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JessieBell " I wish that they realized that their minds were not working right and learned to trust others, but that doesn't happen usually."

My Hubby DOES realize that his mind isn't working properly. We discuss this on a regular basis. But, like you all, he's forgotten routines that he's done literally for years! Putting the trash in the correct colored garbage can; putting his dentures in the cup are just two.
He does say lots of times "I love you" and is very gracious.
Go to assisted living yet? No, not for a while.
On the spiritual side, I know it is only by God's grace that I have the answers -- maybe I need to wait a while, but I do get answers. Sometimes, the answer is even No. God will let me know when it's time. Either through a happening or something.
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ohmygosh Jessie, I laughed so hard at the part where you hoped a stray dog would come by and clean up the mess!!! And then recognized the relief you got from a simple trip to the P.O. and a chat with a clerk. On days I ‘get’ to go shopping alone, I find the chat with random strangers or familiar clerks surprisingly grounding.

Until we got my sister into memory care, she bought herself Keurigs, serially, could not make it work, threw it into the trash bin, got furious when the agency caregiver pulled it out (“I don’t want them going through my trash!”) and then ordered another. Then her bank started calling me about her VISA charges. Where she is now, all the coffee is decaf, except for a special pot that the higher functioning residents know where to find and seem to handle it okay so far.

My dh, with Parkinsons and also very poor vision, still makes the coffee here. It varies in strength from one day to the next. I’m wiping up all kinds of spills it seems all the time. He is slowly moving from seeing me as helper to seeing me as keeper, I fear. I had to tell him he must not use the log splitter. It runs off the tractor, is a large shiny metal screw with a sharp point that spins; we used to split our firewood with it. I believe now that someone with Parkinsons shouldn’t even own a log splitter, or a chainsaw.

It’s hard sometimes to know if my role is Encourager or Mother-hen. I was about to go to my first caregiver support group meeting in my town when he fell off a stool and split open his scalp, so we spent a half-day at ER, and another half-day yesterday getting the stitches out. Every day is a new adventure.

Thanks for telling about your life Jessie, all the posts on this site are so helpful to me, thank you all.
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On top of mom, I take a severely mentally ill relative shopping, and he, too, flummoxes me at times (though I should know better by now). He badly badly wanted a cell phone, just like everyone else in the whole world has, though he has no one to call except his brother in another state. Or me. So we bought him a cheapie tracphone. After a while I asked, how is your cell phone working?....I threw it away.....why?.....I couldn't make it work...why did you throw it away? ....I don't know......time passed, again he begged for a cell phone. His brother got him one for Christmas, all set to go...where is your cell phone? ....I don't lost it?....I don't know....was it working?.....I don't know.....did you try using it? ..... yes....what happened? didn't what did you do with it?....I don't know....
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Ack! That would be mind bending. I'm kind of lucky that my mother's memory is good. She might ask for something, not be able to work it, then stash it somewhere. Then she would say she got rid of it because I bought her the wrong one. Oy.

She won't use a cell phone unless I make her. The little gadgets are perplexing to people who are mentally challenged.
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I understand what it's like; it's amazing to go outside, somewhere normal, isn't it? I love walkig through the replenishes my body and soul!
So many people, even young ones, ae dealing with these issues...I have an arrogant, extremely negative mother who drives me up the wall...she takes pleasure in criticizing everything I do, especially food...when I'm with her I add some calming medicine to her coffee or whatver, and it makes a tremendous difference...the problem is she can't know about it...We´ve all seen how much more PLEASANT she becomes with a small dose of the medication though! Hugs!
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Oh, dear. Sneaking medications. I know it has to be bad, HatedOne.
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I'm with you. My problem is one day Mom can, the next day she can't. If ur Mo has Dementia, trying to teach her something new won't work. Short term is first to go. Maybe making up pre measured bags would be good? Hide the coffee. I would have a talk with the neighbors telling them how Mom now is and just to play along. Moms friends thought she was Ok. She would tell them things that never happened. She gets TV and reality confused. So, I had to tell them.
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my mom has been gone for nearly 3 years now . i feel like the grieving and sense of loss are gone but when i look back on her final 12 months of life i wonder how i survived it . her dementia was complicated by extreme bipolar . you cant have emotional stability when youre responsible for something resembling krusty the clown on crack .. before she passed away a schitzo disorder , paranoia , and of course round the clock hallucinations all made their appearance . it was very difficult .
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I have regular appointments with a therapist to help me cope with - among many other things - the responsibility of dealing with my mentally ill and now ailing mom. Her neediness has been my responsibility nearly my entire life. No help from other family members. Long story short she is now in a nursing home. A great relief but the therapy is still an important part of having someone to talk to who can help get through it without going crazy.
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Your mom doesn't have the skill set to make 2 or 12 cups of coffee. Sadly, she's lost that. DON'T LET HER MAKE YOU LOSE YOUR SKILL SET!
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I found the answer to hot water for those who can't boil water or use the microwave. There's a $20 pot by proctor silex that I have a pretty crystal creamer, holds about a mugs worth of water next to it, and I pour that water in the hot pot, flip a little switch, and you can hear it boil. It is quicker than a mwave or the stove, I swear. Once you see it boiling (it has a window on the side) you pour it in a cup (with instant coffee or a tea bag) and voila. After less than a minute, it turns itself off, whether there's water in it or not. It will never boil away, it turns off regardless. Don't know how I lived without it.
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Niyah, you are spot on. Sometimes it feels like every decision I make is wrong and mean, when in reality its just protecting my dad and doing what is normal and rational
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And THANK YOU ALL for your comments just reading them and knowing I'm not alone helps me tremendously!
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Problem, I think all of us with a parent with Dementia/Alzhiemers know this deep down. But one day they can and the next day they can't. One day they do whatever u ask of them, the next day they feel they r being bossed round. Its hard to get acclimated when things keep changing. This is the hard part for me.
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My MIL has been seeing people, and she swears they are real. It totally freaks me out.
Today, she started yelling "she's got a knife" and I thought she was talking in her sleep. I am alone with her 12 hours a day, as my husband works an hour away.
I need a break, and there's no one to help, no one. I would love to have someone to talk to.
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I don't know how we do it? We deserve medals -- a purple heart for most days and a silver star for others. Today has been a purple heart day. My mother had her pitchfork out and kept poking me with it. I contradicted everything coming out of my mouth and tried to pick arguments. I took the afternoon off and went to the senior center. I was playing cards with 3 older men (70-80s). Their talk buzzed in my head like so much noise. I think I'm losing it -- too much stress and worry. It's starting to feel like I'm getting dementia. For sure I have attention deficit disorder that just came on these last few years.

I think someone ought to put a new rule in place that after someone is diagnosed with dementia, then one person can only stay with them 2 years before they have to rotate off... and they have to have one day break each week. Sounds like a great new rule. It would be handy, too. If you want to put your LO in AS or a NH, then all you have to say is "It's the rule." No guilt or blame involved.
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Oops -- she contradicted everything coming out of my mouth. (She did it so well that I didn't have to do it. :-)
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It wouldn't be so bad if she was a cheerful person, or at least a
well rounded person; she drains all my energy.
My marriage has been on the shelf, along with my joy.
I wish for a good change.
I pray to God to have her kids pitch in.
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DebinOhio, I will assume MIL has SS. Maybe a little pension? Find a care facility that has respite care. Take her money and pay for a week and get away. We r doing it in Oct for my nieces wedding. Its a 7 hour drive and a two night stay. Not taking Mom who has incontinence problems and can't stay in one place more than an hour. I want to enjoy myself not have to cut someones food.
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Hallucinations...My Mom gets TV, dreams and reality mixed up. I don't turn on News or anything with violence. The old Emergency show has upset her. She thinks vthe explosions and fires are really happening.
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We had a cute capper to the end of the day. My mother was talking about my brother and said that if she ever got to the point where she needed someone to care for her, she knew he would step up. Glad I didn't have a mouth full of coffee when she said that. I would have still been cleaning it off the carpet.

They can say the darnedest things. :-D
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Oh Jessie!
Make sure you share mom's comment with your brother. Just don't have anything in your mouth that will fly off like a projectile, hehehehe. Gotta laugh....crying is NOT an option! :) ;) ♡ + ♡ = AC = Aging Care!
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Thank you JoAnn; I will discuss this with my husband.
It sure would be wonderful to get away.
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I have trouble getting long times of respite. My mother thinks there is nothing wrong with her, so I should be able to take off for a week or two. She tells me to just set the medications up for her and she'll take them. She won't go anywhere and won't let anyone come in. I could go and just leave her to her own devices, as she mentioned, but I know better. It would be like leaving a child home and hoping for the best. Maybe it would be okay, but maybe it wouldn't. And lord knows what she would do with her medication!! It is hard to keep her on track even with me here.
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My mom's medications are a very sore subject. She's very grateful "now", that slowly but surely I am in complete control of them.
How do you manage her meds? What has been tried and true in your case? Should I open a brand new thread for this topic or does anyone else recall this issue?
Tag! You're it!
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Jessie, would your brother be able to give you a two week break? It sounds as though your mom would accept him, even if she would accept "outsiders".

About the "it's the rule" has occured to me that I'm able to tell ( not ask) my mom what's going to happen since i had the good example that she set as HER mother aged. It was clear that my mom and her sister knew what was best for grandma, and although going to rehab, having a lady come in to shower her, etc., were not things that grandma wanted to do, mom would say "i can't care for you unless you cooperate and do this".

We really have to make the rules, and not ask permission...because those rules are enables us not feel like we're going mad.
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Both of my parents had dementia (dad just passed) and I have learned just to agree and try to change the subject as quickly as I could. You do need someone to talk to and breaks now and then. Our hearts go out to you because we know the frustration and patience it takes to handle this horrid disease.
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Different things bother different people. My husband has Parkinsons and dementia. He spills a lot on the counter and on the floor. Everytime I come into the kitchen, the counter is sticky. Deb said she wants to enjoy herself and not have to cut someone's food. I WANT to cut my husband's food, especially when eating out with others around, so he doesn't have to bite off a big piece and maybe spill things. But I get so frustrated when I come into the kitchen and stuff is stuck on the counter because he put a book or pamphlet on a sticky place and now it won't come off. I have gotten used to it when we're alone, which is most of the time, but when company is expected it really upsets me. I know he can't help it and I don't want to make him feel bad, but sometimes I'm not as kind as I want to be.
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I still haven't learned its just easier not to try and explain. Mom needs help in the bathroom. Have told her to call me when she needs to go. I'm just getting out of the shower when she hollers up to me. Get dressed fast, I heard the toilet flush. Got downstairs and she is standing outside the bathroom. She had gone by herself. Asked her why she was calling me if she was done, "because you told me to call you". Yeah, before u go not after. I then tried to explain whyI needed her to call. Waste of time and energy.
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My mom said she was making something to eat for herself. I told her i would run an get a pop..and after she ate i would reach her the computer. She left me a message screamung why was i taking so long...she leaves me messages like this often and at work too.... i am starting to have a tight chest and trouble breathing..... i know no one can bettet the situation but its taking a physical tole....
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