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Do you include mental health when you say "he is in really good health"? Dementia can exacerbate personality traits and since he lives with you, he's always in your face. What went into making the decision to have him move in with you? He promised to "behave" and now isn't? No one else stepped up and you felt obligated even though on some level you knew the outcome? He is destitute and had no where else to go? If he was an abuser and not a father, I think you don't have much obligation to or for him. My husband is immobile, incontinent and self-centered. We have no money to self-pay a facility, and too much money to qualify for Medicaid or other help, so I'm stuck. And, he refuses to go to a facility anyway. Many people I have encountered in the health care field tell me I need to take care of myself. "Taking care of myself" would mean putting hubby full-time in a facility. I can tell you that over the past decade, my own physical and mental health has deteriorated. I wake up 6 out if 7 mornings thinking how much I hate my life. I am the result of what you will become if you don't take charge, as the others have said, and do something. Threatening him with upping his rent may frighten him into behaving for a while, but a leopard can't change his spots. Stop being an enabler and get out, or get him out while you still can.
Helpful Answer (16)

Great answers here. You could also call Adult Protective Services in your state - just google those three words for your state, and self-report that you are a senior being emotionally abused by a family member. A social worker will then likely do a home safety check visit, speaking to both you and your Dad, and this will also cue him that you are setting a boundary for self protection and that you are serious. This state-funded person can then advise you on options for him and can open up the door to publicly funded services you may have a right to to help with him, which you might never otherwise know about. I would start here...they will not do anything dramatic, and they can let you know what you have a right to in terms of getting help with a solution for your Dad.
Helpful Answer (9)

I had the same problem with my mother the bully. I showed her who the boss was and she told everyone she could that I was a b*tch, she was a prisoner and lied about me and turned everyone against me.
Helpful Answer (2)

He likely won't change his personality with or without counseling as I see it..
This is a painful situation for yourself and probably your father....
The "how?" can you get him out question is merely incidental because if you have the courage to obtain an eviction order, then the main thing is how you can handle the emotional trauma in the 30 day (or whatever) waiting period.

Bottom line...You CAN do it if you do it...
Grace and Peace,

Helpful Answer (10)

windsor, great advice here so far. I'd like to second the counseling, call it coaching. I am not a completely different person for it, but I am more assertive and stronger than I was before. You don't have to be stuck in the role you always were. A coach will help you plan and execute these steps you need to take. Wishing you well.
Helpful Answer (8)

Are you his POA? If so, you may want to speak to his doctor privately, and explain the situation. You may also want to speak to an elder lawyer and senior social worker as well. Explore the options in your area. I assist my mother who is 90 and selfish, negative, and unreasonable. Ruined all of her relationships and I'm all she has left. She could never live with me, so I help her a few days a week in her apartment and get other help in since she won't consider assisted living as yet. Move your father out into a safe environment, set your boundaries, and take good care of yourself. Best of luck to you.
Helpful Answer (13)

Good response from geewiz.. Id also make a list of the rules that he needs to follow. [I also had a bully father and no way would I have had him stay a day with me.]
So you can go to directly to asking him to leave. OR set up 10 house hold rules. that he speak to you like he would [his doctor, best mate etc] that he do the cleaning, that he makes his bed and vacuums, puts his dirty laundry and detail how often you will wash it. that he showers and puts wet towels into the hamper etc etc. That meals will be served at *** times and he is expected to take his dishes to the sink/dishwasher.
note his failure to abide by those rules ,OR/ and do as I did with my EX, I removed my services, .... stopped ironing his shirts, keeping meals hot because he did not get home on time. doing chores that pertained to him. etc etc and I made exactly the same number of cups of tea as he made me coffee. one big fat ZERO.
Why did your Father move in with you in the first place, was it for financial reasons ??? is he paying you rent?? then up it for the extra he is putting upon you, 20% for verbal abuse 10% for cleaning up after him. 10% for no help at meal times... he will be out the door pronto. wishing you luck
Helpful Answer (11)

Time to evict him. Are you in Canada? Search online for the rules for your state/province.
Once you understand the rules, move in a direction to effect a change. If you think he will become physically abusive when you are ready for this discussion, have someone else with you and ready to stay for the night. Is there someone he respects that can be with you? A member of the clergy or family member? That may help.
Personally, I would seek out alternate living arrangements so that when you tell him of your decision, he has some options to pursue. Make sure there is a deadline and don't make it too far out! In addition, I'd urge you get counseling for yourself. It isn't easy to listen to a barrage of negativity. Get someone to help you work through that too. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (31)

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