
Available to elderly ..disabled and VA.

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FF raised some issues that reminded me of a few other possibilities.

I assume that you and your husband will jointly hold title to the business and its assets. Back in the 1980s, WBEs (Women Business Enterprises) were gaining momentum in federal contracting, as projects receiving federal funds established minimum WBE participation.

I attended a few NAWBO (National Assn. of Women Business Owners) meetings and was VERY impressed with the professionalism, savvy, acumen, knowledge and networking of the women I met who owned their own businesses, in fields that were highly competitive with traditionally owned businesses. Some were attorneys, accountants, and in other fields where either men were the dominant owners, or corporate entities with boards of directors and the whole big corporation support mechanisms.

You might consider taking this approach, particularly if you want to reach out to the veteran community. I have no idea whether or not the VA requires WBE participation in contracts with caregiving entities, but it's worth consideration.

I think vetting by the VA would go a long way toward establishing a presence in the in-home care community. Just my thought; I haven't done any research on this issue.
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BryanHelen, check with the local Chamber of Commerce and see if there are any Networking Groups that you can join. These groups meet once or twice a month to mingle with other members. Those in the group are there to promote their business, handout business cards, etc. and hopefully get new business. Make sure your business cards indicate that you are licensed, bonded, and insured, or whatever is required in your area.

Advertising one's business isn't easy compared to decades ago when a simple newspaper ad would be enough. Now a days, it is all pretty much social media, and the tons of apps that the younger people use today. Your demography would be the 55+ where homes have grown children caring for their parents or spouse. Also mail out postcards as not everyone 55+ are into computers. Out of all of my cousins who are over 65, hardly anyone even own a computer. Thus mail-outs are good.

Hope everything is a win-win situation for you :)
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97yroldmom, did your brother and anyone in your family file complaints with state agencies for the bologna sandwich place? That whole situation sounds appalling. I don't know how they could manage to stay in business. The state should have shut that place down. Clearly there were many undesirable if not unsatisfactory or illegal actions taking place there. Yikes!

Your suggestion for a gardening program is excellent, and I don't write that only b/c of my screen name. Gardening, at least in that gardening community, is considered very therapeutic. Although I don't remember specifically, I believe it was also incorporated in to Eden Alternative facilities.

Some years ago I saw suggestions for adaptations of gardening for people in wheelchairs, and I believe there is a commercial gardening site that uses 2' or higher elevated beds specifically for wheelchair bound visitors.
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I just wanted to say that a disabled family member (FM) just went into a home care facility that he found through his therapist.The first few months he was the only one there. The home asked his brother for assistance for extra food, though FM was eating high on the hog as we say. They had found they weren't bringing in enough with just one client to make ends meet. He was loving the space because his last home was so horrible. I couldn't believe the brother allowed him to stay at the first one. They now have three more residents and he says things are great so I'm sure once the word gets out it is easier. The FM is a sensitive soul who was with a rough crowd with little to no supervision and where the food was a bologna sandwich each and every day. It was horrible for all of them. No space to put his clothing except in garbage bags on the floor. One resident running around in his diaper and the other residents having to change him. I can't imagine how places like that can stay open and in business. It kills the soul of the resident and has to be rough on the caretakers as well to see such misery is visited upon the innocents of life.
I know the FM went to a day care each day to get away so if you have any of those you might find potential clients there looking for a better home.
Send out notifications that you are open for business to every contact you have and you might find word of mouth will bring you business. Local churches might have bulletin boards you can post on. Your own doctors offices might allow you to leave your card in their waiting room. I often see home health agency cards available to be picked up. Check with the home health agencies also. Think about the type of doctors that your residents might need to go to and call on them. 

I just read through Garden's list. I like the part about setting yourself apart. That would be really easy to do with home cooked nutritious meals (which could be recipes from How Not To Die which is all vegetarian and would be inexpensive and the best thing every offered to your residents in their lives). Offer some kind of exercise program and a healthy sleep environment. Sleep is so important. Some kind of physical and occupational therapy, plus mediation and yoga. You'll have the most well adjusted, healthiest residents and their families will be amazed.

My list could go on and on. See if you can find churches in the neighborhood who would like to adopt your group for special occasions. Have a gardening program to keep your space beautiful and give them an opportunity to touch or at least sit on or walk upon the earth. Set your goals high. Limit TV time. Encourage connection with family if the family is supportive.

Read the book 'Being Mortal' by Atul Gawande. (I could have just said that and it would have been a good answer to your question). He explains many things about the end of life but he also discusses the way NHs and ALFs came into being and where we are today. It's a must read for anyone alive in the US and in your business even more so as you have the chance to make life worth living for all who come under your care. 

So good luck and I hope you find the perfect group for your new home. Please come back and let us know how it goes. It would be encouraging for us to hear about your success.
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You're looking at a situation which many new business owners face: identifying potential clients, means to attract them, as well as a multitude of legal, financial and some medical issues.

First, identify your target areas, which you've done in terms of category, but do so as well for geographic areas.

Second, if you haven't already done a business plan, do one, and/or attend an SBA seminar on small business creation and management.

Third, determine how and where you'll find workers, how you'll train them, what the pay structure will be, etc.

Fourth, identify an accounting firm that help you set up your business. Same with legal - will this company have an assumed name? Will it be an LLC, a corporation?

Fifth, identify what makes your company unique?

Sixth, you're covering broad areas with targeted special populations. How can you find/locate people in each of these populations? Will you advertise, create a website? What will be your claims of experience?

Seventh, you might start with the VA and get the benefit of its experience in managing home care for veterans, then expand into the civilian populations.

BTW, perhaps the most important aspect before going forward is to ensure that you've met local community requirements, whether it's for zoning, licensing, registration as a business, etc. A community that hasn't approved "in home" care can shut you down very quickly.
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