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Act on the POA! Take pictures, video, and document everything. Get the hotel staff involved also! It’s time to act! She needs an intervention!

I would start the process of having her deemed incapacitated. Seek out an elder care attorney and ask his/her opinion. But mom is a danger to herself and others. And is clearly incapable of caring for herself. She may become abusive to you for your actions. Be prepared for that. But you are benefiting her by taking the reins of this horrible ride she’s on.

The problems with you and your family helping:
1. You’re disabled. That has got to be tough enough on that level.
2. Your precious kids don’t need to see that. Their to tender to need to see grandma in such a frightening state.
3. How is this affecting your marriage?

This is a bad situation for you, your family, mom, the hotel staff and guests in neighboring rooms.

You must act for the protection of all, INCLUDING mom!
Helpful Answer (5)

Reading the replies... Looks like you have a good plan & are doing all you can.

"4) she is clearly mentally ill and refuses medical help"

This is squalor & self-neglect.

Cause could be anything.. ?Stroke, ? Depression, ?Breakdown (?brought on by grief).

Only way to find cause is a psych eval.

I've heard some areas will only send emergency services for psych if suicide or homicide risk.

She is at risk of eviction. Advise the hotel she is showing signs of MCI - dementia. That if the hotel needs to evict, to please call EMS (rather than sent her out to the street. They have no duty of care & could do that).

A present it does seem she can 'show-time- for the hotel staff - but this won't last forever. Especially of hygiene is an issue. If no UTI yet, soon will be. Or some other infection.

If she is evicted, she could land on your doorstep. In that case, do not let her stay. Call EMS for psych review.

That seems tough. But it will hopefully get her the help she needs.
Helpful Answer (5)

I would contact an elder law attorney as well as APS. In two and a half years a lot can change. Hopefully they’ll see it now.
Helpful Answer (5)
Kate4620 Jan 2022
Absolutely Kate! Already spoke with both an attorney and APS today. (Results in another post).

wish me luck! 🤞🏻
I can't believe the hotel she is at is ok with what she is doing in that room.
Helpful Answer (4)
Kate4620 Jan 2022
I’m not certain how long it will take for her “she’s so charming” / “we love her!” sheen to wear off.

I was even told—deadpan—“it’s not the first time someone sh*t the bed.” 😳
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Kate there's no reason why you can't arrange for some CNA visits and see what happens. She can always tell them to leave, the worst that can happen is you waste a bit of her money. I don't think you'd need her specific permission in advance - you'd be using your POA to use her money to buy services wholly and exclusively for her benefit, and not that much money even. If your POA says different then tell her don't ask her that you've booked the CNAs and if she goes bonkers about it just cancel them.

I only hope they get further with her than we did with our lady :(
Helpful Answer (0)
Kate4620 Jan 2022
Plot thickens: I called two home healthcare services this afternoon. Both said that they “have to protect their caregivers” (totally understandable) and can’t assign them to laundering feces.

They would agree to assist with bathing and meal prep (microwave her food as she only has a kitchenette) and light housekeeping BUT it would have to be 4 hours worth.

My mom would kick them straight out of the room after an hour. She would NEVER agree to having anyone (including me) hang around that long.

Also called APS again. APS said they will see if they will agree to reopen her case file and I can call tomorrow to see if they agree.

Attorney #1 says that I will have a very long (very expensive) battle with her to gain guardianship. I would first need to go to court and ask a judge to compel her to get a neuro-psych eval. If judge agrees, I take her. Regardless of result, attorney said that if she “disagrees” with guardianship it will be a court process.

said if APS does agree to open case again, depending on their disposition, judge may or may not be more willing to compel.

Attorney #2 is tomorrow.

{…and cue Kate’s exhaustion!}
I really hope you can get help for you and your mother.
Helpful Answer (1)
Kate4620 Jan 2022
Thank you! ☺️
Oh boy. The hotel is going to go *ballistic.* I hope somebody's got the money to pay for all this because I can't see the insurers taking it meekly.

I think you'll have to step away and stay away until she crashes. Go back to APS, explain your absolute inability to influence or alter this situation, keep in touch with them for communication purposes, and wait. Your POA - if it was created solely for the purpose of allowing you to supervise the rebuild, is that right? - won't extend to any health or related decisions so you can't force the pace.

I have nothing hopeful or helpful to say about how this is likely to go. We had a client who would not get out of bed except to go to the bathroom and had had total urinary incontinence for years. Her friend (very loyal younger friend, brought groceries, loved the lady regardless) described a visit to the *friend's* house when this lady had peed on the sofa, then stood up and calmly turned the sofa cushion over and sat down again without saying a word about it. Never answered any offer about help or support or medical advice with anything but "it's fine." Well. It took adult social care a year of negotiation to win her agreement for us to visit her twice a day, and we were all warned not to antagonise her for fear of getting the whole team thrown out. She was the sweetest lady in the world. Always welcoming and appreciative, called us angels, thanked us for every snack and drink and sandwich we brought to her, thanked us to for every suggestion and offer about personal care. But in three months the only co-worker who had any success at all that I know of got her to change her nightdress. The ammonia in the room was pretty terrible (not the worst I've ever encountered, mind - that award goes to Seven Dachshunds Client). I was working on trying to tempt her to a foot soak, more in hope than expectation, but then they pulled the plug on us and ended her service (because we weren't getting anywhere to speak of, not for want of trying I assure you). As far as I know, the lady is still in bed.

She had mental capacity. There was nothing about her situation that she did not understand. She simply and flatly refused to discuss it, and no one could make her, and it was her house. What do you do?

Meanwhile - so where has the rebuild got to? What's the next step of the plan?
Helpful Answer (3)
sp19690 Jan 2022
Thats why the hotel should be told so they can force her to get out. If she has nowhere to go may be the OP can get her into a facility. Feces is a violation of health code and since this is not her house where she can be allowed to live like this it may give OP pull to place her. Shame the mother is getting a new house built since she will destroy it in short order. Hopefully the rebuild takes a really long time. Maybe OP should drop mother off at the brothers house since he doesnt think there is a problem.
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I really think next time you visit her if she is covered in feces again you should step out of the room and call 911 for help with her. I don't understand how APS can say she's allowed to live covered in feces and a caregiver who let's that happen xan be charged with neglect.
Helpful Answer (8)
Kate4620 Jan 2022
Yes! I agree! Someone would be fired for allowing this.

I have calls in to attorneys. 🤞🏻
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Sorry but, APS 'looking in on her' for 5 minutes and deeming her 'competent' does not MAKE her competent or even MEAN she's competent. What it means is that APS washed their hands of her and decided not to do anything about the fact that your mother is living the way she is. Your brother the physician, has he given your mother a MoCA cognizance exam to KNOW for a fact that she is indeed in possession of her faculties and 'chooses' to live like this? I'd bet my savings account that she is NOT in possession of her faculties and that she does NOT 'choose' to live like this b/c nobody w/o dementia/ALZ or a very serious mental illness would 'choose' to live like this, lying in their own waste every day.

Your mother is exhibiting classic signs & GIANT RED FLAGS of dementia that others are ignoring and/or in denial about, mainly your Brother the Physician. Men in particular are very hesitant to admit their mothers have dementia; we see it here on the forum all the time.

So your mother accidentally burned her house down, no doubt by leaving a pan on a red hot burner (classic dementia). Before that, you were bringing her meals, paying her bills and taking care of all the chores she could no longer take care of herself; managing her entire LIFE, in other words: also a sign of classic dementia: no longer able to manage one's own life. Her being 'verbally abusive' to you when you try to help also fits under the classic dementia umbrella behavior, btw.

Now she's living in squalor in a hotel and not allowing housekeeping in to clean, also classic dementia: Hiding out & stubbornly refusing help. Meaning YOU or SHE will be responsible for paying a HUGE bill upon move-out of said hotel. The mattress is ruined, at the very least, all the bedding, and the carpeting, bathroom fixtures may need replacing, etc. HUGE bill forthcoming. I'm actually surprised the hotel is allowing her to insist on no housekeeping!

So while everyone sits around pretending mother is fine, not riddled with dementia or mental illness at the very least, havoc has been & is being, wreaked at every turn. Follow MJs advice & contact a certified Elder Care atty immediately to get the guardianship paperwork going.

Actions MUST be taken right away to stop the bleeding before everyone is bankrupt! The EC attorney can hopefully guide you about what to do NOW.

Good luck and Godspeed, my friend, you are going to need it. My heart hurts for what you're going through.

PS: I also wanted to add that it's common for an elder to decline dramatically after the loss of a spouse (my condolences on the loss of your father.) If mom was going down the dementia highway prior, she likely started RACING down that highway afterward.
Helpful Answer (15)
sp19690 Jan 2022
Great response for this poster. But can't 911 have the mother committed for a psych evaluation?
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Too bad the hotel couldn't call the police regatding her staying there with all the fecal filth they may be able to get her comitted to the hospital on a psych evil and you can go from there. No one mentally competent is going to lay in their feces. You also need to stop cleaning up her messes.
Helpful Answer (7)
Kate4620 Jan 2022
Trust me: being physically disabled and having put up with her sh*t (literally) for over three years the LAST thing I want to do is clean up after her.

she’s not grateful (often verbally abusive) when I do/try.

I just can’t stomach the idea of my mom living that way. Makes me mad. Makes me sad. Frustrates me to no end.
You need an elder care attorney to get you going on guardianship. Mom isn't competent, you'll (as in she) be paying a ton of money to replace everything in that hotel room, and the time to get control is about three years ago.

Call an attorney today.
Helpful Answer (7)
Kate4620 Jan 2022
I think this may be the next thing I do. However 2.5 years ago I called APS and they visited her twice. They found her “able to make decisions. Even bad ones” and closed the case. (My mom is a former RN and knows the lingo. All the right things to say).

edited to add I’ve got calls in to attorneys 🤞🏻
I’m learning that there may not be a darn thing I can do.
1) she most likely has dementia/memory impairment and/or a UTI and needs a diagnosis
2) once she has a diagnosis, your PoA is active
3) with active PoA you can "do what it takes" to get into MC (because she may be beyond AL at this point and could be a flight risk)
4) work on peace in your heart that there aren't any other viable options and you're doing the best thing for her
Helpful Answer (6)
MJ1929 Jan 2022
POA is not necessarily all-encompassing. You can also give POA for only very specific things, and it sounds like that's what OP has here. She's been given POA for the house rebuild only.

I think she needs guardianship. Mom isn't competent to grant POA now and probably wasn't when she did give it.
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She must be diagnosed as incompetent in order for you to make decisions for her. You will need to get that diagnosis even if it involves calling APS to open a case, or calling ambulance for delivery to ER.
If she is not diagnosed as incompetent the short and sweet answer here is that there is little that can be done. When the Hotels/motels find out the conditions of their property she will be evicted.
If you are disabled in a way that precludes your being able to act for your Mother it may be time to let the state take on guardianship, because once APS calls them and arranges that you will have no input, but it will all be out of your hand.
The unfortunate thing is that mental illness doesn't usually qualify for guardianship by either you or the state. This is but one of the reason there are so many homeless on our streets, clearly mentally ill, who have no access to care and nowhere to live.
I am so sorry. I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through.
Helpful Answer (6)
Kate4620 Jan 2022
thank you!

as I stated above to others, I had APS look in on her and they found her competent.

My brother is a physician and he says she has her faculties but is living this way by choice.

Without her agreeing to see a doctor (who isn’t her son) I fear I won’t be able to push for guardianship.

maybe hiring someone for home health, another for housecleaning???

This is so frustrating and hard!
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