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Our local news channel has said for seniors who have health issues and afraid to shop in stores for fear of being exposed to the virus should call 2-1-1 here and someone will get emergency food to them by the next day or two.

I hope all states will have something in place for those who cannot go out to the stores. We have free food pantries as well for people to have something to eat.
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Am thinking of trying a foreign language again took classes a zillion years ago but never was any good at it. Might keep MY brain sharper and be phone. Apps available for phones now too!
Helpful Answer (1)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
The apps are fun. I can’t remember the one that I tried.
Why do you think liquer and marijiuana stores are allowed to stay open as "essential"
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Abby2018 Mar 2020
Some people rely on medical marijuana for chronic pain and other ailments. Liquor stores? A coping mechanism...some people rely on that glass of wine or a bottle of beer to lessen the anxiety. Also, for all those alcoholics who become deprived, we can't have them clogging up our hospitals due to withdrawals.

It's the gun shops I don't get.
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Spring cleaning, exercising, playing the piano again - all things that previously were just good intentions. Maybe I'll come out of this with a really clean house, a skinny body and the ability to play more than the first two bars of Fur Elise!

On a more serious note - I'm sending little videos to my Mom's nursing home so they can show her each day. I'm writing notes and mailing them to my grandkids (trying to show them how it was to be a pen pal back in the day), calling folks who might need help and reading a lot. These things reduce the anxiety surrounding the unknown - at least for a while.
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Surely you are kidding lacyisland. Just ask anyone who drinks alcohol and smokes marijuana why it is essential, lol.
Helpful Answer (1)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Hey, Elaine

I will take a gin and tonic! My husband was the handsome bartender 😊. I ordered a gin and tonic and the rest is history!

Hahaha, my daughter was a bartender in college too, just like her daddy. They make great tips!
I mentioned in a previous post, I read most of the books at home, do not like eBooks and library closed. Hello!! I can read my Bible. I admit it has been quite some time since I last picked my Bible up and read some chapters. . I used to attend Bible studies and church every Sunday. I am watching Christian channels now. I was watching Fox news today and was moved by the wonderful prayer for our country and the world. It was inspirational. Thanks Fox news!!
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Pet fostering and adoption is up 70 percent from last year at this time due to people wanting company while being isolated because of this virus. Incredible, huh?

I miss my dog. I have never been without a dog for cat for long. I swore after putting my grey down that I couldn’t take the heartbreak again.

My friend who works placing the greyhounds in homes said that I should foster but I know what would happen. I would bond with the dog and never be able to say goodbye. Have any of you fostered a dog?
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mally1 Apr 2020
Sure, we always plan to foster, but end up adopting! It's ok, we love every one of them.....
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My college went online, but I'm on break this term, so didn't have to convert my class. Yet. I go back in July and if this is still going on I will have to adapt and teach a painting class online. Right now I mostly I do what I do anyway, which is paint. In fact I still have a strange sense of urgency about getting the paintings done for exhibitions that may or may not be happening with all the closures. I am very practiced at being alone. My husband, though, is now working from home and he is a distraction, making old man noises, clearing his throat, sneezing, and talking on the phone to his customers. If his company closes I will not know what to do with him, maybe have him build more stretcher bars for me or work on my website. Really though, the biggest change for me is not seeing my mom every day. Friends call to talk and I just want to get back to the new painting, so I don't really need to come up with other coping strategies. I hope all of you are doing okay with whatever changes you must make in your daily living patterns.
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Any kind of art is therapy. It’s great that you will teach online.

My husband is home too. I am listening to conference tech calls all day!
Many people journal everyday. Musicians are writing music. This can become a productive time.
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disgustedtoo Apr 2020
Journal... day 1: eat, drink, bathroom runs, tv, sleep... day 2: see day 1... day 3: see day 1... day 4: ....
NeedsHelp - I’ve always been vocal here about my love for dogs. Yes, I prefer most dogs to most humans.

I always say if more humans had some of the qualities that dogs possess- the world would be a better place. But now? Dogs would be an utter failure at “social distancing”. Their loyalty, their need to love, comfort and protect would be their demise if they had to distance themselves from their humans.

It’s makes me smile - a rarity lately - at the thought that more of these wonderful creatures are finding homes and their humans - in spite that it took this disaster to make it occur. I just hope that this isn’t a hiccup- such as people buying rabbits at Easter - and that once this is finally declining the dogs are abandoned.

I've had eight dogs over the past 35 years and every time one passes I swear I’ll never have another. The heartbreak for me is devastating. But - I always break down and get another.

Right now, we have three Cavailer King Charles Spaniels. The sweetest dogs ever! Their offical identifier is “The love sponge of the dog world” and it’s certainly accurate - in my experience. I highly recommend the breed to anyone who needs a smallish breed dog who is dedicated to just loving you. But before anyone investigates a breeder - check all the rescue organizations first as there are always those that need a forever home or foster care.

My hubby says it’s a good thing we have a small house with practically no yard - or I would become the neighborhood crazy lady with dozens and dozens of dogs.
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Those are the cutest dogs! I grew up with a Boston terrier, very sweet dog. I had a mini schnauzer who was sweet but neurotic! My husband didn’t like her and she didn’t like him. Hahaha She liked the kids. She was too yippy yappy.

Then we got the greyhound. He stole my heart. I absolutely adored that dog! I hope our animals are in the afterlife. I miss him. Greys are the sweetest dogs ever! He was big! I would want a small dog again because they are easier.

I think about fostering but I know I could never let go.

I am with you. I hope this last too and people don’t get rid of their animals after the crisis. All they want is to loved.
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I've always been fond of Newfoundlands.   Several years ago at an annual crafts show we patronized, we met two Newfies.    This is a small show,= compared to some; typically many of the same patrons are there year after year, and some bring their dogs.

The Newfies were so friendly, so big, and so thick with fur.    I could just love them and pet them for hours!
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
They are beautiful dogs too. My neighbor had one. She named him Bear. Hahaha. She said that he was her big black bear. He was a sweet dog.

I volunteered for the ‘meet and greet’ dog showings for the greyhounds. I liked doing those. We went to book stores and other shops.
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Thought I would share this: I have been having a low grade fever for over a week now, but no other symptoms except some sinus pain and slight congestion. This is typical during the allergy season (actually it is common for my body temperature to fluctuate all year long), but last night it jumped up to 101, then went back down before I went to bed and was almost normal this morning, until this afternoon when it started to rise again to 99.8. I checked our state health covid-19 page, which said if you have fever AND one of the other symptoms to call the hotline, otherwise call your doctor. Well, I just had my first medical video chat with my doctor. Our state has now been authorized to have doctor visits over the phone now. He did not feel that I needed any other prescription other than to step up my nasal allergy medication.
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
How are you feeling? Get well soon 💗.
NeedHelpWithMom, I know what you mean. I had a Black Labrador for 15 years, a family dog. I was heartbroken when he died. I cried for a week. We did so much together, jogged, played frisbee, picnics, took him out for ice-cream, and in fact I was feeding him a vanilla ice cream cone, one fine day and I did not realize it, but there were many people surrounding my car smiling, and watching him lick the ice cream and eat the cone . He had the Life of Riley. Family loved him. He loved my dad so much, my dad made him ham and eggs for breakfast. He would sleep with my dad, and one night the dog was sleeping with my dad so my mother went upstairs into another bedroom. I asked her why, and she replied she did not want to disturb him. I too do not want another dog right now, it was so painful, but he had a really good life and perhaps when I am a little older, I might consider another but not a Black Lab. I like the big husky male dogs. Our dog was super intelligent. He understood everything. Amazing dog!
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
Yes, they are part of the family and we spoil them 💗. They love us so much and all they want is love in return.

I cried so much when I had to put my dogs down that my vet would call me at home the next day to check on me.

Yeah, my vet happens to be a personal friend of ours but I think he would call anyone because he is very compassionate. He knows how much we love our fur babies.
Boredom? I saw this on another website...

Why does this bag of rice have 4,237 grains of rice and this one only 4,156 grains? Guess I better count them again....

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It's 8:44 and I've read through the forum, news and weather. It's raining, so I likely won't be able to go out for my daily walk. It's gonna be a long, long day :(
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
😔 Yep, people are going stir crazy!
Willie you should get one of those step up benches. You can get one cheap at Canadian Tire. Then on rainy days you could do that inside. I have started doing that since our workout room has closed due to Corona.
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Okay, should I try to trim my own hair or not? LOL
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JoAnn29 Apr 2020
I know! I am not going to make it till July without a haircut. I wear it short so growing in is not going to look good. The back is bugging me now. My hairdresser lives behind me. Wondering if she can cut my hair out in her front yard or mine. 😊
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Has anyone checked out Spielberg is kicking this off.
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Sendhelp Apr 2020
Checked it. Shared it with family. Thanks.
They have ordered all conservation areas and trails closed - I'm getting really tired of walking the streets of this town (sigh).
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NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
I think parks are closed. Not sure about everywhere.
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Needhelpwithmom, I’m not cutting my own hair. I’ve done that before. It gets obsessive, next thing you know you will keep cutting it shorter and shorter, lol. I wear mine in a messy bun. I found out how to do it a couple years ago on you tube. I wear it in a messy bun at work since we can’t wear our hair done around machinery. On another note, why is GOLF ESSENTIAL? Golf courses are open in certain states and certain areas.
Helpful Answer (2)
FloridaDD Apr 2020
You can social distance on a golf course.   If the course/club has appropriate rules (for example, with walk, or no sharing carts with other than family, no raking bunkers, no pulling flag), it is no different than going for a walk.
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People are going to their front porches and howling at 8 p.m. to 8:02 p.m.
As others are making fun, getting irritable at those who howl, the movement is taking hold across the country.

I guess it is a coping mechanism, when you feel so all alone and then hear someone howling back.

One naysayer posted, "Can't they just sing?" That is what Italy has done.

Come to think of it. getting so bored as to criticize others who are coping IS one way of coping, yes? = letting off steam.
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People in NY are clapping for first responders, at 7 pm apparently every evening.

I think that's a great idea. 

I've been thinking of putting up a sign on the front lawn thanking medical personnel and first responders.    There's a hospital near here and I suspect that employees have been the ones zooming up and down our street at shift change.    Whether they or haven't, I want to thank them, as well as the police/fire department employees.
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I have been cutting my hair for years since I have been taking care of my mother. I save the salon for her. I used to spend so much money on haircuts, shampoo and now I just cut my own hair. It is so simple. I wash my hair and towel dry then cut away. I actually cut my hair without looking in the back, then I get a mirror and trim the back and the sides. My moms hairdresser told me it looked good. I also recently cut my moms hair and it looked nice. She has thick white curly hair. I recently cut my nieces hair quite short and it came out fine. She loves it. I am saving lots of money. I cut my hair every four weeks and it makes me feel good. Tried cutting my brothers hair and it turned out terrible. He will never let me cut his hair again. I think it is easier to cut a woman's hair, though. Think of the money you will save cutting your own hair. It will always grow back. Give it a try.
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Daughterof1930 Apr 2020
I cut everyone in my family’s hair. I call it the cheap, untrained, but free cut. I do mine, my husbands, and some of my adult children’s. It wasn’t hard to figure out. My dad gets a senior citizens special at a place that’s now closed so I’ll be doing his soon
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I'm in Georgia and just heard that a shelter in place will go into effect April 3-13 so that will change this idea but...

It's a beautiful spring day here so my youngest son and I picked up litter on the side of the road. We picked a dirty area and, sadly, we got 6 (kitchen-sized) trash bags in a mile long stretch of road. On the positive side, we were outside, socially isolated, and away from a screen.

I'm glad we kept my MIL's grabbers after she passed away!

We'll do it again tomorrow before the SIP goes into effect.

Hang in there everyone!
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My cousin called, and next thing I know, she is at the window of our home with her sweet dog. We waved, smiled and then talked on the phone. She is an RN, a nurse manager at a large hospital. She said it is terrible at her hospital, she is using a mask for the entire day and the nurses are saving precaution gowns at the entrance of the patients room for the next nurse to use. She asked me to pray for her, and she started to cry. She is working a fourteen hour day. I have been praying for her, and all the nurses, doctors and essential personnel around the world. She said the hospital is preparing for the worst. How sad. I pray for each and everyone of you on this site, and your family, that you all stay healthy and safe. May God bring you peace, and comfort during this terrible crisis.
Helpful Answer (8)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
I am praying for everyone too. I will add your sweet cousin to my list. So sad. Nurses work so hard! Please thank her for all of us.
Have not had to shelter in place yet but would not be surprised if that will happen in our state. I've been working at home for years for a healthcare system so my worklife has not changed much.
My mom is in AL and I have not been able to visit since March 12 and have been told they will be on visitor restriction until April 30. She will turn 98 in May. I'm an only child. I can hear the decline when I talk to her, she already had a bit of cognitive issues when she entered AL this past summer but the isolation is taking it's toll on her. She's in Catholic facility and they have managed to keep daily mass on closed circuit tv going and so proud of her that she figured out how to access it. I feel awful about not being able to see her but we speak on the phone at least 3x a day and we both pray. We're going to be able to video chat with her this weekend finally.
This has been a wake up call for me. I thought I had all my necessary documents in order, will, POA, etc. but realized..I have never made any type of funeral arrangements. So I did call one of the local mortuaries this week and the woman I spoke with said so many have felt the same and they have been wildly busy with people purchasing pre-arrangements not wanting to leave their families to deal with that. I also have just one child.
I read a lot, make a daily gratitude list, listen to podcasts, play with my dogs out in the yard. They are senior boys 13 and 15 so hard to walk very far with them but we have fun.
I've been cooking more than ever and have had an interesting time trying out new recipes.
Hubs and I are cleaning and spiffing up this place the best we can.
Really just trying to be mindful, grateful and taking it one day at a time.
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NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
I am watching Mass on television too. Do you mind if I say a rosary for your mom?
A month before things began to shut down we had a fire that burned down our two best restaurants, which I thought was horrible; now there's almost nothing to do in this little town - not bothering to drive the five miles in. We have a ten acre property in the woods, with neighbors well spread out; it's all up and down hill, so hard to walk if you're heavy, but maybe round and round the lower flat horse field?
After the first round, I could read a book or Kindle and just keep walking....
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Did you grow up in a rural town? Do you have kids? I have two daughters. I always read to them. One of their favorite books when they were little was about a country mouse who lived in the country and the city mouse who lived in the city. It was a cute way to teach them about the country.
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I grew up in several places, including on a farm with horses, a tiny town in Indiana, Chicago, Indianapolis, and a small town in Florida. Dad was transferred every two years or so (ins adj), so lots of moving. Been in this small town (3,500 people) 21 years now; way too long for ichy footed me, but hubby built the house and doesn't want to move, so here I am. Got horses, cats(5), and dog, but several friends moved away, and most businesses closed - now, of course, more than ever. Been writing books for a couple years, but don't ride, dance, or hike anymore, so running out of stuff to do.... Had a client that I visited 2X a week, but she's in AL and has been in lock down 5 weeks now; churches closed, too. Hate gardening, but might be reduced.... have to stay on the property. Husband usually at work (thank God he HAS work!). Never had kids, so I only speak dog, cat, and horse now....
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020

Thanks for sharing. So interesting to read about others. I grew up in one house. My mom grew up in a city, New Orleans where we lived.

Daddy grew up in a rural area outside of Panama City Beach in Florida. We went to Florida every summer. Daddy loved Florida.

Once I asked him why didn’t he bring mom back to Florida after they married and he told me that she wanted to be close to her mom and dad, my grandma and grandpa in New Orleans.

I think it would have been cool to move around like you did. I am a gypsy at heart and you sound like you definitely are. I have only lived here in New Orleans.

Traveled some, but never lived in another state. Might be fun to live somewhere else. I love my city and it’s vibe but I wouldn’t mind a change of pace.

I love animals too. I always had dogs and cats. Animals bring so much joy to our lives. They are our fur babies!

I don’t have an animal now and I miss having one. Torn about getting another one. Not sure if my heart could take losing another one.

It does stink that we are all going through this crisis but it helps that we have each other.
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I am really impressed with all of you who can cut hair. My mom did it too. She trimmed my hair as a young girl. I wore my hair long so all she had to do was trim the ends. I remember her cutting her own hair when I was younger. Some people have a knack for it.
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Llamalover47 Apr 2020
NHWM: I cut my bangs myself. Four to five months ago when the stylist at Hair Cuttery did not cut my hair right, my husband cut it! If it gets too long, I may have him cut it this time. I used to work with a girl who cut her own hair - never went to a salon ever!
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