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I meant tuned in, not turned in. typing too fast; not stupid.
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Mom on downward spiral, you busy with caregiving, once returning from the vet, walk the dog before bed to alleviate the anxiety. The walk or going outdoors will help both you and the dog.
Sorry for this difficult turn in your life.
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If your vet says anxiety is at the root of it there are also many herbal things to try....
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Thanks for all the suggestions. I am at my wits end and WILL have to take Cocoa to the vet this week to be checked out. I've tried all kinds of things to help no avail. I hate the thought of medication, but perhaps that is really what she needs. I don't know. The vet WILL know.
For 6 yrs., I have lived with and cared for mom, who, at 96 1/2 yrs. still lives in her own condo.....with her dog of 13 yrs. I had to take mom to the hospital 2x this time we were there for 4 days....the longest ever away from Cocoa. But I have to say, seems to me she's been acting out even before all this......Thanks for all your input. Will let you know how it all turns out....cadams
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Thanks for all your suggestions. I will take Cocoa to the vet this week to have her checked out and let you all know what they suggested. I just hate the idea of medication, but I am at wits end of what else to do.
For 6 yrs. I have lived with and cared for mom, who at 96 1/2 yrs. still lives in her own condo with her dog of 13 yrs. I did have to take mom to the hospital 2x this last month, one time for 4 days.....the longest ever away from her dog. There definitely was some reaction from that. But I have to say, Cocoa was acting up lots even before this, so.... I'll have to find out what's going on. Thanks again. cadams
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It is hard to remember the details, but my dog was doing something like throwing herself, yelping, and was very uncomfortable, in distress. It turned out she had impacted anal glands, one burst, there was blood and feces down her leg, vet emergency. From then on she had to go and have her glands expressed monthly or every six weeks. So, I am recommending that you ask the vet about the glands.
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Thanks for the feedback. I have an appt. with the vet and look forward
to finding some answers. Will get back to you all asap. Again....thanks.
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I keep typing a reply to post and it isn't showing, so hope this one goes through.
I thank you all for your feedback. I DO have an appt. with the vet and look forward to getting some answers. Will keep you all posted best I can. Happy Holidays! cadams
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Oh gosh! Your dog sounds like he is in pain!
Please don't ignore these signs as behaviour. We did that with our dog until she finally collapsed. We then got her blood test to find she had liver & kidney failure. We had to put her down. Felt guilty for long time for not "listening"
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I AM listening. Took Cocoa to the vet today. Will have to wait on blood test results, etc. Hope we find out what's going on. She sat in my lap for a long
time after vet appt........and she never does that anymore, all must
mean something. Thanks for all your input. cadams
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This is some interesting information I just learned today from a neighbor who just revealed it to my daughter. My husband was walking our dog, and one of our neighbors was in his yard and walked over to where my husband was. My husband told our neighbor he had Alzheimer's, and that if he noticed him (my husband) being confused, would he hold his hand and lead him home; for he (my husband) depended on the dog to lead him home. Now isn't that interesting? And this was a year ago, although we just found out. I am sure my husband has no knowledge of remembering this....but all of our neighbors are aware of my husband's situation. We live barely out of the city limit's and the walk is just one circle of about 7 homes. so if any neighbor noticed a problem of confusion, I would be notified. And the dog continues to go with him every day for at least two walks. It takes about 15 minutes for the walk, and there are no dangerous highways in this circle. (unless he chooses to go a different route) Now isn't that a wonderful thought? To know my neighbors are so helpful? (one is keeping my husband's pickup in his shed until we hope he (my husband) will eventually forget it Right now we have told him it is in the shop. So far that is working. marymember
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I saw something on Dr. Dee a vet on Animal Planet that reminded me of the dog in this thread. (Slamming body into counter.) Dr. Dee's dog had something similar. It's like an imbalance. I'd ask your vet about it. It's called Old Dog Vestibular Disease. Here's a link on it. Just a thought to check out. It's easy to confuse with more serious illnesses.
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Thanks for the feedback. I DID take Cocoa to vet, and they did a blood test, but found nothing wrong after checking her over, etc. So......back to square one!
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