Is it even possible? Hub says my mom spoils for fights and wants to argue w. everyone. He says she'd poke a bear for a response. I am not sure of all that but when she screams at me or lies about me or something that has happened it is difficult for me to handle. She is mean, bitter and hateful. I want to get through to her. There are still good days but when this is an every day thing it is really hard. I prefer to be calm and peaceful... I want to be positive, serene and like a duck... roll it alllll off my back. Mom is exact opposite. I try the "calm down" "settle down" approach in soothing, mantra style voice. It doesnt work as well as it used to. So... then I catch myself screaming back. Today she began yelling that I said she was stupid, an idiot, and had brain damage. I never once said this today or EVER. But she continues to say I did and it comes up often. So, after insulting me about the way hub and I do things and how we do nothing right and a few more times saying I said shes stupid/idiot/brain damaged... I finally yelled back. I am not proud of it and as soon as I did she caught me on it like "what are you doing right now?" (screaming!!!) if a stranger heard this they would think I am abusive to her which is so far from the truth. Who calls people stupid and idiots except for abusive people and I promise I have not said that about her. I think shes intelligent! Hub says he doesnt care what anyone thinks... as no one but us does anything (friends who may comment) no family here and I am her only child. Sometimes I like to pretend or daydream I had children who could go take care of her but that just leads me back to negativity or sadness as I don't have kids and why would I want to put them through this anyway? I guess I needed to vent as I know I should just keep my mouth shut around mom and just agree but that gives me headaches too. My hub retired from law enforcement so hes met all types and hes told me my mom is one of the meanest and difficult people hes ever met. I guess I don't want to accept that. I have to learn boundaries. Thank God for my hub who helps me but hes only 10 years younger than my mom and she treats both he and me like we are ten years old and he works his butt off for mom and me too! Anyway... all this said... tell me how you remain kind, positive, happy, sweet, gentle? I want those things. I don't want to turn out like my mother. And I don't want to stroke out from all the stress. I told her one time recently how stressed I was and she made fun of me for ages. "What do youuuu have to be stressed about?" I turned with tears in my eyes, did not respond that *she* was my biggest stress and then just listened for days to jokes about me not having any stress :( ... I do things for my mother because she's all I got other than hubby. I do it cos I do love her and its the right thing. I do it even as a "religious" type thing... yknow honor mom so you'll live long. Mom talks how bad a life she has tho. She doesn't! Ive been reading on this site longer than joining just the other day. Prolly reading nine months. Some nights hours at a time. It has been one thing that has helped as you can't vent to friends too many times before they give you just cliches and you can tell they are tired of it and have their own probs. Even when they ask "hows mom" I have trouble responding as I dont want to "out" her or talk about all that goes on each and every day. Im damed if I do and damned if I don't. Half the people say things like, "you'll be like that one day... we all get old" (uh I'm already old and I do NOT ever want to be like that...will try hard not to be!) and the other half, "why didn't you warn me...she's so mean...what's wrong with her?" etcetc so im glad I have this place. Thankful you all are here x hugs x
From your description it sounds like she has dementia. Definitely some mental health issue! What was she like while you were growing up?
Does it help to keep telling yourself, "This isn't my real mother. This is the mental illness."
Honoring you mother means (in my interpretation) seeing that she has life's necessities and the best care available to her. It may be that at this point in her mental illness she cannot receive the best care in her daughter's home. This is her limitation -- certainly not your failure. All of you might be happier and she might find some serenity if she were in a care center that could deal with her outbursts without getting emotional.
"Mom, I know you think we aren't doing our best for you. You are unhappy here, and that makes me very sad for you. I have found two very nice places where you could live and hopefully get the care you deserve. We can visit each and see which one you like."
And ionehart, please don't be too hard on yourself for losing your patience sometimes. You are in a very challenging situation.
Jeanne, once I had just taken so much of the negative verbal abuse from my mom. Yes I know it is the disease but it can still hurt your heart. I did similar to what you said, "Mom, I love you and I am doing my best but if you think I am doing such a bad job, I will take to to visit some nursing homes and you can pick one. No one else is willing or able to care for you. So you have me, or a nursing home." Interestingly she went quiet, and later told me she was sorry and loved me. I have always felt guilty for sinking to that level, but.... Well at least I did really see that she does, deep inside, appreciate me. I never did that again. Mom every now and then would have more "with it" moments and always would say sorry and that she lives me.
I also tell people that one of my grandsons (who was 18 months at the time) taught me how to deal with Mom. She was stage 5-6 Alzheimer's, in a wheel chair. He loved her so much and would come in, stand on her wheelchair foot rests, lovingly look up at her and say, "hi bramma marbo"... If she was in a grumpy mood, she might say, "get away from here"...he would lovingly smile, wave and say,"okay, bye" and go play for about 5 minutes. Then her would come back and again approach her with his same loving, happy way... Almost every time her attitude would shift and she would say, "I love you". They still have a very special little relationship.
After so many years of caregiving, mom was diagnosed in 2009, I have just found that if I am frustrated, I need to walk away. Go do laundry, mop the floor, take out the trash... Then reproach in a fresh positive attitude. It is difficult...I always say you couldn't pay me to do this job...only love for my mom would be good reason.
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