I’m visiting my mom who is in a long term care Home (which Medicaid pays for) and we are looking at her trust fund invoice with the facility. It shows a deposit of her social security, I will give a pretend number of $915. The withdrawals for room and board the past two months are $915 and $910. The withdrawal for three months ago is $1450. Why? We do not know. She does see a podiatrist, would that be paid by her trust fund? I thought she was also supposed to receive a personal care allowance but I don’t see anything here that would show that. Does anyone have experience with this and does it sound like they aren’t giving her the money they should?
We are in Tennessee. I will speak with the financial employee next week but I want to talk to her once I’m educated on how this all works.
Please ask questions if I’m not making sense above. :). Thank you!
I think i received a separate statement about my mom’s PNA.
Its always a good idea, when you have question about these things to ask. Don’t go in with the attitude that they’re ripping her off. Ask, don’t accuse.