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GA they are 8 and 12. So no nap times LOL! Would be nice though! My 12 year old is fine. It’s the 8 year old driving me insane. As soon as the news broke about the shelter-in-place going in to effect at midnight, I rushed out to the grocery store because I knew everyone is about to panic. Had no choice but to bring the 8 year old and lets just say.....peppermint Smirnoff is on sale and I seriously contemplated buying 2 bottles to get me through this! It tastes wonderful in hot chocolate and of course a little buzz is nice LOL! My 12 year old has no assignments this week so I’m letting her hang out in her room. The 8 year old has things he can do online through that he does in school on his chrome book so and his teacher is wonderful and giving us things to keep them active with. But he can’t sit and pay attention for very long. I feel bad because I know he’s going stir crazy and needs to be around his peers but not much I can do about it! We’ll get through it.

good luck to all of us!

don’t know about ya’ll but.....the grocery stores here are pitiful. I went to 2 stores today....still can’t get toilet paper but got some paper towels. Both stores were basically out of meat! No eggs. No bread.The smaller store was out of milk and coffee creamer too. We mainly needed meat to freeze but all I could get was a seasoned tri tip and 2 rib eyes from the butchers counter. So we will be living off pasta, cereal and rice for a while LOL.
Helpful Answer (4)
Singingway Mar 2020
Just some suggestions for you. Kids are antennae -- their behavior expresses what everyone around them is actually feeling. So kids bounce off walls and get irritating when they are are feeling stressed or scared. You can use a stuffed animal to talk about feelings. you can just talk for the animal when you're near the child, and answer back in a comforting way as yourself. Just knowing that it's okay and normal to feel sad, mad, scared, and that you're open to hearing about it, helps the child feel better. Tactile playing -- sand, water, paper mache, or clay is therapeutic for children to play with, it helps get stress out. playdough, modeling clay, even some flour and water....try some large art -- challenge the child to fill a large sheet of paper with shapes of different colors -- art expresses inner reality and relieves stress -- just being creative shows we are resilient. You can put on dance and exercise videos. weight training is also very stress relieving. then relaxing videos and music to go to sleep by. the more you can keep some things the same each day, the more comforting it is for the child. a bath, a cuddle, reading, music, sleep -- are a good bedtime routine.
Worried, thanks for the info.    I have some thoughts on what an active 8 year old might do, so let me get back to you.
Helpful Answer (2)

As of midnight already, Nevada is pretty much closed for business. No casinos, restaurants, or any non-essential business is opened or will be opened for a while.
Pharmacy, gas, food, hardware stores allowed to be open. Schools as far as I know are closed but still serving breakfast and lunches. don't know if this is all schools or not. Don't know about SNF or other such facilities. Food banks are still operating.
Most food type deliveries are still operating. Had a Drs appointment today. Everyone was wearing masks except the Dr. No one in waiting room Only a few patients waiting in the hall.
Cleared my throat in a convenient store and the clerk nearly went into a panic. Sanitized hands after taking my money. Then reached into drawer to make change.Would not place money into my hands but balanced everything on the paper and gingerly pointed it in my direction.
Most shopping centers and strip malls were deserted. Traffic was slightly less today.
Construction work is allowed to continue as the discretion of the contractor.
Mail delivery will continue so far, although it is not being sprayed.

Be safe and wash frequently.
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
That must be very strange to see! It’s eerie. Everything is so foreign and weird right now.
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Just read that all kansas k-12 schools are closed for the rest of the year. I imagine that will become the norm.
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I have notice here the same. Schools close, casinos, and restaurants. We do have little stands in school's parking lots for kids to get free lunches so that is nice. But people have just gone crazy around here! Not a lot of traffic. Plus, all our government business has closed their doors to the public. We now have to pay bills like the taxes and water bills in a drop box. Even our city hall meeting our closed to the public, but they are letting people join by phone and other forms of Technology.

I don't know what others think but this all just seems unreal! Like we are all in a weird movie!
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Now it’s 196 cases here and 4 deaths. It’s expected to rise because of our recent Mardi Gras celebrations. Crap! I am bummed.

So many of our events are also attended by tourists, including many from Europe and Asia.

So, they are saying the timing of our Mardi Gras celebrations was right for our city to be highly infected with the virus due to the large crowds at the parades and throughout the city at that time.

More and more closures daily to help stop the spread of this virus. The people here are starting to feel the impact. Some are saying they don’t know how they will survive. A few restaurants are giving free food to those in need.
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Summit County has closed everything, including hotels. Very busy time of year there, normally. All hotel guests have been told to pack your bags, get ready to go 😉, go home.😮
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Sci-fi novel or movie? Twilight Zone? Who else feels this way? Shell, I see that you do. I certainly do!
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ArtistDaughter Mar 2020
I know what you mean by the Twilight Zone, but if we could see this as a wake up call to limit our collective destruction of the planet and other life forms, we might avoid the devastation the next pandemic will cause, which will be worse than this one. If we could live with what we actually need in some degree of harmony with nature and in harmony with each other across nations and belief systems, we might find our hearts opening more to love instead of fear. Not so much a sci-fi movie, but real. It might be that this happening could teach us that we as creatures have been taught to separate ourselves. We could look at this social distancing as a lesson on what our way of life could bring us to. What about those who on a daily basis already had no jobs, not enough food, toilet paper, or others to talk to, and no one to help them. Should this teach us that we are all vulnerable and that compassion is a better spirit to live in than greed? I don't know. I'm just an artist and teacher trying to muddle through this, but also to look at the lessons it provides.
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Same here. Recent community would not let me visit due to corona. Moved sis this week to new community-will not let me visit. Thought we had done the right thing by sis-desperate to get her out of that place. Recent community was not giving good care-I have posted about throughout this forum.

New community-nurse called me after sis had been bawling for 4 hours. I could hear sis crying in the background of the call with the nurse. Yes she cried before-recent people were not doing much to redirect etc at recent community-they would take sis to her room and shut the door. New community I already do not have a good feeling about them not giving some extra TLC to new person who is clearly distressed from the move and now can not see me at all. I called back a few times to see how things are going with sis-same nurse did not recall who I was talking about....(person with the loud crying) .Sis does have a phone in her room-i tried calling not sure it is ringing in her room....Each time we have made a move sis goes down hill by a big chunk-I am really afraid of what I am going to see when I finally get to see my sister. I am allowed to send cards and check in with the nursing it will have to do for now.
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DianaF Mar 2020
This sounds very difficult. Can you call the nurse and ask her to put you on the phone with your sister? Can you call the director of the facility and have a talk with them about how things are going for your sister?
They are all probably stressed out too because f the new coronavirus rules, but it does sound as if they could try somehow to involve you more.
Sending you support!
My husband entered a SNF on Saturday after a fall. Dr's put him there for Physical Therapy. On Sunday I went to visit and found the facility was under quarantine. I can drop off things for him at the front desk and they will take them to him. He has his phone. I'm actually really glad that he is safe there. The virus is starting to make an appearance in our city and I've been terribly afraid that I would bring it home, in spite of all the precautions I take. He has so many medical issues that it would go badly for him if he caught it. I have to work and our company has it's first person on quarantine as of yesterday. (His roommate tested positive.) Company policy is that if you've been exposed then you don't come to work for 2 weeks.
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The announcement was made yesterday that our schools will close. Kids are on Spring Break this Week. That will extend one week while educators get ready for remote education. Online and by packet.

Sooo, starting in about 10 days I will have grandkids 6yrs and 18 months. 😳 Not that big of a deal, they spend a lot of time with me anyway. But with situation, how long?

I remembered a country slaughter house that I used to go to with my Dad. Googled. They are still in business! Buzzed over there yesterday before the school announcement, I just felt it was coming, and stocked up on meat. I keep things in my big freezer but not what I will probably need for this situation.

Our store shelves are empty.

I looked around the internet and I think you can freeze milk. If anyone has frozen milk successfully let me know. I want to freeze heavy cream actually and hate to waste a pint for a science experiment.

My adult son (31) is very ill. Awful fatigue for the last month. He started running fever and went to Walk In Yesterday morning. The Dx was Strep Throat. I don’t know, just seems more serious to me. Monitoring him for respiratory symptoms.

Son’s wife is a banker. She had a customer in her office this week. Guy let it be known that he was around shaking hands, Bro hugging some buddy 4 days prior and the Buddy has since become ill and tested positive. This customer was supposed to be in self quarantine!!! But, was out opening a checking account and who knows what else in town. So there’s that...

I live in a rural area so that’s a plus.
I prefer being here. I only go to town when needed so on a normal basis, I am usually stocked up for 2-3 weeks.

Stay Safe Everyone.
Helpful Answer (5)
Treeartist Mar 2020
Good morning, lizzy,

Yes, you can most definitely freeze milk in cartons. I come from a military family of seven, and my mother would do huge grocery runs at the base commissary twice a month. Each child would take turns going with her to help. She would freeze multiple cartons of milk and loaves of bread in our large freezer. Whosever turn it was, would take out a loaf of bread and a carton of milk to thaw on the counter the night before. I can still remember the little ice chips that would still be present in the milk the next day. Put a towel under the carton to collect the moisture as the milk thaws. Memories!
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As if being quarantined with my DH (who normally travels 20 days of the month) I not only have him home, working, to contend with, but N Utah got hit with a 5.7 earthquake this am. Literally rumbled our house. We are 20 miles from the epicenter, but I am already a little anxious and now this, plus all the 'little' aftershocks.

Luckily we're stocked for food and I'm not worried. Everyone is looking out for everyone else!
Helpful Answer (7)

I had a Dr apt today and hubs drove me, While I was there he topped off my truck ( I still have to go to work ) and hit the liquor store ( mom worried there is going to be a shortage of her wine.. LOL,, they have plenty of booze and are getting overflow from the bar and restaurant closings) and the grocery store. He was able to get eggs, everything was stocked but TP and we have plenty of that, it was fresh stuff and coffee creamer we needed. Our gas prices are dropping, contrary to what the news is saying about it going up.. 1.99 a gal. Then we went to the pharmacy to get mom and I scripts filled,, they had what we need, and the extra boxes will be there Fri so hubs will pick them up. Then the back to cash a check for mom,, for the first ever they asked if my POA was on file with them,, yep, and my name is on all the accounts also. They have to be careful with scammers now,,,
Helpful Answer (5)
lizzywho61 Mar 2020

My husband is on a project 2 states away. He’s driving in Friday, 11hrs.

I was filling him in on the state of affairs around here. His only question was “are the liquor stores still open?”
We are up to 280 cases and 7 deaths now. I am sad for everyone everywhere 😞. Many of our businesses that rely on tourism are suffering horribly. It’s not just our smaller boutique hotels but now the larger hotels too are taking a hit.

One really interesting turn of events is how the virus is effecting our funeral homes. Social distancing and limitations on the number of people attending funerals. Death is a big business here. We respect our dead here, from funerals to our unique and beautiful cemeteries.

No second line jazz funerals either! Wow...big cultural changes in our unique city. These are unique times though that requires focusing on controlling this virus.

Man, I hope people listen to the advice. If they don’t our local police have announced they will give out citations. Glad our police officers are staying on top of enforcing the regulations that are for our safety.
Helpful Answer (4)

The Covid-19 virus is in all 50 states, and in Guam. I heard this morning.
Source unknown.

Stay home.
Helpful Answer (3)
lizzywho61 Mar 2020
Hi Send!

I’ve seen those toilet paper earrings advertised. So Funny. I know, I am warped 😉
I live in San Mateo County of CA and home from non-essential work during the shelter in place from March 17th - April. This is how I will volunteer since I cannot go into San Francisco to my regular shifts besides doing virtual Mass during Lent.
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Our archdiocese wisely told people to watch Mass online or on television. We can all pray from home.
Would they let you in if you suited up in protective gear?
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Well, people will be people. Some people just don’t listen to authorities. Our governor has specifically asked for people not to meet in groups larger than 50. He asked that people stay home altogether.

This church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana decided to hold a service with several hundred people. So ridiculous! The pastor and his wife obviously feel that they are above the law!

The police went to the church and told them they would be arrested if they did it again. Let’s hope they listen. They claim they can follow their own laws! WTH?

They certainly have a right to pray but they aren’t responsible or respectful to the governor’s curfews and restrictions, or their community. Crazy!

These people need to pray at home! Don’t go and risk becoming infected or infecting others in case you are a carrier.

This church must be a fanatical group. I looked up their website and they claim to be able to cure HIV and cancer! Geeeeeez! I believe in prayer but what a strange message to put on a website. I hope they encourage their congregation to seek medical help. Some extreme churches don’t.
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Singingway Mar 2020
Some people confuse religion with magic. Same thing is happening here. Churches are holding Lenten suppers and services despite the Governor's ban on gatherings over ten people. And yet because we are a "free" country, people are VERY reluctant to put any kind of check on churches, however non-compliant they are.
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With my workplace closed, and my granddaughter's school going to digital learning, we are both staying home, while my daughter goes to work. She has no union (as I do) and no leave benefits, so she has to go to work. I feel as if I am sending my beloved daughter off to war each day. War with an invisible enemy lurking anywhere. When she comes to visit, she stays in the yard and throws her daughter a hug, just to keep any possible germs away from her. It's so hard. They have started to facetime by playing some silly online games, so she can be with her mommy without being in the same location, which helps to lighten up the situation for my granddaughter.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
It’s truly sad. I’m sorry.
After a spontaneous retinal detachment and operation for that, I am anxious to get my cataract surgery. They postponed it. It was moved twice already. My vision is compromised in the other eye from the same thing a few years ago. I can still read, etc. but it is getting cloudier and blurrier. I wake up each morning already worried about MIL, my husband's health etc. Now this terrible situation in the World. I don't want to get to the point where I panic when it sinks in this surgery may keep getting pushed back. My insurance will change at the end of May. I am still holding out hope that things will get better, people will recover or the virus will lose steam. I hope to sell this condo I do not like. I dream of retiring to a whole different area, perhaps naively. Fear being trapped.
As though some of us don't have enough problems right now it feels awful to wake up and realize what is happening. Surreal. We take it a day at a time, limit grocery runs, and drive to check on MIL I am so sad what is happening.
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Sendhelp Mar 2020
Hoping you can continue to drive safely with your eyes.
Do keep dreaming of retiring, but now is not a good time to sell I have read from experts. We are sheltering in place, not even going for groceries right now.
I agree, it feels surreal. The virus just may disappear as quickly as it arrived over several weeks, months. Meantime, keep strong mentally, as best you can. And check in here with those of us who care about you.
Today is the one year anniversary of losing Mom and 92 year old Dad is in LTC in Canada. I was scheduled to drive up last Sunday for a week, had the car packed and ready and the call came at 5:30 pm Saturday evening that they were locking down.

I feel completely helpless. He's 500 miles and a border away from me and considering what's happening here in the US I suspect I need to make peace that I will likely lose him before I'm able to travel to Canada. We're making the best of this bad situation by maintaining daily phone calls and Facetime but it's heartbreaking to say the list. I just want to give him a hug.
Helpful Answer (3)
Wiscnacho Mar 2020
So sorry you are in this situation! Things are changing rapidly from day to day. My mother is 1,000 miles away and alone at home. She isn't well at all & 87. I can't get to her either. I am also trying to make peace in my own mind, as you are. It's tough to know they need you & feel helpless right now. Your story touched me. Thanks. I understand your frustrations.
Oh Bailey😟 , if he should take a turn for the worse I know that in Ontario family is allowed to be with the very ill or dying and I'm sure they would allow you across the border for compassionate reasons, but hopefully you won't need to test any of that.
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BaileyP3 Mar 2020
Thx cwillie (and anyone else that responded to me), At this point who knows what will happen at the border. I'm a 7 hour drive to the border, then 2 hours into Ontario to be with him. Yesterday his numbers were really low (diabetic) and he had diarrhea. He is well loved at the nursing home (happy, cognizant and mobile..a dream patient so I'm told) so they're all looking out for him and keeping me posted about any changes. Thank goodness for all the healthcare workers that care for our loved ones.
Keeping all of you and your loved ones in my thoughts. Be safe out there!!
I just read in our local news. We now have 8 confirmed cases. Our governor has declared that all non-essential businesses will close tomorrow, Friday, at 12:00pm. This includes malls, theaters, retail stores, etc... Police have been instructed to pull over drivers after this deadline to find out why they're on the road. If it's because of work, that 'non-essential' business will be penalized, even have their business license revoked. I informed oldest sis. I said we need to go to the grocery store one more time - before noon. I need to buy the 20 lbs. rice (if it's still there), bananas, eggs, corn, tomato, etc... I'll use my credit card if I have to.... I've been home this past week and I'm disliking the sight of canned meat.... I'm having fast food withdrawals... I think I'm going to sneak in some unhealthy junk food for comfort food (not midnight snack). I keep thinking of that oreo cookies with strawberry fillings. I hope they have it there. I bought the $1.50 one at a small mom-and-pop Asian store, from another village.
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Riverdale Mar 2020
What state are you in?
Need Help,

I am in Texas. My DH is on a project in Kansas. He has a younger coworker that has a parent that is a U.S. Marshal and lives in your state. Supposedly, there has been talk of closing the state borders around Louisiana.

Have you heard any whispers? When DH told me last night I didn’t really take it seriously. But, nothing would surprise me at this point.
Helpful Answer (1)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Wouldn’t surprise me either. I haven’t heard anything as of now. Will keep you posted though if I do.The worst is in New Orleans. Two cases were detected recently in Lafayette. So, it’s spreading across the state.
Riverdale, I don't live in any of the 50 US states.  I'm a Pacific islander.

Since I live in Asia area, I get Asian newsfeeds. I was able to watch news on the virus since the time only China was infected.  The govt handling of it. And then its spread internationally.
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We now have 12 confirmed cases of the virus. 12 cases within a 1 week time period.... Woke up with my fire detector beeping. I have to buy 4 9volt batteries for all the alarms in the house. I hope that one small grocery store have it in supply...I now feel trepidation about going to the store now.
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xrayjodib Mar 2020

Prayers and hugs to you!
Grrrrr....380 here now. 10 dead.

Sean Peyton has it now. New Orleans Saints football coach.

Lambeth House has taken a hit with deaths. It’s an independent, assisted living and memory care facility here.

Now they are releasing prisoners here due to virus. Domestic violence offenders are out on bail! Geeeeez!

Issue is that they are trying to keep the jail virus free.

Restaurants are suffering. People are cooking at home more because the virus is spreading here. The governor wants to see if there is a way for people to use SNAP benefits at restaurants too, not just grocery stores.

Our temp is in the low 80’s. Warm here. Muggy.
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Many of us Catholics are missing out on our St. Joseph’s day alters. Today is St. Joseph’s day. Normally, we go to church and share a meal and admire the beautiful alters in honor of St. Joseph, then enjoy the marvelous Italian cookies. Lovely tradition in our faith. Oh well..there is next year to look forward to.
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I heard San Francisco is in a complete shutdown for 3 weeks. Everyone is a shut in. Except for going to the grocery store and the doctors. I am glad they finally closed the beaches in Florida. This kids think that nothing will happen to them!!
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020

Exactly right. We have to be as cautious as we can be. Better to be safe than sorry.
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NeedHelp, our restaurants can only be opened if they provide drive-through or parking lot delivery of meals. No indoor dining. Oldest sis said that the Catholic church did not put holy water at the inside entrance of the church. No bread communion (?).

Elaine, I saw in the news lastnight that the younger generations actually think that the C-flu won't affect them since they're not elderly with health issues. So they continue to go to the malls, theaters, beaches... Lastnight is the first time I heard in the news about those hospitalized is about 40% from the age 20 to 50 (54?) - and they have no health issues.
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TNtechie Mar 2020
In TN, most of our confirmed covid-19 infections are in the 18-49 age group. We also have a 4 children infected.
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