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UTI's can be a huge factor when there is a change or increase in behavior change incidents (aggression included). This is true for my mom. In her case, I have had to advocate for her many times when she was in memory care. I would ask the nursing staff, "Did you check for a UTI?" They would say, "She just had one" or "It came back negative" (only to be told days later that a culture test was positive). Look for patterns in behaviors - keep a behavior log. When she was in memory care, I was told many times that they wanted to add to her med plan specifically for aggressive - I advocated to not have this happen. I started to keep a log as to when I was getting the calls about the aggression - I noticed a pattern. The behaviors increased when demands were made on my mother, or she was asked to do something quickly like get out of bed to get dressed. Given, they were on a schedule, but my mom was not on that schedule. For example, they wanted her up at a certain time, take her meds quickly, go to bed at a certain time, shower at a certain time, etc. With my log, I observed that the aggression was more frequent when these "schedule" demands were directed at my mom. I asked staff to give her opportunity to say "No" or "Later" and added that they should allow ample time for here to process what was excepted using a visual schedule.
Hope this helps.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Emily634

I'm dealing with this now. I'm trying telling him "I didn't come to argue, if you continue arguing, I will leave." We'll see if this works. This is a new pattern for him, he's always been manipulative and controlling but I would ignore it or talk him out of it. Of course you can't argue with someone with dementia (he has lewy body) but it's hard not to try to get your point across. I am realizing that I live in reality and he lives in his reality complete with people he talks to, works with and generally engages with just as he used to do in my reality. I'm not sure if this is common but he has elaborate scenarios that involve him & them, I'm just on the sideline. I try to agree or respond in some way that indicates I'm going along with him. Sometimes it works, usually it doesn't. I'm no expert but I'm trying not to engage with his argument and just leave. Time will tell if it works. I'm not optomistic but I'm trying to hopeful. I've read the answers here and I know that everyone reacts differently. I'm trying to get them to figure out some type of medicine that might give him some relief but the neurology doctors he goes to can't seem to get hooked up with the NH, we are stuck in the middle. I know he is extremely stressed, it just seems to be vicious circle. Good luck and wish me luck too.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to mammacow

Does anyone have specific Teepa Snow video links that pertain to this topic? I know her videos are mentioned a lot , but there are so many of them on youtube etc.
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Reply to strugglinson

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