
I am a single mom of three, no child support on them. Just got hired at $10 an hour and my employer offers insurance to the tune of $192.50 per WEEK. I currently have medicaid. And after taxes, cost of daycare, and my insurance I will take home about $60 if that. Will I lose my medicaid because my employer offers this insurance? This can't be right. That's a $120 a month for a single mom of 3 to support us.

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Talk to your financial caseworker.
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Report the employer insurance to your caseworker, with proof of the cost, your id number, etc. Sometimes Medicaid will help cover your employer provided insurance if it's to the financial benefit of the state. The other insurance is primary with Medicaid now your secondary insurance. Is the employer insurance optional or do you have to take it? Also, check with the caseworker about "income disregards" in relation to your (not the kids) future eligibility. This used to be relevant last year on Medicaid but in 2014 with states opting in and out of extended Medicaid, who knows. Check locally. Your state probably has info on its website. Also ask about getting help to subsidize your child care, at least for a while.
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You should not lose your Medicaid. Talk to your caseworker.
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