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I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a normal family. Every family has issues, some more than other. I still where you are as far as handling the load, but finding this website I think will be a huge help emotionally. I'm only two day into the support group and already I have realized that my feeling are not abnormal or mean. My mantra that works "most" of the time is; If God brings me to it, he will get me through it. Make your decisions with love and they can't be all wrong. Hang in there. Tomorrow is another day, try again.
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Electricity? I would not say electricity more like a weak battery.
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There's a whole lotta' family drama whenever someone in our family gets sick. My dad was sick and passed away from cancer, and before he passed, all of my 3 older siblings and I fought. Now that mom is sick, the battles began, but we nipped it in the bud by all talking to one another and deciding to come together as a family instead of against each other. I do have one sister who is very emotional and has bipolar disorder, to which she can just snap at any given moment, which makes me very fearful of being around her, especially when bad news is given.

When you say you feel electricity going through your body? I totally understood. When I get an anxiety attack from the circumstantial stressors around me, my face feels hot, and I feel "electric" tingles that go from the top of my head right down into my limbs. Anxiety is known to give a "pins and needles" effect. It's completely normal. What I have been doing is taking deep breaths, praying, and trying my BEST to create a positive atmosphere by keeping the peace (even if they're all #*%&ing crazy. Just remain calm, silent and level-headed. I went into a deep depression this past month, kind of waking up from it, but it's still 'there'. Watch out for the dreaded depressive episodes after the heightened anxiety.

Sending positive thoughts your way… I totally get it.
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Shall I begin with the statement that I dislike the word DRAMA. It indicates that one is acting. Life is the word I believe your looking for?
I can only speak from experience.
I am an R.N.; my husband has solvent dementia & is just 64. I am the only care giver & because after the death of my daughter's he kept saying it was," too much drama " & I called it death, I moved out & now live next to him in the guest house. In the last 6 years I have lost my oldest sister; both of my daughter's at age 39, 15 months apart, my closest friend & minister & here I sit.
Loose the word drama & see it as it is ...LIFE.
I pray a lot & see things differently. Gosh, how the world changed when I changed.
I now find joy in what I do & so very much compassion. I did not realize that I was so lacking in compassion!
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Wonderful suggestions! I have felt this electricity running through my body. Went to my GP and was diagnosed with anxiety. I don't feel stressed and am positive and realistic. I am managing caregiving tasks well. Still, I have anxiety. He said I internalize my stresses and my body is having a hard time with it. Get 7 hours of sleep as often as possible, do something to relax daily, move/exercise, eat nutritious meals, talk & socialize, join a support group, believe in yourself! If personalities are telling you how to do your job but not helping, then I would ask them to pitch in and try it their way to see how it works - only if it's safe. If they don't agree, then I'd say that I must continue providing the good care I've been giving because it works with your mother. Then change the subject. We can't make people do things or think a certain way, so we must learn to put their comments aside and move on. Easier said than done, but definitely possible! Have confidence in your abilities! Best wishes.
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Oh yes, the sleep thing is critical...if I don't get 8 hours I absolutely have a harder time coping - I can't prioritise and I get real stressed because I feel I have acheived nothing, and things mount up - definitely makes me more likely to snap!
(At this point I know 99% of us are laughing hysterically at the idea of 8 hours uninterrupted sleep, I know... but God it makes a difference.

Big hugs xxx
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(I used to think thrived on stress, like Caregiving Cafe... then one day I kinda broke. Forced to take 3 mths off work (paid, thankfully, but in a sales job kinda exacerbated my stress as I was way off target!)

I haven't been the same since, despite walking away from the stressful job. But to be fair it's been worse with mum and dad since last July.
Sadly I know the only end to this is going to be their death. Then I can see if there is any of the old me I can resuccitate.

Awful seeing my mum like this. She'd hate it.
Switzerland have the right idea.
But she's a sweetheart.
Handling dad is harder than dealing with Putin!
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Xanax...............................................................and prayer!
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