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BOJ, the OP and her husband pay the parents' mortgage. Because the parents gave all their retirement assets to the brother.

I guess it IS possible that Max's mom is like Tony Soprano's mom and has minions who are not "just" flying monkeys, but really dangerous folks.

BUT since all of the sacrifice of time, money and health has been by the OP, I am inclined to encourage her to learn to set some firm boundaries.
Helpful Answer (4)

dear OP,

hug!! i wonder if your mother (like many abusive, screaming, dominator-ruler-wannabe, tyrant mothers), retaliates if you don't do what she ORDERS you to do?

if you fear her screaming, it's probably not just the screaming you fear. anyone can walk away from someone screaming. the trouble is, what are the consequences?

a lot of these abusive people have all sorts of strings they can pull on, and if you don't do as they want, they'll REALLY retaliate. i'm guessing your mother doesn't just scream, otherwise you would have done all that a long time ago: (1) walk out the room when she screams, (2) pay no attention to the screaming, (3) don't reward the screaming, etc., etc.

if it were so easy, you would have done it.
so the story is probably more complicated. maybe there are all sorts of consequences if you don't do as your mother commands.
Helpful Answer (3)
BurntCaregiver Jan 2023

If Max and her husband are paying the parents' mortgage then they have no way to retaliate. And if she walked away right now today APS would place two elderly and vulnerable adults (her parents) because they cannot function without a 24-hour caregiver slave. So really, there won't be any retaliation.
If they make threats that's what the police are for.
Max doesn't leave because she doesn't want to leave. For all of her complaining, venting, and lamenting she enjoys the drama and the martyrdom on enough of a level that it keeps her there.
She's exactly where she wants to be.
See 2 more replies

We ALL want to please our moms and we all love our moms. I certainly did both of these things.

But the thing is, when your health is at stake (and yours is--you HAVE to go back and make sure that your cancer is still in remission, yet?) and when you find that you can't even start to think about retirement because your mom is throwing tantrums and demanding that you become her personal hands on caregiver when there are PLENTY of other folks who can do that--you have to start wondering if YOUR life EVER comes first, ya know?

Most parents bend over backwards to make sure that their kids' lives are better than their own. That they get the education, the emotional and medical support they need to start on the path to a productive life of giving back to their community and the next generation.

The work that a parent puts into a child gets paid forward, in my world view, not back to the parent (your mom might disagree with this).

I'm truly sorry that you're so "stuck" on making sure that your mom doesn't get upset at you. It must be an awful place to be.

Does your dad understand?
Helpful Answer (3)
Isthisrealyreal Jan 2023
The difference between people wanting to please their mom's boils down to some learn nothing will please them, put boundaries in place and others jump through flaming hoops until someone dies to please an unpleasable tyrant.

She has justified, excused and made her mthrs behavior acceptable for 63 years.

Pretty hard to admit this and many never do. Sadly!
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Excellent replies back! I guess when you wanted to please your mother all of your life, for some reason, which I don’t know why, and then you have a psychotic brother who threatened my life since he was 18 - yes, you can say you can’t help me because yes, I am not well myself.
Helpful Answer (1)
lealonnie1 Jan 2023
Hopefully you'll really leave in 3 days and go back home, then sign up for some therapy to help you. You've gotten 200 comments here, but you're still asking "what to do/say" to your mother which indicates a need for professional guidance, imo. You can't break 60 year old habits and behaviors in a few weeks with a few comments on an internet forum! These issues between you and your mother go WAY back and you need someone working with you on a regular basis to help you break thru this toxic cycle going on so you'll allow yourself to be free. Maybe that won't happen until your parents pass, idk. But go find out. We're just repeating ourselves here on the forum at this point. Best of luck.
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If you can't stand for your mom to scream, then I have nothing I can tell you.

I'm curious; did she give into YOUR every whim and tantrum as a child?

Wishing you well in your journey.
Helpful Answer (2)

Barb, great idea, but if I go to a hotel my mom will be screaming and arguing with us. I can’t leave on horrific terms like that. When I return home I’ll be reaching out for professional help. This is crazy, I know -how can a 92 year old be that controlling?!
Helpful Answer (1)
lealonnie1 Jan 2023
The real question is, how can a 60 year old allow herself to be that controlled by a 92 year old parent?
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As a former worry wort...STOP WORRYING

Why do you worry so much about what your parents think. That was OK as a child but you are now an adult on the verge of retiring. Your going to Europe alone because they can no longer travel, Mom needs too much help. And who would be providing that help. How can it be a vacation when you have to take care of someone the whole time. You tell Mom your going to Europe the day before you leave. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO HAVE A VACATION ALONE WITH YOUR HUSBAND. Call it a second honeymoon.

I really think u and DH should stay in a motel on Friday night. Say ur goodbyes then. Saturday you and DH have a nice breakfast together and home you go. Seems your Dad is very capable of caring for Mom. That is his job. Just like your job is being there for your husband. When Mom asks you when your coming back, say you have no idea. You have already given her over 2 months of your life.

You put too much stress on yourself. You have already had a serious health episode. Stress is not good for cancer. I would think this scare would have made you realize that you need to live your life for you. You and DH should make memories together. Your going into a new phase in you life. You have given enough of your life to your parents. Your Mom should be praising God that she still has a daughter. Maybe that is what you need to tell her. "Mom having cancer made me realize I have given too much of my life to you. So now DH is retiring, we will be doing a lot more just us"

When she asks about Dads birthday, just say after spending over 2 months with them, u can't possibly come back in less than a month. Maybe have a birthday party Friday with cake. You seem to worry about her reactions. So she gets upset, that is not your fault.

When saying No, you are not responsible for the reaction you get. You are not responsible for how your Mom eats. She knows she isn't suppose to have salt but she eats it. Thats between her, Dad and her doctor. When your all packed up and ready to leave you give them both a hug and a kiss on the cheek and tell them you will see them when u see them.

My MIL chose to live in Fla at 68 yrs old. It was a 16 hr drive for us. We had two kids. One 11 the other 3. You know how much we went down, 1x a year until we retired. Then it was 2x a year. Once around Summer the other Thanksgiving. I spent Christmas with my girls and grands.
Helpful Answer (5)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2023
I love that you say that you are a ‘former’ worry wart. People can stop worrying if they change their focus.

I know someone who struggles with constant worry and I limit my time around her because I feel so drained after being with her.

When I tell her that she has to stop worrying excessively over trivial issues, she says that she has been this way all of her life.

I have found that 99 percent of the things that most people worry about never even come to pass. Some people have huge issues with anxiety. It’s sad.
Let her get upset, just don't react to it. She gets upset because it has always gotten her results.

My father would say the same thing if I went on vacation "who is going to take care of me" (this was when he was capable of living on his own). I told him that was his responsibility to figure out. I wasn't his caretaker, I was his daughter who helped him out because he didn't drive. It was not my job to find him another daughter to fill in for me.
Helpful Answer (7)

Let her be mad. Saying no will get easier once you start doing it. My Mom was the type to stomp around with a mad face and use the silent treatment when I was a kid. I tell you what it is very easy to ignore that type of behavior when you’re at your own home!
Helpful Answer (7)

As to telling your parents that you're going to retire to Europe:

"Mom, Dad, we are very excited. We are going to retire to Europe next year".

Mom: "What about us, What are your plans for us? Your just going to abandon us, aren't you. (weeping ensues).

"Mom, you and dad are going to hire a geriatric care manager who will find you a nice retirement community so you can have a life separate from ours."

(mom weeps and throws a tantrum)

You continue packing.

DON'T respond to this balderdash. Enough is enough.

You sound childish (to your own ears) because your mom never encouraged you to live your own life. She kept you tied to her so she could be guaranteed HER freedom. She is a supremely selfish person.

At least that's how it sounds to me, despite your telling us how wonderful she is.
Helpful Answer (6)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2023
You know, I could be wrong. We aren’t always correct when we assume things, but I wonder if Max is subconsciously trying to recreate the ‘perfect’ family that she feels that she was cheated out of.

Oh my gosh, no one on this wide green earth has ever had a ‘perfect’ family 100 percent of the time.

When we see others who appear to have great lives, we have no idea what they have endured behind closed doors.

I have a couple of friends that have spent time at a women’s shelter for months after being in abusive relationships. Ha! They were both married to very successful men that abused them horribly.

No one would ever suspect this if they saw them now. My point is that we all have our own stories to tell.

WHEN she becomes upset, LEAVE the premises.

Let her understand by your ACTIONS (not your words) that you will not continue to be her slave.

If you give in every time she gets upset, you are TELLING her that getting upset works as a tool of manipulation.

Do you give your dog food every time he yaps? No, of course not.

STOP reinforcing her bad behavior.

Stop kowtowing to her demands.

Say "NO" and mean it. The way you mean it is by leaving.

PLEASE consider getting a hotel room.
Helpful Answer (5)
maximus1 Jan 2023
Barb, great idea, but if I go to a hotel my mom will be screaming and arguing with us. I can’t leave on horrific terms like that. When I return home I’ll be reaching out for professional help. This is crazy, I know -how can a 92 year old be that controlling!
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I hope everyone understands that I am learning A LOT from your brilliant advice and I do say NO that’s why she becomes upset and still does - so I just give in. Now I need help with this - how the heck are we going to tell them that we’re going to Europe soon without them to find a central base to live in so we will be able to start our retirement? I know I sound so childish.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2023
Saying, “No!” has to be consistent. You can’t say, “No!” one minute and then give in and cater to her whims the next minute. How is your mom supposed to take you seriously if you flip flop like that?

As for you’re going to Europe, you buy your tickets, pack your bags, say goodbye with a huge smile 😃 on your face and then fly off into the wild, blue yonder! Simple! That is a no brainer!

Everyone should have problems this easy to fix. Do you even realize how fortunate you are to be able to retire comfortably in Europe?


Start being extra grateful for what you do have in your life. You have so much to look forward to.

Don’t take your health for granted. Your health is everything!

Live YOUR best life with your husband. Forget about what went wrong up to now. Everyone that is breathing has had their share of problems in their lives. You don’t have to be stuck in misery.

Learn to place everything in the proper perspective. Let the past go. It’s over. Stop holding on. You’re not being brave or even doing the right thing by continuing to hold on. It didn’t work years ago and it isn’t working now, nor will it ever work. So. once and for all, let go and enjoy your life.

One thing that my therapist said to me was that I had more years behind me than ahead, so stop wasting time. He was right! You have wasted a ton of time and money. Put an end to it and send us all photos of your favorite places in Europe!
Let her be upset, angry or whatever she wants to be. Just ignore her and your dad. They're adults. They are only a problem to you because you let them. Leave them alone. You are as much a part of the problem as they are.
Helpful Answer (4)

So she gets upset.

So what?
Helpful Answer (5)

Max, don't be obnoxious in return.

Just say "No, I can't possibly do that".

If your mom wants her furniture rearranged, she can hire someone to do that. It's NOT in your job description.

AND then take your dog for a lllllllonnnnggggg walk.

Have you considered getting a hotel room for the next few days? That's what I would do.

No one here is going to say "at least you have your mom". That's not who we are. We love our parents, but many of us have parents who taught us how to say "no", how to protect out mental and physical health.

Yours didn't.
Helpful Answer (4)

Good morning everyone😂How would you like to rearrange the furniture every morning so her lift chair fits in the room perfectly? Then she gets upset when we say we can’t do it because we’re not trying hard enough - 9 am? I know what other people not on this forum would say, at least you still have your mom - yes, but I’ve been with my mom every waking moment. Some people start caregiving or spending time with their parents when they are retired.
Helpful Answer (4)
golden23 Jan 2023
(((((hugs)))) Max You have been caring for your mum too much for anyone. Yes she gets upset, but stay firm with your "NO" anyway. People said that to me too. It didn't help. I just gave them a look. Or "Your mum is lucky she has you". Yeah but I'm not lucky I have her was what went through my mind.

You will need to get used to her being mad at you, or weeping or unhappy in some way. That takes some emotional detaching. Doesn't mean you are hard or don't care for her, but that you are not going to be FOG-ed (fear, obligation or guilt) into being her servant. You are her child - not her servant. In healthy families a child is encouraged to leave the nest and build their own life. You have that right and that responsibility to yourself.
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Feeling a bit hippy here but here we go...

Move to the centre of the triangle.

The three corners contain patterns of behaviour: Swooper (Fixer), Victim & Persecuter.

When you feel charged to react, magnetised, pulled into one of the corners - resist!
Stay neutral in the centre.
Be like Switzerland.

When Mom takes the Victim role, says poor me, you're leaving etc.. she wants you to take the Fixer role. To stay & fix her problems.

When Mom says you don't care about me, your husband is mean etc she has taken the Victim role again. This time making you/husband out to be Persecutors.

It's a merry dance of communication. Around the triangle it goes, like magnets pushing each other.

The way to stop being controlled like this, to be pushed around like a magnet, is to move to the centre.

Be neutral. Dis-engage.

It takes practice.
(I am still leaning).
Helpful Answer (12)
polarbear Jan 2023
Beatty - I really like the way you organize thoughts, so logically and easily understood. You're so good at drawing pictures with words. You're probably my 2nd favorite writer on this forum.
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If you met my parents you would never believe their ages. They don’t look or sound like they are in their 90’s. This is why I’m still not understanding how they haven’t mellowed. Even to this day, they will cook and entertain their friends. They’re amazing, but my husband and I are different people and we are drained from them. When we leave Florida after visiting, we need another vacation. Years ago, my husband and I every Friday night for 4 years after working all day, would drive to their country home in the dark, on dangerous mountain roads. We wanted to sleep until 8 am, but my dad would get up at 4 am and start breakfast. It drove him insane that we were still in bed, so he would bang on the ceiling with a broomstick to get us up. He was retired from the airlines at the time and when he was flying internationally, he always had a lot of time off because he had seniority (Captain) - never had to work, as we call it, a regular job. My parents are still crazy that way! It never ends! This is why I’m frantic about caring for them.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2023
I have a cousin who just turned 100 and she is one of the most amazing, optimistic people that I have ever known.

She has outlived two of her kids. She does live in a senior apartment building, not assisted living, still cooking and cleaning. No walker or cane. Exercises with her group of friends, then goes out for lunch too.

She still attends Mass and helps the other “old people” in her apartment building out when they need assistance!

She will speak about what she plans to do next year! LOL 😆

I have never once heard her say, “Lord willing, blah, blah, blah.”

She bakes fruit cakes just like my great aunts did to give away for the holidays. Let me tell you, I think she is adding more rum each year to her recipe!

Some people are young at heart!
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Hey, Max

My therapist had me role play if I became nervous about certain situations.

If you want to practice with any of us, we can do that.

I was super fortunate to have a great therapist who didn’t let me off the hook when I would get sidetracked.

You know, for those of us who grew up in dysfunctional families, the abnormal behavior became our normal. So, it’s not unusual to have to practice what is normal behavior as long as it takes for it to feel correct to us.

We process at our own pace, due to our own individual circumstances. Some people may move along a bit faster but they shouldn’t make those who have moved a bit slower feel badly. What does that accomplish other than making a person feel crappier than they already do.

So, I hope that you know that you have many who support you. Forget about any harsher criticism if it is overwhelming for you. Know that everyone does care about your success and each person expresses their views in their own way.

Wishing you all the best.
Helpful Answer (2)

Max, why would your mother abusing herself be sacrificing your life? I don't get that. and I wouldn't say that at all or do that.

It is her choice as to what she eats. If she chooses to eat things that are not good for her, she will suffer the consequences. She knows that. You don't have to say anything at all. Don't let her use this to manipulate you.

If you have decided to stay longer with her in the past because she is not looking after herself you have allowed her to control you. But you can't, in fact, control her can you?

This is about saying "No" to being manipulated and controlled by your mother.

Go home and get on with your own life no matter what she says or does. She has choices and so do you.

Truthfully I don't think most of us care what your mother has said or done. her behaviour and your behaviour are not tied together. You are not Siamese twins. But how you feel about what she says is another matter.

What we care about is you and you making healthier choices for yourself. You have come here looking for support and advice. We are concerned for you primarily. Help from AL or agencies is available for your mum.

I get that your mother saying you don't care for her isn't easy to hear. How does that tie in with her saying you are the best daughter? She uses whatever words she thinks will get you to do what she wants you to do. Don't you see that?

I think you do care for her, but you also care for yourself or you wouldn't be here. So don't engage in any more backbiting. It's not good for either of you. You don't have to justify your decisions. You can disengage/ignore/walk away from whatever she is saying. You are going home on Jan 28. End of story. It really doesn't matter what she says or does. You have made your decision. She doesn't have to like her. That's OK that's her.

I think you experience a lot of anxiety related to your mother. You were brought up to never say "No" to her. I expect you weren't allowed to express anger either. But you are an adult now. What harmed you as a child is not your fault, but your healing as an adult is your responsibility.

Learning to disengage from your mother so she is no more the center of your universe is part of your healing. So is saying "No" and refusing to be drawn into or initiate these discussions. Change the subject, talk about something neutral. Give up trying to change your mother or get her approval. The only person you can change is yourself.

(((((Hugs)))) and prayers for you.

Max - Just read your post - not surprised she can manage by herself. She has been manipulating you.

Barb - swooping - great description
Helpful Answer (4)

Thanks everyone- great advice! I was not feeling good today - had a slight migraine- seems like they’re returning after they stopped after the breast cancer. Could be stress. My lower spine is hurting from pulling out the bed and I haven’t slept good for 2 months. My mom said her knees and shoulder hurt so I replied so does mine. She also said to me so you’re going home and you must want to run away from us and I replied - I Iove you and will miss you, but I miss my husband and home. I explained that my husband will be spending Friday night and leaving Saturday and she said that’s not nice! My father and I had to explain to her that he has a job and he cannot concentrate in their place and he needs to get home for work on Monday and go into the office. I said to her are you ok with getting dressed by yourself and she replied oh yes, I was just taking advantage of the fact that you were here - Is she kidding me? Now she tells me that?! P.S. No bathroom issues either! Sorry for such details.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2023
Yay! Progress with the bathroom. That’s terrific, Max.

Your dad sounds like he is on board with your plan. He’s seems to be supportive of you.

I am sorry about your headaches returning. It will be wonderful to sleep in your own bed when you return home.

Keep reminding yourself that it doesn’t matter what she says or feels. That’s your mom just being your mom, right? Why would you expect anything differently from her at this point in her life? She’s set in her ways.
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Maximus, there's a concept you might think about. It's called "swooping"--what those of us who think we need to fix everything in the world, keep everyone happy and respond to every crisis do on a regular basis.

Here's the thing. Swooping leads to resentment. It disables the person you are "helping" because it robs them of autonomy, free choice and the ability to learn problem solving skills for themselves.

You can't be responsible another person's happiness. You can't care more about their health than they do.

Your parents have made some pretty awful choices in their lives; from what you've written, they have never endured any of the consequences because you've swooped in and saved them every time.

Has that worked out for you?

Your dad sounds mentally okay, yes? Give him the names of some Home Health agencies to call to set up services. Take a look at some ALs on your own so you can help your parents choose where to go for rehab when the next crisis occurs.

Keep in touch by phone and when the next crisis happens, DO NOT get on a plane. Call the hospital and talk to Discharge Planning on Day One. Your mantra should be "my mother is no longer safe at home".
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2023
Home health is an excellent suggestion! My mom actually did quite well in home health. She definitely improved her strength and balance.

She loved the good looking PT who played Sinatra for her to exercise to. She had success with the OT as well.

She enjoyed visiting with the aides and nurses. I felt that it was mentally stimulating as much as it was physically enriching for her.

It doesn’t really matter what your mom has to say about this or that situation.

Don’t aggravate yourself with thoughts of what your mom may or may not say to you.

It is senseless to worry about something that hasn’t happened or may not happen.

Spend your time wisely by focusing on having everything ready for you to leave on schedule. Don’t procrastinate. Don’t delay. It’s time to go back home.

Are you concerned that your mom won’t be understanding about you going back home?

Even if she is unpleasant, you can’t stop her from feeling as she does. Allow her to feel however she wants to even though it may make you uncomfortable. Don’t argue with her. You aren’t going to change her mind. Say goodbye, and leave.

Children have been doing the opposite of what their parents have desired since the beginning of time. Why should you break this trend? 😊
Helpful Answer (4)

Maximus, you are not getting it.

This is not about what snappy comeback to make to your mom.

This is about you becoming single minded in your effort to DISENGAGE from "discussions".

The only way to not get manipulated by your mother is to disengage. Stop responding to her provocations.

She is an adult. You are an adult.

You are two separate people. How she eats is no concern of yours and should have no bearing on your coming and going.

If mom needs supervision of her food intake, someone to prepare healthy meals for her and someone to wipe her, there are loads of good ALs in Florida. There are also numerous home health care agencies.

This simply is NOT your job.

You are returning home on January 28th. No further conversation about that.
Helpful Answer (8)
Frebrowser Jan 2023
Agreed. There is no comeback that will slip past her need to have things her way.

If she ever had the ability to accept “No.” for an answer, it may be gone now, lost to mental illness and/or cognitive decline.

So she gets to make bad choices for herself, but not for her daughter, who should go home on time, offer assistance with sourcing professional care in her periodic phone calls, and prepare to insist on a needs assessment and safe discharge if/when the fluid retention leads to an ER visit and hospitalization for shortness of breath.
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Hi Guys, Thanks for writing. I have a quick question before I update you in another post what my mom told me. Ok - question - my mom has been eating salty foods again and her ankles and legs swelled. If she says when are you coming back or you don’t care about me or whatever - what should I say something like well if you abuse yourself then you will be sacrificing my life.
Helpful Answer (1)
Hothouseflower Jan 2023
No, I would not say that. Just leave on 1/28. You can’t stop her from eating what she wants. The only joy left for a 90 year old is enjoying food. Let her eat whatever she wants. So she dies happy at 91 instead of 100. Is that really such a bad thing?
How are you doing, Max? Count down to Jan 28th!
Helpful Answer (3)
JoAnn29 Jan 2023
Count down...4 more days.
I forget how far away you are. Your problem is you worry before it happens. First, deal with now. You have told Mom your leaving on the 28th. No need to keep reminding her. No need to keep saying "Mom you know I am leaving on the 28th, so you need to be able to do this and that" She thinks if she doesn't do this and that you will have to stay. You only have a week. (really think u should go home tomorrow) IGNORE HER! She will have to do it when u leave or Dad will have to do it. They may realize that they need help.

When Mom asks when you coming back say at this point say you have no idea. If she pushes it say "Mom give me a break. I have been here for two months. Give me a chance to get used to being home and dealing with Doctors before asking that question." Then when you get home and she asks say "Mom I cannot answer that but when I decide I am coming a certain time, then I will call u"

Do not tell her you won't be coming for Dads birthday now. Wait till u get home and tell her in one of your ph calls but not the one you make to tell her ur home. When u tell her just say "sorry, no. After 2 months staying with you, I have too much to catch up on."
Really, the 23rd is only about 3 weeks after you left.
Helpful Answer (1)
Beatty Jan 2023
"Do not tell her you won't be coming for Dads birthday now".


This is the opportunity to start CHANGING the communication style right here.

Do NOT tell her.

Unless you can be bold & tell her plain.

Either way, short confident answers work well.
Long waffling, wavering worries just invite trouble.

Like poking a wasp nest. Wasps come out.
First, I'm so sorry your going through this. We're in good company but it feels very lonely sometimes... Much to unpack here, like the guilt, but maybe this will help.
I also had concerns that mom's "wiping" wasn't sufficient. I bought few gadgets to help, none did. Until
the bidet! It was less than $50 and after some fun, thoughtful, careful, introduction, it's been great. Specifically designed for women, but everyone can use, cleans front and "back"! My mom also struggles with mobility and weight so had to tweak things just a little for access to controls but it was no problem. With a little practice and humor this wonderful invention helped!
They seem "scary" at first but I assure you after 2,3 times you wonder how you did without and if we lived in a European country we probably would've grown up with one.
So that's my advise, I sincerely hope it helps you or someone else. We need all the help and successes we can get.
Btw, I got it on Amazon and got one for myself!

Much love, peace & support,

Carol's youngest, Lisa ♥
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Ok everyone-I will be telling you what I told her yesterday later- don’t have time. My mom will just have to scream her pretty head off (which she is) - I need to have my papillon puppy trained so we will be able to get on a plane to Europe when my husband retires - I’m talking about 1 1/2 years from now. That’s why I’m on this forum, because I’m frantic! My parents have lived a long carefree life doing what they wanted to - never had to provide care for their parents-they said they have no regrets because they accomplished everything they wanted to in life. Are they kidding us? Will tell you later. But for now - NO guys I’M NOT SEEING MY DAD FOR HIS BIRTHDAY! Thanks for making me strong!
Helpful Answer (6)
ZippyZee Jan 2023
If you’re over the age of 21 a birthday is just another day, so don’t worry about that.
"Mom, I'm going home to find out my treatment options. I have no idea when I'll be able to come back. I think you should call this home care agency and have someone come in to look after you and dad."

Have you got your doctor's appointment set up?
Helpful Answer (3)

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