A good friend in her 80's has lost the vision in one eye (very blurry, swollen and painful) The eye doctor's tell her they can't save the eye and have given her drops to help with the swelling. The problem... she's still driving. She managed to pass her last written test but she can't see. And the pain in the bad eye distracts her. Nothing anyone has said to her will get her to stop. I understand she dosn't want to lose her independence but she's going to end up killing someone. As a non-relative, can I report her to the DMV for a more extensive driving test? Her brothers are enabling her by fixing her car over and over (it's falling apart). She can't afford to buy another car so if they would just tell her it can't be fixed it would take care of the problem. She has a boyfriend who will driver her places. And I'm more than willing to take her places too. But she doesn't like to plan ahead, instead want's to jump in the car and go when she wants too. I'm open for suggestions...