention that her and her husband are not just millionaires they are billionaires (and I'm not exaggerating). Which is why all this is confusing me so much. She wont even buy her mom a new sofa as hers is so old and you sink into it when you sit on it. So sad. But I think I have no other options right now except to suck it up and stash as much as I can so that I can go my merry way sooner then later.

Why is she so greedy?
Helpful Answer (3)
ventingisback Jul 2023
You should get paid for helping. At the same time, I wouldn’t like if someone is dishonest with me about their intentions. I would have liked that someone tells me they only want to stay 6 months, because then it’s up to me if that’s worth it.
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100% no. Slavery comes to mind.
Helpful Answer (11)
southernwave Jul 2023
Your husband has dementia. He is your only concern.
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